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2553 mac address should be a dladm link property

2330 mac_get_passive_primary_client(mac_impl_t *mip)
2331 {
2332         mac_client_impl_t       *mcip;
2334         for (mcip = mip->mi_clients_list; mcip != NULL;
2335             mcip = mcip->mci_client_next) {
2336                 if (mac_is_primary_client(mcip) &&
2337                     (mcip->mci_flags & MAC_CLIENT_FLAGS_PASSIVE_PRIMARY) != 0) {
2338                         return (mcip);
2339                 }
2340         }
2341         return (NULL);
2342 }
2344 /*
2345  * Add a new unicast address to the MAC client.
2346  *
2347  * The MAC address can be specified either by value, or the MAC client
2348  * can specify that it wants to use the primary MAC address of the
2349  * underlying MAC. See the introductory comments at the beginning
2350  * of this file for more more information on primary MAC addresses.
2351  *
2352  * Note also the tuple (MAC address, VID) must be unique
2353  * for the MAC clients defined on top of the same underlying MAC
2354  * instance, unless the MAC_UNICAST_NODUPCHECK is specified.
2355  *
2356  * In no case can a client use the PVID for the MAC, if the MAC has one set.
2357  */
2358 int
2359 i_mac_unicast_add(mac_client_handle_t mch, uint8_t *mac_addr, uint16_t flags,
2360     mac_unicast_handle_t *mah, uint16_t vid, mac_diag_t *diag)
2361 {
2362         mac_client_impl_t       *mcip = (mac_client_impl_t *)mch;
2363         mac_impl_t              *mip = mcip->mci_mip;
2364         int                     err;
2365         uint_t                  mac_len = mip->mi_type->mt_addr_length;
2366         boolean_t               check_dups = !(flags & MAC_UNICAST_NODUPCHECK);
2367         boolean_t               fastpath_disabled = B_FALSE;
2368         boolean_t               is_primary = (flags & MAC_UNICAST_PRIMARY);
2369         boolean_t               is_unicast_hw = (flags & MAC_UNICAST_HW);
2370         mac_resource_props_t    *mrp;

2330 mac_get_passive_primary_client(mac_impl_t *mip)
2331 {
2332         mac_client_impl_t       *mcip;
2334         for (mcip = mip->mi_clients_list; mcip != NULL;
2335             mcip = mcip->mci_client_next) {
2336                 if (mac_is_primary_client(mcip) &&
2337                     (mcip->mci_flags & MAC_CLIENT_FLAGS_PASSIVE_PRIMARY) != 0) {
2338                         return (mcip);
2339                 }
2340         }
2341         return (NULL);
2342 }
2344 /*
2345  * Add a new unicast address to the MAC client.
2346  *
2347  * The MAC address can be specified either by value, or the MAC client
2348  * can specify that it wants to use the primary MAC address of the
2349  * underlying MAC. See the introductory comments at the beginning
2350  * of this file for more information on primary MAC addresses.
2351  *
2352  * Note also the tuple (MAC address, VID) must be unique
2353  * for the MAC clients defined on top of the same underlying MAC
2354  * instance, unless the MAC_UNICAST_NODUPCHECK is specified.
2355  *
2356  * In no case can a client use the PVID for the MAC, if the MAC has one set.
2357  */
2358 int
2359 i_mac_unicast_add(mac_client_handle_t mch, uint8_t *mac_addr, uint16_t flags,
2360     mac_unicast_handle_t *mah, uint16_t vid, mac_diag_t *diag)
2361 {
2362         mac_client_impl_t       *mcip = (mac_client_impl_t *)mch;
2363         mac_impl_t              *mip = mcip->mci_mip;
2364         int                     err;
2365         uint_t                  mac_len = mip->mi_type->mt_addr_length;
2366         boolean_t               check_dups = !(flags & MAC_UNICAST_NODUPCHECK);
2367         boolean_t               fastpath_disabled = B_FALSE;
2368         boolean_t               is_primary = (flags & MAC_UNICAST_PRIMARY);
2369         boolean_t               is_unicast_hw = (flags & MAC_UNICAST_HW);
2370         mac_resource_props_t    *mrp;