1 #
   3 #
   4 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7 #
   8 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11 # and limitations under the License.
  12 #
  13 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18 #
  20 #
  22 #
  23 # Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  24 # Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  25 #
  27 #
  28 # Exception List for validate_pkg
  29 #
  31 #
  32 # The following entries are built in the /proto area
  33 # but not included in any packages - this is intentional.
  34 #
  35 usr/include/auth_list.h
  36 usr/include/bsm/audit_door_infc.h
  37 usr/include/bsm/audit_private.h
  38 usr/include/bsm/devalloc.h
  39 usr/include/getxby_door.h
  40 usr/include/passwdutil.h
  41 usr/include/priv_utils.h
  42 usr/include/rpcsvc/daemon_utils.h
  43 usr/include/rpcsvc/svc_dg_priv.h
  44 usr/include/security/pam_impl.h
  45 usr/include/sys/clock_impl.h
  46 usr/include/sys/ieeefp.h
  47 usr/include/sys/winlockio.h
  48 usr/include/scsi/plugins/ses/vendor/sun_impl.h
  49 #
  50 # Private/Internal libraries of the Cryptographic Framework.
  51 #
  52 lib/libkcfd.so
  53 lib/llib-lelfsign
  54 lib/llib-lelfsign.ln
  55 lib/llib-lkcfd
  56 lib/llib-lkcfd.ln
  57 usr/include/libelfsign.h
  58 usr/lib/llib-lsoftcrypto
  59 usr/lib/llib-lsoftcrypto.ln
  60 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lsoftcrypto.ln       i386
  61 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lsoftcrypto.ln     sparc
  63 #
  64 # The following files are used by the DHCP service, the
  65 # standalone's DHCP implementation, and the kernel (nfs_dlboot).
  66 # They contain interfaces which are currently private.
  67 #
  68 usr/include/dhcp_svc_confkey.h
  69 usr/include/dhcp_svc_confopt.h
  70 usr/include/dhcp_svc_private.h
  71 usr/include/dhcp_symbol.h
  72 usr/include/sys/sunos_dhcp_class.h
  73 usr/lib/libdhcpsvc.so
  74 usr/lib/llib-ldhcpsvc
  75 usr/lib/llib-ldhcpsvc.ln
  76 #
  77 # Private MAC driver header files
  78 #
  79 usr/include/inet/iptun.h
  80 usr/include/sys/aggr_impl.h
  81 usr/include/sys/aggr.h
  82 usr/include/sys/dld_impl.h
  83 usr/include/sys/dld_ioc.h
  84 usr/include/sys/dls_impl.h
  85 usr/include/sys/dls.h
  86 usr/include/sys/mac_client_impl.h
  87 usr/include/sys/mac_client.h
  88 usr/include/sys/mac_flow_impl.h
  89 usr/include/sys/mac_impl.h
  90 usr/include/sys/mac_soft_ring.h
  91 usr/include/sys/mac_stat.h
  92 #
  93 # Private GLDv3 userland libraries and headers
  94 #
  95 usr/include/libdladm_impl.h
  96 usr/include/libdlaggr.h
  97 usr/include/libdlether.h
  98 usr/include/libdlflow_impl.h
  99 usr/include/libdlflow.h
 100 usr/include/libdliptun.h
 101 usr/include/libdlmgmt.h
 102 usr/include/libdlsim.h
 103 usr/include/libdlstat.h
 104 usr/include/libdlvnic.h
 105 usr/include/libdlwlan_impl.h
 106 usr/include/libdlwlan.h
 107 #
 108 # Virtual Network Interface Card (VNIC)
 109 #
 110 usr/include/sys/vnic.h
 111 usr/include/sys/vnic_impl.h
 112 #
 113 # Private libipadm lint library and header files
 114 #
 115 usr/include/ipadm_ipmgmt.h
 116 usr/include/ipadm_ndpd.h
 117 usr/include/libipadm.h
 118 lib/llib-lipadm
 119 lib/llib-lipadm.ln
 120 lib/libipadm.so
 121 #
 122 # Private libsocket header file
 123 #
 124 usr/include/libsocket_priv.h
 125 #
 126 # IKE and IPsec support library exceptions.  The IKE support
 127 # library contains exclusively private interfaces, as does
 128 # libipsecutil.  My apologies for the glut of header files here.
 129 #
 130 usr/include/errfp.h
 131 usr/include/ikedoor.h
 132 usr/include/ipsec_util.h
 133 usr/lib/libike.so
 134 usr/lib/amd64/libike.so                 i386
 135 usr/lib/sparcv9/libike.so               sparc
 136 usr/lib/libipsecutil.so
 137 usr/lib/amd64/libipsecutil.so           i386
 138 usr/lib/sparcv9/libipsecutil.so         sparc
 139 usr/lib/llib-like
 140 usr/lib/llib-like.ln
 141 usr/lib/amd64/llib-like.ln              i386
 142 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-like.ln            sparc
 143 usr/lib/llib-lipsecutil
 144 usr/lib/llib-lipsecutil.ln
 145 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lipsecutil.ln        i386
 146 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lipsecutil.ln      sparc
 147 #
 148 usr/include/inet/dccp_impl.h
 149 usr/include/inet/ip_impl.h
 150 usr/include/inet/ip_ndp.h
 151 usr/include/inet/ip2mac_impl.h
 152 usr/include/inet/ip2mac.h
 153 usr/include/inet/rawip_impl.h
 154 usr/include/inet/tcp_impl.h
 155 usr/include/inet/udp_impl.h
 156 usr/include/libmail.h
 157 usr/include/libnwam_priv.h
 158 usr/include/protocols/ripngd.h
 159 usr/include/s_string.h
 160 usr/include/sys/logindmux_impl.h
 161 usr/include/sys/vgareg.h
 162 #
 163 # Some IPsec headers can't be shipped lest we hit export controls...
 164 #
 165 usr/include/inet/ipsec_impl.h
 166 usr/include/inet/ipsec_info.h
 167 usr/include/inet/ipsecah.h
 168 usr/include/inet/ipsecesp.h
 169 usr/include/inet/keysock.h
 170 usr/include/inet/sadb.h
 171 usr/include/sys/sha1_consts.h
 172 usr/include/sys/sha2_consts.h
 173 #
 174 #
 175 # Filtering out directories not shipped
 176 #
 177 usr/4lib                                i386
 178 #
 179 # These files contain definitions shared privately between the kernel
 180 # and libc.  There is no reason for them to be part of a package that
 181 # a customer should ever see.  They are installed in the proto area by
 182 # the uts build because libc and and other components, like truss, are
 183 # dependent upon their contents and should not have their own copies.
 184 #
 185 usr/include/sys/libc_kernel.h
 186 usr/include/sys/synch32.h
 187 #
 188 # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libproc for
 189 # the benefit of the builds of cmd/truss, cmd/gcore and cmd/ptools, which
 190 # use libproc as their common process-control library.  These are not
 191 # interfaces for customer use, so the files are excluded from packaging.
 192 #
 193 lib/llib-lproc
 194 lib/llib-lproc.ln
 195 lib/amd64/llib-lproc.ln         i386
 196 lib/sparcv9/llib-lproc.ln       sparc
 197 usr/include/libproc.h
 198 #
 199 # Private interfaces for libdisasm
 200 #
 201 usr/include/libdisasm.h
 202 usr/lib/llib-ldisasm
 203 usr/lib/llib-ldisasm.ln
 204 usr/lib/amd64/llib-ldisasm.ln           i386
 205 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-ldisasm.ln         sparc
 206 #
 207 # Private interfaces for libraidcfg
 208 #
 209 usr/include/raidcfg_spi.h
 210 usr/include/raidcfg.h
 211 usr/lib/libraidcfg.so
 212 usr/lib/amd64/libraidcfg.so             i386
 213 usr/lib/sparcv9/libraidcfg.so           sparc
 214 usr/lib/llib-lraidcfg
 215 usr/lib/llib-lraidcfg.ln
 216 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lraidcfg.ln          i386
 217 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lraidcfg.ln        sparc
 218 #
 219 # This file is used for private communication between mdb, drv/kmdb, and
 220 # misc/kmdb.  The interfaces described herein are not intended for customer
 221 # use, and are thus excluded from packaging.
 222 #
 223 usr/include/sys/kmdb.h
 224 #
 225 # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libdhcpagent
 226 # and libdhcputil for the benefit of DHCP-related networking commands such
 227 # as dhcpagent, dhcpinfo, ifconfig, and netstat.  These are not interfaces
 228 # for customer use, so the files are excluded from packaging.
 229 #
 230 lib/libdhcpagent.so
 231 lib/libdhcputil.so
 232 lib/llib-ldhcpagent
 233 lib/llib-ldhcpagent.ln
 234 lib/llib-ldhcputil
 235 lib/llib-ldhcputil.ln
 236 usr/include/dhcp_hostconf.h
 237 usr/include/dhcp_impl.h
 238 usr/include/dhcp_inittab.h
 239 usr/include/dhcp_stable.h
 240 usr/include/dhcp_symbol_common.h
 241 usr/include/dhcpagent_ipc.h
 242 usr/include/dhcpagent_util.h
 243 usr/include/dhcpmsg.h
 244 usr/lib/libdhcpagent.so
 245 usr/lib/libdhcputil.so
 246 usr/lib/llib-ldhcpagent
 247 usr/lib/llib-ldhcpagent.ln
 248 usr/lib/llib-ldhcputil
 249 usr/lib/llib-ldhcputil.ln
 250 #
 251 # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libinstzones
 252 # and libpkg
 253 #
 254 usr/lib/llib-linstzones
 255 usr/lib/llib-linstzones.ln
 256 usr/lib/llib-lpkg
 257 usr/lib/llib-lpkg.ln
 258 #
 259 # Don't ship header files private to libipmp and in.mpathd
 260 #
 261 usr/include/ipmp_query_impl.h
 262 #
 263 # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libinetsvc,
 264 # an inetd-specific library shared by inetd, inetadm and inetconv. Only
 265 # the shared object is shipped.
 266 #
 267 usr/include/inetsvc.h
 268 usr/lib/libinetsvc.so
 269 usr/lib/llib-linetsvc
 270 usr/lib/llib-linetsvc.ln
 271 #
 272 # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libinetutil,
 273 # a general purpose library for the benefit of internet utilities. Only
 274 # the shared object is shipped.
 275 #
 276 lib/libinetutil.so
 277 lib/amd64/libinetutil.so                i386
 278 lib/sparcv9/libinetutil.so              sparc
 279 lib/llib-linetutil
 280 lib/llib-linetutil.ln
 281 lib/amd64/llib-linetutil.ln             i386
 282 lib/sparcv9/llib-linetutil.ln           sparc
 283 usr/include/libinetutil.h
 284 usr/include/netinet/inetutil.h
 285 usr/include/ofmt.h
 286 usr/lib/libinetutil.so
 287 usr/lib/amd64/libinetutil.so            i386
 288 usr/lib/sparcv9/libinetutil.so          sparc
 289 usr/lib/llib-linetutil
 290 usr/lib/llib-linetutil.ln
 291 usr/lib/amd64/llib-linetutil.ln         i386
 292 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-linetutil.ln       sparc
 293 #
 294 # Miscellaneous kernel interfaces or kernel<->user interfaces that are
 295 # consolidation private and we do not want to export at this time.
 296 #
 297 usr/include/sys/cryptmod.h
 298 usr/include/sys/dumpadm.h
 299 usr/include/sys/ontrap.h
 300 usr/include/sys/sysmsg_impl.h
 301 usr/include/sys/vlan.h
 302 #
 303 # These files are installed in the proto area so lvm can use
 304 # them during the build process.
 305 #
 306 lib/llib-lmeta
 307 lib/llib-lmeta.ln
 308 usr/include/sdssc.h
 309 usr/lib/llib-lmeta
 310 usr/lib/llib-lmeta.ln
 311 #
 312 # non-public pci header
 313 #
 314 usr/include/sys/pci_impl.h
 315 usr/include/sys/pci_tools.h
 316 #
 317 # Exception list for RCM project, included by librcm and rcm_daemon
 318 #
 319 usr/include/librcm_event.h
 320 usr/include/librcm_impl.h
 321 #
 322 # MDB deliverables that are not yet public
 323 #
 324 usr/lib/mdb/proc/mdb_test.so
 325 usr/lib/mdb/proc/sparcv9/mdb_test.so    sparc
 326 #
 327 # SNCA project exception list
 328 #
 329 usr/include/inet/kssl/kssl.h
 330 usr/include/inet/kssl/ksslimpl.h
 331 usr/include/inet/kssl/ksslproto.h
 332 usr/include/inet/nca
 333 #
 334 # these are "removed" from the source product build because the only
 335 # packages that currently deliver them are removed.
 336 # they really should't be in here.
 337 #
 338 etc/sfw
 339 #
 340 # Entries for the libmech_krb5 symlink, which has been included
 341 # for build purposes only, not delivered to customers.
 342 #
 343 usr/lib/gss/libmech_krb5.so
 344 usr/lib/amd64/gss/libmech_krb5.so       i386
 345 usr/lib/sparcv9/gss/libmech_krb5.so     sparc
 346 usr/lib/libmech_krb5.so
 347 usr/lib/amd64/libmech_krb5.so           i386
 348 usr/lib/sparcv9/libmech_krb5.so         sparc
 349 #
 350 # Entries for headers from efcode project which user does not need to see
 351 #
 352 usr/platform/sun4u/include/sys/fc_plat.h                        sparc
 353 usr/platform/sun4u/include/sys/fcode.h                          sparc
 354 #
 355 # Private net80211 headers
 356 #
 357 usr/include/sys/net80211_crypto.h
 358 usr/include/sys/net80211_ht.h
 359 usr/include/sys/net80211_proto.h
 360 usr/include/sys/net80211.h
 361 #
 362 usr/include/net/wpa.h
 363 #
 364 # PPPoE files not delivered to customers.
 365 #
 366 usr/include/net/pppoe.h
 367 usr/include/net/sppptun.h
 368 #
 369 # Simnet
 370 #
 371 usr/include/net/simnet.h
 372 #
 373 # Bridging internal data structures
 374 #
 375 usr/include/net/bridge_impl.h
 376 #
 377 # User<->kernel interface used by cfgadm/USB only
 378 #
 379 usr/include/sys/usb/hubd/hubd_impl.h
 380 #
 381 # User<->kernel interface used by cfgadm/SATA only
 382 #
 383 usr/include/sys/sata/sata_cfgadm.h                      i386
 384 #
 385 # Private ucred kernel header
 386 #
 387 usr/include/sys/ucred.h
 388 #
 389 # Private and/or platform-specific smf(5) files
 390 #
 391 lib/librestart.so
 392 lib/llib-lrestart
 393 lib/llib-lrestart.ln
 394 lib/amd64/llib-lrestart.ln                                      i386
 395 lib/sparcv9/llib-lrestart.ln                                    sparc
 396 usr/include/libcontract_priv.h
 397 usr/include/librestart_priv.h
 398 usr/include/librestart.h
 399 usr/lib/librestart.so
 400 usr/lib/sparcv9/librestart.so                                   sparc
 401 lib/svc/manifest/platform/sun4u                                 i386
 402 lib/svc/manifest/platform/sun4v                                 i386
 403 var/svc/manifest/platform/sun4u                                 i386
 404 var/svc/manifest/platform/sun4v                                 i386
 405 etc/svc/profile/platform_sun4v.xml                              i386
 406 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise.xml              i386
 407 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,Sun-Fire-15000.xml                i386
 408 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,Sun-Fire-880.xml                  i386
 409 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,Sun-Fire-V890.xml                 i386
 410 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,Sun-Fire.xml                      i386
 411 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise-10000.xml        i386
 412 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe-NetraCT-40.xml     i386
 413 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe-NetraCT-60.xml     i386
 414 etc/svc/profile/platform_SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi-Netract.xml        i386
 415 #
 416 # Private libuutil files
 417 #
 418 lib/libuutil.so
 419 lib/llib-luutil
 420 lib/llib-luutil.ln
 421 lib/sparcv9/llib-luutil.ln              sparc
 422 usr/include/libuutil_impl.h
 423 usr/lib/libuutil.so
 424 usr/lib/sparcv9/libuutil.so             sparc
 425 #
 426 # Private Multidata file.
 427 #
 428 usr/include/sys/multidata_impl.h
 429 #
 430 # The following files are used by wanboot.
 431 # They contain interfaces which are currently private.
 432 #
 433 usr/include/sys/wanboot_impl.h
 434 usr/include/wanboot
 435 usr/include/wanbootutil.h
 436 #
 437 # Even though all the objects built under usr/src/stand are later glommed
 438 # together into a couple of second-stage boot loaders, we dump the static
 439 # archives and lint libraries into $(ROOT)/stand for intermediate use
 440 # (e.g., for lint, linking the second-stage boot loaders, ...).  Since
 441 # these are merely intermediate objects, they do not need to be packaged.
 442 #
 443 stand                                   sparc
 444 #
 445 # Private KCF header files
 446 #
 447 usr/include/sys/crypto/elfsign.h
 448 usr/include/sys/crypto/impl.h
 449 usr/include/sys/crypto/ops_impl.h
 450 usr/include/sys/crypto/sched_impl.h
 451 #
 452 # The following files are installed in the proto area
 453 # by the build of libavl (AVL Tree Interface Library).
 454 # libavl contains interfaces which are all private interfaces.
 455 #
 456 lib/libavl.so
 457 lib/amd64/libavl.so             i386
 458 lib/sparcv9/libavl.so           sparc
 459 lib/llib-lavl
 460 lib/llib-lavl.ln
 461 lib/amd64/llib-lavl.ln          i386
 462 lib/sparcv9/llib-lavl.ln        sparc
 463 usr/lib/libavl.so
 464 usr/lib/amd64/libavl.so         i386
 465 usr/lib/sparcv9/libavl.so       sparc
 466 usr/lib/llib-lavl
 467 usr/lib/llib-lavl.ln
 468 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lavl.ln      i386
 469 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lavl.ln    sparc
 470 #
 471 # The following files are installed in the proto area
 472 # by the build of libcmdutils (Command Utilities Library).
 473 # libcmdutils contains interfaces which are all private interfaces.
 474 #
 475 lib/libcmdutils.so
 476 lib/amd64/libcmdutils.so                i386
 477 lib/sparcv9/libcmdutils.so              sparc
 478 lib/llib-lcmdutils
 479 lib/llib-lcmdutils.ln
 480 lib/amd64/llib-lcmdutils.ln             i386
 481 lib/sparcv9/llib-lcmdutils.ln           sparc
 482 usr/include/libcmdutils.h
 483 usr/lib/libcmdutils.so
 484 usr/lib/amd64/libcmdutils.so            i386
 485 usr/lib/sparcv9/libcmdutils.so          sparc
 486 usr/lib/llib-lcmdutils
 487 usr/lib/llib-lcmdutils.ln
 488 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lcmdutils.ln         i386
 489 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lcmdutils.ln       sparc
 490 #
 491 # Private interfaces in libsec
 492 #
 493 usr/include/aclutils.h
 494 #
 495 # USB skeleton driver stays in sync with the rest of USB but doesn't ship.
 496 #
 497 kernel/drv/usbskel              i386
 498 kernel/drv/amd64/usbskel        i386
 499 kernel/drv/sparcv9/usbskel      sparc
 500 kernel/drv/usbskel.conf
 501 #
 502 # Consolidation and Sun private libdevid interfaces
 503 # Public libdevid interfaces provided by devid.h
 504 #
 505 usr/include/sys/libdevid.h
 506 #
 507 # The following files are installed in the proto area by the build of
 508 # libprtdiag.  libprtdiag contains interfaces which are all private.
 509 # Only the shared object is shipped.
 510 #
 511 usr/platform/sun4u/lib/llib-lprtdiag                            sparc
 512 usr/platform/sun4u/lib/llib-lprtdiag.ln                         sparc
 513 usr/platform/sun4v/lib/llib-lprtdiag.ln                         sparc
 514 #
 515 # The following files are installed in the proto area by the build of
 516 # mdesc driver in sun4v. These header files are used on in the build
 517 # and do not need to be shipped to customers.
 518 #
 519 usr/include/sys/mdesc.h                                 sparc
 520 usr/include/sys/mdesc_impl.h                            sparc
 521 usr/platform/sun4v/include/sys/mach_descrip.h           sparc
 522 #
 523 # The following files are installed in the proto area by the build of
 524 # libpcp.  libpcp contains interfaces which are all private.
 525 # Only the shared object is shipped.
 526 #
 527 usr/platform/sun4v/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                             sparc
 528 usr/platform/SUNW,Netra-CP3060/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                 sparc
 529 usr/platform/SUNW,Netra-CP3260/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                 sparc
 530 usr/platform/SUNW,Netra-T5220/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                  sparc
 531 usr/platform/SUNW,Netra-T5440/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                  sparc
 532 usr/platform/SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120/lib/llib-lpcp.ln       sparc
 533 usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Blade-T6300/lib/llib-lpcp.ln              sparc
 534 usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Blade-T6320/lib/llib-lpcp.ln              sparc
 535 usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                sparc
 536 usr/platform/SUNW,T5140/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                        sparc
 537 usr/platform/SUNW,USBRDT-5240/lib/llib-lpcp.ln                  sparc
 538 #
 539 # ZFS internal tools and lint libraries
 540 #
 541 usr/lib/llib-lzfs_jni
 542 usr/lib/llib-lzfs_jni.ln
 543 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lzfs_jni.ln          i386
 544 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lzfs_jni.ln        sparc
 545 usr/lib/llib-lzpool
 546 usr/lib/llib-lzpool.ln                  i386
 547 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lzpool.ln            i386
 548 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lzpool.ln          sparc
 549 #
 550 # ZFS JNI headers
 551 #
 552 usr/include/libzfs_jni_dataset.h
 553 usr/include/libzfs_jni_disk.h
 554 usr/include/libzfs_jni_diskmgt.h
 555 usr/include/libzfs_jni_ipool.h
 556 usr/include/libzfs_jni_main.h
 557 usr/include/libzfs_jni_pool.h
 558 usr/include/libzfs_jni_property.h
 559 usr/include/libzfs_jni_util.h
 560 #
 561 # These files are installed in the proto area for Solaris scsi_vhci driver
 562 # (for MPAPI support) and should not be shipped
 563 #
 564 usr/include/sys/scsi/adapters/mpapi_impl.h
 565 usr/include/sys/scsi/adapters/mpapi_scsi_vhci.h
 566 #
 567 # This library is installed in the proto area by the build of libdisasm, and is
 568 # only used when building the KMDB disasm module.
 569 #
 570 usr/lib/libstanddisasm.so
 571 usr/lib/amd64/libstanddisasm.so         i386
 572 usr/lib/sparcv9/libstanddisasm.so       sparc
 573 #
 574 # TSol: tsol doesn't ship lint source, and tsnet isn't for customers at all.
 575 #
 576 lib/libtsnet.so
 577 usr/lib/llib-ltsnet
 578 usr/lib/llib-ltsol
 579 #
 580 # nss interfaces shared between libnsl and other ON libraries.
 581 #
 582 usr/include/nss.h
 583 #
 584 # AT&T AST (ksh93) files which are currently needed only to build OS/Net
 585 # (msgcc&co.)
 586 # libast
 587 usr/lib/libast.so
 588 usr/lib/amd64/libast.so                 i386
 589 usr/lib/sparcv9/libast.so               sparc
 590 usr/lib/llib-last
 591 usr/lib/llib-last.ln
 592 usr/lib/amd64/llib-last.ln              i386
 593 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-last.ln            sparc
 594 # libcmd
 595 usr/lib/llib-lcmd
 596 usr/lib/llib-lcmd.ln
 597 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lcmd.ln              i386
 598 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lcmd.ln            sparc
 599 # libdll
 600 usr/lib/libdll.so
 601 usr/lib/amd64/libdll.so                 i386
 602 usr/lib/sparcv9/libdll.so               sparc
 603 usr/lib/llib-ldll
 604 usr/lib/llib-ldll.ln
 605 usr/lib/amd64/llib-ldll.ln              i386
 606 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-ldll.ln            sparc
 607 # libpp (a helper library needed by AST's msgcc)
 608 usr/lib/libpp.so
 609 usr/lib/llib-lpp
 610 usr/lib/llib-lpp.ln
 611 usr/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/libpp
 612 # libshell
 613 usr/lib/libshell.so
 614 usr/lib/amd64/libshell.so               i386
 615 usr/lib/sparcv9/libshell.so             sparc
 616 usr/lib/llib-lshell
 617 usr/lib/llib-lshell.ln
 618 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lshell.ln            i386
 619 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lshell.ln          sparc
 620 # libsum
 621 usr/lib/libsum.so
 622 usr/lib/amd64/libsum.so                 i386
 623 usr/lib/sparcv9/libsum.so               sparc
 624 usr/lib/llib-lsum
 625 usr/lib/llib-lsum.ln
 626 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lsum.ln              i386
 627 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lsum.ln            sparc
 628 #
 629 # This file is used in ON to build DSCP clients.  It is not for customers.
 630 #
 631 usr/include/libdscp.h           sparc
 632 #
 633 # These files are used by the iSCSI Target and the iSCSI Initiator
 634 #
 635 usr/include/sys/iscsi_protocol.h
 636 usr/include/sys/iscsi_authclient.h
 637 usr/include/sys/iscsi_authclientglue.h
 638 #
 639 # These files are used by the COMSTAR iSCSI target port provider
 640 #
 641 usr/include/sys/idm
 642 usr/include/sys/iscsit/chap.h
 643 usr/include/sys/iscsit/iscsi_if.h
 644 usr/include/sys/iscsit/isns_protocol.h
 645 usr/include/sys/iscsit/radius_packet.h
 646 usr/include/sys/iscsit/radius_protocol.h
 647 #
 648 # libshare is private and the 64-bit sharemgr is not delivered.
 649 #
 650 usr/lib/libshare.so
 651 usr/lib/amd64/libshare.so               i386
 652 usr/lib/sparcv9/libshare.so             sparc
 653 usr/lib/fs/autofs/libshare_autofs.so
 654 usr/lib/fs/autofs/amd64/libshare_autofs.so              i386
 655 usr/lib/fs/autofs/sparcv9/libshare_autofs.so            sparc
 656 usr/lib/fs/nfs/libshare_nfs.so
 657 usr/lib/fs/nfs/amd64/libshare_nfs.so            i386
 658 usr/lib/fs/nfs/sparcv9/libshare_nfs.so          sparc
 659 usr/lib/fs/smb/libshare_smb.so
 660 usr/lib/fs/smb/amd64/libshare_smb.so            i386
 661 usr/lib/fs/smb/sparcv9/libshare_smb.so          sparc
 662 usr/lib/fs/smbfs/libshare_smbfs.so
 663 usr/lib/fs/smbfs/amd64/libshare_smbfs.so        i386
 664 usr/lib/fs/smbfs/sparcv9/libshare_smbfs.so      sparc
 665 usr/include/libshare_impl.h
 666 usr/include/scfutil.h
 667 #
 668 # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libpri for
 669 # the benefit of the builds of FMA libldom, Zeus, picld plugins, and/or
 670 # other libpri consumers. However, the libpri interfaces are private to
 671 # Sun (Consolidation Private) and not intended for customer use. So these
 672 # files (the symlink and the lint library) are excluded from packaging.
 673 #
 674 usr/lib/libpri.so               sparc
 675 usr/lib/llib-lpri               sparc
 676 usr/lib/llib-lpri.ln            sparc
 677 usr/lib/sparcv9/libpri.so       sparc
 678 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lpri.ln    sparc
 679 #
 680 # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libds for
 681 # the benefit of the builds of sun4v IO FMA and/or other libds
 682 # consumers.  However, the libds interfaces are private to Sun
 683 # (Consolidation Private) and not intended for customer use. So these
 684 # files (the symlink and the lint library) are excluded from packaging.
 685 #
 686 usr/lib/libds.so                        sparc
 687 usr/lib/sparcv9/libds.so                sparc
 688 usr/lib/llib-lds                        sparc
 689 usr/lib/llib-lds.ln                     sparc
 690 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lds.ln             sparc
 691 usr/lib/libdscfg.so
 692 usr/lib/llib-ldscfg.ln
 693 usr/platform/sun4v/include/sys/libds.h  sparc
 694 usr/platform/sun4v/include/sys/vlds.h   sparc
 695 #
 696 # Private/Internal u8_textprep header file. Do not ship.
 697 #
 698 usr/include/sys/u8_textprep_data.h
 699 #
 700 # SQLite is private, used by SMF (svc.configd), idmapd and libsmb.
 701 #
 702 usr/include/sqlite
 703 usr/lib/libsqlite-native.o
 704 usr/lib/libsqlite.o
 705 usr/lib/llib-lsqlite.ln
 706 usr/lib/smbsrv/libsqlite.so
 707 #
 708 # Private/Internal kiconv header files. Do not ship.
 709 #
 710 usr/include/sys/kiconv_big5_utf8.h
 711 usr/include/sys/kiconv_cck_common.h
 712 usr/include/sys/kiconv_cp950hkscs_utf8.h
 713 usr/include/sys/kiconv_emea1.h
 714 usr/include/sys/kiconv_emea2.h
 715 usr/include/sys/kiconv_euckr_utf8.h
 716 usr/include/sys/kiconv_euctw_utf8.h
 717 usr/include/sys/kiconv_gb18030_utf8.h
 718 usr/include/sys/kiconv_gb2312_utf8.h
 719 usr/include/sys/kiconv_hkscs_utf8.h
 720 usr/include/sys/kiconv_ja_jis_to_unicode.h
 721 usr/include/sys/kiconv_ja_unicode_to_jis.h
 722 usr/include/sys/kiconv_ja.h
 723 usr/include/sys/kiconv_ko.h
 724 usr/include/sys/kiconv_latin1.h
 725 usr/include/sys/kiconv_sc.h
 726 usr/include/sys/kiconv_tc.h
 727 usr/include/sys/kiconv_uhc_utf8.h
 728 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_big5.h
 729 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_cp950hkscs.h
 730 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_euckr.h
 731 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_euctw.h
 732 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_gb18030.h
 733 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_gb2312.h
 734 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_hkscs.h
 735 usr/include/sys/kiconv_utf8_uhc.h
 736 #
 737 # At this time, the ttydefs.cleanup file is only useful on sun4u systems
 738 #
 739 etc/flash/postdeployment/ttydefs.cleanup        i386
 740 #
 741 # This header file is shared only between the power commands and
 742 # ppm/srn modules # and should not be in any package
 743 #
 744 usr/include/sys/srn.h
 745 #
 746 # Private/Internal header files of smbsrv. Do not ship.
 747 #
 748 usr/include/smb
 749 usr/include/smbsrv
 750 #
 751 # Private/Internal dtrace scripts of smbsrv. Do not ship.
 752 #
 753 usr/lib/smbsrv/dtrace
 754 #
 755 # Private/Internal (lint) libraries of smbsrv. Do not ship.
 756 #
 757 usr/lib/reparse/llib-lreparse_smb
 758 usr/lib/reparse/llib-lreparse_smb.ln
 759 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lmlrpc
 760 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lmlrpc.ln
 761 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lmlsvc
 762 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lmlsvc.ln
 763 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lsmb
 764 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lsmb.ln
 765 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lsmbns
 766 usr/lib/smbsrv/llib-lsmbns.ln
 767 #
 768 #
 769 # Private/Internal 64-bit libraries of smbsrv. Do not ship.
 770 #
 771 usr/lib/smbsrv/amd64                            i386
 772 usr/lib/smbsrv/sparcv9                          sparc
 774 usr/lib/reparse/amd64/libreparse_smb.so         i386
 775 usr/lib/reparse/amd64/libreparse_smb.so.1       i386
 776 usr/lib/reparse/amd64/llib-lreparse_smb.ln      i386
 777 usr/lib/reparse/sparcv9/libreparse_smb.so       sparc
 778 usr/lib/reparse/sparcv9/libreparse_smb.so.1     sparc
 779 usr/lib/reparse/sparcv9/llib-lreparse_smb.ln    sparc
 780 #
 781 # Private dirent, extended to include flags, for use by SMB server
 782 #
 783 usr/include/sys/extdirent.h
 784 #
 785 # Private header files for vscan service
 786 #
 787 usr/include/libvscan.h
 788 usr/include/sys/vscan.h
 789 #
 790 # libvscan is private
 791 #
 792 usr/lib/vscan/llib-lvscan
 793 usr/lib/vscan/llib-lvscan.ln
 794 #
 795 # i86hvm is not a full platform.  It is just a home for paravirtualized
 796 # drivers.  There is no usr/ component to this sub-platform, but the
 797 # directory is created in the proto area to keep other tools happy.
 798 #
 799 usr/platform/i86hvm                                             i386
 800 #
 801 # Private sdcard framework headers
 802 #
 803 usr/include/sys/sdcard
 804 #
 805 # libsmbfs is private
 806 #
 807 usr/include/netsmb
 808 usr/lib/libsmbfs.so
 809 usr/lib/amd64/libsmbfs.so               i386
 810 usr/lib/sparcv9/libsmbfs.so             sparc
 811 usr/lib/llib-lsmbfs
 812 usr/lib/llib-lsmbfs.ln
 813 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lsmbfs.ln            i386
 814 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lsmbfs.ln          sparc
 815 #
 816 # demo & test program for smbfs (private) ACL support
 817 #
 818 usr/lib/fs/smbfs/chacl
 819 usr/lib/fs/smbfs/lsacl
 820 usr/lib/fs/smbfs/testnp
 821 #
 822 # FC related files
 823 kernel/kmdb/fcip                i386
 824 kernel/kmdb/amd64/fcip          i386
 825 kernel/kmdb/sparcv9/fcip        sparc
 826 kernel/kmdb/fcp                 i386
 827 kernel/kmdb/amd64/fcp           i386
 828 kernel/kmdb/sparcv9/fcp         sparc
 829 kernel/kmdb/fctl                i386
 830 kernel/kmdb/amd64/fctl          i386
 831 kernel/kmdb/sparcv9/fctl        sparc
 832 kernel/kmdb/qlc                 i386
 833 kernel/kmdb/amd64/qlc           i386
 834 kernel/kmdb/sparcv9/qlc         sparc
 835 lib/llib-la5k                   sparc
 836 lib/llib-la5k.ln                sparc
 837 lib/sparcv9/llib-la5k.ln        sparc
 838 lib/llib-lg_fc                  sparc
 839 lib/llib-lg_fc.ln               sparc
 840 lib/sparcv9/llib-lg_fc.ln       sparc
 841 usr/include/a_state.h           sparc
 842 usr/include/a5k.h               sparc
 843 usr/include/exec.h              sparc
 844 usr/include/g_scsi.h            sparc
 845 usr/include/g_state.h           sparc
 846 usr/include/gfc.h               sparc
 847 usr/include/l_common.h          sparc
 848 usr/include/l_error.h           sparc
 849 usr/include/rom.h               sparc
 850 usr/include/stgcom.h            sparc
 851 usr/include/sys/fibre-channel
 852 usr/lib/llib-lHBAAPI
 853 usr/lib/llib-lHBAAPI.ln
 854 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lHBAAPI.ln   i386
 855 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lHBAAPI.ln sparc
 856 #
 857 usr/bin/dscfgcli
 858 usr/bin/sd_diag
 859 usr/bin/sd_stats
 860 usr/include/nsctl.h
 861 usr/include/sys/ncall
 862 usr/include/sys/nsc_ddi.h
 863 usr/include/sys/nsc_thread.h
 864 usr/include/sys/nsctl
 865 usr/include/sys/nskernd.h
 866 usr/include/sys/unistat
 867 usr/lib/libnsctl.so
 868 usr/lib/librdc.so
 869 usr/lib/libunistat.so
 870 usr/lib/llib-lnsctl.ln
 871 usr/lib/llib-lrdc.ln
 872 usr/lib/llib-lunistat.ln
 873 #
 874 # These files are used by the iSCSI initiator only.
 875 # No reason to ship them.
 876 #
 877 usr/include/sys/scsi/adapters/iscsi_door.h
 878 usr/include/sys/scsi/adapters/iscsi_if.h
 879 #
 880 # sbd ioctl hdr
 881 #
 882 usr/include/sys/stmf_sbd_ioctl.h
 883 #
 884 # proxy port provider interface
 885 #
 886 usr/include/sys/pppt_ic_if.h
 887 usr/include/sys/pppt_ioctl.h
 888 #
 889 # proxy daemon lint library
 890 #
 891 usr/lib/llib-lstmfproxy
 892 usr/lib/llib-lstmfproxy.ln
 893 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lstmfproxy.ln        i386
 894 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lstmfproxy.ln      sparc
 895 #
 896 # portable object file and dictionary used by libfmd_msg test
 897 #
 898 usr/lib/fm/dict/TEST.dict
 899 usr/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/TEST.mo
 900 usr/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/TEST.po
 901 #
 902 # Private idmap RPC protocol
 903 #
 904 usr/include/rpcsvc/idmap_prot.h
 905 usr/include/rpcsvc/idmap_prot.x
 906 #
 907 # Private idmap directory API
 908 #
 909 usr/include/directory.h
 910 #
 911 # librstp is private for bridging
 912 #
 913 usr/include/stp_bpdu.h
 914 usr/include/stp_in.h
 915 usr/include/stp_vectors.h
 916 usr/lib/librstp.so
 917 usr/lib/llib-lrstp
 918 usr/lib/llib-lrstp.ln
 919 #
 920 # Private nvfru API
 921 #
 922 usr/include/nvfru.h
 923 #
 924 # vrrp
 925 #
 926 usr/include/libvrrpadm.h
 927 usr/lib/libvrrpadm.so
 928 usr/lib/amd64/libvrrpadm.so             i386
 929 usr/lib/sparcv9/libvrrpadm.so           sparc
 930 usr/lib/llib-lvrrpadm
 931 usr/lib/llib-lvrrpadm.ln
 932 usr/lib/amd64/llib-lvrrpadm.ln          i386
 933 usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-lvrrpadm.ln        sparc
 934 #
 935 # This is only used during the -t tools build
 936 #
 937 opt/onbld/bin/i386/elfsign      i386
 938 opt/onbld/bin/sparc/elfsign     sparc
 940 #
 941 # Private libdwarf
 942 #
 943 opt/onbld/lib/i386/libdwarf.so  i386
 944 opt/onbld/lib/sparc/libdwarf.so sparc
 946 #
 947 # Private socket filter API
 948 #
 949 usr/include/sys/sockfilter.h
 950 #
 951 # We don't actually validate license action payloads, and the license
 952 # staging area is provided as a separate basedir for package
 953 # publication.  The net result is that everything therein should be
 954 # ignored for packaging validation.
 955 #
 956 licenses
 957 # Libbe is private
 958 #
 959 usr/include/libbe_priv.h