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4896 Performance improvements for KCF AES modes

  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright (c) 2009 Intel Corporation
  24  * All Rights Reserved.
  25  */
  26 /*
  27  * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  28  * Use is subject to license terms.
  29  */

  31 /*
  32  * Accelerated GHASH implementation with Intel PCLMULQDQ-NI
  33  * instructions.  This file contains an accelerated
  34  * Galois Field Multiplication implementation.
  35  *
  36  * PCLMULQDQ is used to accelerate the most time-consuming part of GHASH,
  37  * carry-less multiplication. More information about PCLMULQDQ can be
  38  * found at:
  39  *
  40  * carry-less-multiplication-and-its-usage-for-computing-the-gcm-mode/
  41  *
  42  */
  44 /*
  45  * ====================================================================
  46  * OpenSolaris OS modifications
  47  *
  48  * This source originates as file galois_hash_asm.c from
  49  * Intel Corporation dated September 21, 2009.

  73  *
  74  * 7. Renamed function and reordered parameters to match OpenSolaris:
  75  * Intel interface:
  76  *      void galois_hash_asm(unsigned char *hk, unsigned char *s,
  77  *              unsigned char *d, int length)
  78  * OpenSolaris OS interface:
  79  *      void gcm_mul_pclmulqdq(uint64_t *x_in, uint64_t *y, uint64_t *res);
  80  * ====================================================================
  81  */
  84 #if defined(lint) || defined(__lint)
  86 #include <sys/types.h>
  88 /* ARGSUSED */
  89 void
  90 gcm_mul_pclmulqdq(uint64_t *x_in, uint64_t *y, uint64_t *res) {
  91 }

  93 #else   /* lint */
  95 #include <sys/asm_linkage.h>
  96 #include <sys/controlregs.h>
  97 #ifdef _KERNEL
  98 #include <sys/machprivregs.h>
  99 #endif
 101 #ifdef _KERNEL
 102         /*
 103          * Note: the CLTS macro clobbers P2 (%rsi) under i86xpv.  That is,
 104          * it calls HYPERVISOR_fpu_taskswitch() which modifies %rsi when it
 105          * uses it to pass P2 to syscall.
 106          * This also occurs with the STTS macro, but we don't care if
 107          * P2 (%rsi) is modified just before function exit.
 108          * The CLTS and STTS macros push and pop P1 (%rdi) already.
 109          */
 110 #ifdef __xpv
 111 #define PROTECTED_CLTS \
 112         push    %rsi; \
 113         CLTS; \
 114         pop     %rsi
 115 #else
 116 #define PROTECTED_CLTS \
 117         CLTS
 118 #endif  /* __xpv */
 120         /*
 121          * If CR0_TS is not set, align stack (with push %rbp) and push
 122          * %xmm0 - %xmm10 on stack, otherwise clear CR0_TS
 123          */
 124 #define CLEAR_TS_OR_PUSH_XMM_REGISTERS(tmpreg) \
 125         push    %rbp; \
 126         mov     %rsp, %rbp; \
 127         movq    %cr0, tmpreg; \
 128         testq   $CR0_TS, tmpreg; \
 129         jnz     1f; \
 130         and     $-XMM_ALIGN, %rsp; \
 131         sub     $[XMM_SIZE * 11], %rsp; \
 132         movaps  %xmm0, 160(%rsp); \
 133         movaps  %xmm1, 144(%rsp); \
 134         movaps  %xmm2, 128(%rsp); \
 135         movaps  %xmm3, 112(%rsp); \
 136         movaps  %xmm4, 96(%rsp); \
 137         movaps  %xmm5, 80(%rsp); \
 138         movaps  %xmm6, 64(%rsp); \
 139         movaps  %xmm7, 48(%rsp); \
 140         movaps  %xmm8, 32(%rsp); \
 141         movaps  %xmm9, 16(%rsp); \
 142         movaps  %xmm10, (%rsp); \
 143         jmp     2f; \
 144 1: \
 145         PROTECTED_CLTS; \
 146 2:
 149         /*
 150          * If CR0_TS was not set above, pop %xmm0 - %xmm10 off stack,
 151          * otherwise set CR0_TS.
 152          */
 153 #define SET_TS_OR_POP_XMM_REGISTERS(tmpreg) \
 154         testq   $CR0_TS, tmpreg; \
 155         jnz     1f; \
 156         movaps  (%rsp), %xmm10; \
 157         movaps  16(%rsp), %xmm9; \
 158         movaps  32(%rsp), %xmm8; \
 159         movaps  48(%rsp), %xmm7; \
 160         movaps  64(%rsp), %xmm6; \
 161         movaps  80(%rsp), %xmm5; \
 162         movaps  96(%rsp), %xmm4; \
 163         movaps  112(%rsp), %xmm3; \
 164         movaps  128(%rsp), %xmm2; \
 165         movaps  144(%rsp), %xmm1; \
 166         movaps  160(%rsp), %xmm0; \
 167         jmp     2f; \
 168 1: \
 169         STTS(tmpreg); \
 170 2: \
 171         mov     %rbp, %rsp; \
 172         pop     %rbp
 175 #else
 176 #define PROTECTED_CLTS
 177 #define CLEAR_TS_OR_PUSH_XMM_REGISTERS(tmpreg)
 178 #define SET_TS_OR_POP_XMM_REGISTERS(tmpreg)
 179 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
 181 /*
 182  * Use this mask to byte-swap a 16-byte integer with the pshufb instruction
 183  */
 185 // static uint8_t byte_swap16_mask[] = {
 186 //       15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ,5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
 187 .text
 188 .align XMM_ALIGN

 189 .Lbyte_swap16_mask:
 190         .byte   15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0



 194 /*
 195  * void gcm_mul_pclmulqdq(uint64_t *x_in, uint64_t *y, uint64_t *res);
 196  *
 197  * Perform a carry-less multiplication (that is, use XOR instead of the
 198  * multiply operator) on P1 and P2 and place the result in P3.
 199  *
 200  * Byte swap the input and the output.
 201  *
 202  * Note: x_in, y, and res all point to a block of 20-byte numbers
 203  * (an array of two 64-bit integers).
 204  *
 205  * Note2: For kernel code, caller is responsible for ensuring
 206  * kpreempt_disable() has been called.  This is because %xmm registers are
 207  * not saved/restored.  Clear and set the CR0.TS bit on entry and exit,
 208  * respectively, if TS is set on entry.  Otherwise, if TS is not set,
 209  * save and restore %xmm registers on the stack.
 210  *
 211  * Note3: Original Intel definition:
 212  * void galois_hash_asm(unsigned char *hk, unsigned char *s,
 213  *      unsigned char *d, int length)
 214  *
 215  * Note4: Register/parameter mapping:
 216  * Intel:
 217  *      Parameter 1: %rcx (copied to %xmm0)     hk or x_in
 218  *      Parameter 2: %rdx (copied to %xmm1)     s or y
 219  *      Parameter 3: %rdi (result)              d or res
 220  * OpenSolaris:
 221  *      Parameter 1: %rdi (copied to %xmm0)     x_in
 222  *      Parameter 2: %rsi (copied to %xmm1)     y
 223  *      Parameter 3: %rdx (result)              res
 224  */
 226 ENTRY_NP(gcm_mul_pclmulqdq)
 229         //
 230         // Copy Parameters
 231         //
 232         movdqu  (%rdi), %xmm0   // P1
 233         movdqu  (%rsi), %xmm1   // P2
 235         //
 236         // Byte swap 16-byte input
 237         //
 238         lea     .Lbyte_swap16_mask(%rip), %rax
 239         movaps  (%rax), %xmm10
 240         pshufb  %xmm10, %xmm0
 241         pshufb  %xmm10, %xmm1
 244         //
 245         // Multiply with the hash key
 246         //
 247         movdqu  %xmm0, %xmm3
 248         pclmulqdq $0, %xmm1, %xmm3      // xmm3 holds a0*b0

 313         pxor    %xmm4, %xmm2    // xor the shifted versions
 314         pxor    %xmm5, %xmm2
 315         pxor    %xmm8, %xmm2
 316         pxor    %xmm2, %xmm3
 317         pxor    %xmm3, %xmm6    // the result is in xmm6
 319         //
 320         // Byte swap 16-byte result
 321         //
 322         pshufb  %xmm10, %xmm6   // %xmm10 has the swap mask
 324         //
 325         // Store the result
 326         //
 327         movdqu  %xmm6, (%rdx)   // P3
 330         //
 331         // Cleanup and Return
 332         //
 333         SET_TS_OR_POP_XMM_REGISTERS(%r10)
 334         ret
 335         SET_SIZE(gcm_mul_pclmulqdq)
 337 #endif  /* lint || __lint */

  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright (c) 2009 Intel Corporation
  24  * All Rights Reserved.
  25  */
  26 /*
  27  * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  28  * Use is subject to license terms.
  29  */
  30 /*
  31  * Copyright 2015 by Saso Kiselkov. All rights reserved.
  32  */
  34 /*
  35  * Accelerated GHASH implementation with Intel PCLMULQDQ-NI
  36  * instructions.  This file contains an accelerated
  37  * Galois Field Multiplication implementation.
  38  *
  39  * PCLMULQDQ is used to accelerate the most time-consuming part of GHASH,
  40  * carry-less multiplication. More information about PCLMULQDQ can be
  41  * found at:
  42  *
  43  * carry-less-multiplication-and-its-usage-for-computing-the-gcm-mode/
  44  *
  45  */
  47 /*
  48  * ====================================================================
  49  * OpenSolaris OS modifications
  50  *
  51  * This source originates as file galois_hash_asm.c from
  52  * Intel Corporation dated September 21, 2009.

  76  *
  77  * 7. Renamed function and reordered parameters to match OpenSolaris:
  78  * Intel interface:
  79  *      void galois_hash_asm(unsigned char *hk, unsigned char *s,
  80  *              unsigned char *d, int length)
  81  * OpenSolaris OS interface:
  82  *      void gcm_mul_pclmulqdq(uint64_t *x_in, uint64_t *y, uint64_t *res);
  83  * ====================================================================
  84  */
  87 #if defined(lint) || defined(__lint)
  89 #include <sys/types.h>
  91 /* ARGSUSED */
  92 void
  93 gcm_mul_pclmulqdq(uint64_t *x_in, uint64_t *y, uint64_t *res) {
  94 }
  96 #ifdef  _KERNEL
  97 /*ARGSUSED*/
  98 void
  99 gcm_intel_save(void *savestate)
 100 {
 101 }
 103 /*ARGSUSED*/
 104 void
 105 gcm_accel_restore(void *savestate)
 106 {
 107 }
 108 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
 110 #else   /* lint */
 112 #include <sys/asm_linkage.h>
 113 #include <sys/controlregs.h>
 114 #ifdef _KERNEL
 115 #include <sys/machprivregs.h>
 116 #endif
 118 #ifdef _KERNEL
 119         /*
 120          * Note: the CLTS macro clobbers P2 (%rsi) under i86xpv.  That is,
 121          * it calls HYPERVISOR_fpu_taskswitch() which modifies %rsi when it
 122          * uses it to pass P2 to syscall.
 123          * This also occurs with the STTS macro, but we don't care if
 124          * P2 (%rsi) is modified just before function exit.
 125          * The CLTS and STTS macros push and pop P1 (%rdi) already.
 126          */
 127 #ifdef __xpv
 128 #define PROTECTED_CLTS \
 129         push    %rsi; \
 130         CLTS; \
 131         pop     %rsi
 132 #else
 133 #define PROTECTED_CLTS \
 134         CLTS
 135 #endif  /* __xpv */

 136 #endif  /* _KERNEL */

 138 .text
 139 .align XMM_ALIGN
 140 /*
 141  * Use this mask to byte-swap a 16-byte integer with the pshufb instruction:
 142  * static uint8_t byte_swap16_mask[] = {
 143  *      15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ,5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
 144  */
 145 .Lbyte_swap16_mask:
 146         .byte   15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
 148 #ifdef  _KERNEL
 149 /*
 150  * void gcm_intel_save(void *savestate)
 151  *
 152  * Saves the XMM0--XMM14 registers and CR0 to a temporary location pointed
 153  * to in the first argument and clears TS in CR0. This must be invoked before
 154  * executing accelerated GCM computations inside the kernel (and kernel
 155  * thread preemption must be disabled as well). The memory region to which
 156  * all state is saved must be at least 16x 128-bit + 64-bit long and must
 157  * be 128-bit aligned.
 158  */
 159 ENTRY_NP(gcm_accel_save)
 160         movq    %cr0, %rax
 161         movq    %rax, 0x100(%rdi)
 162         testq   $CR0_TS, %rax
 163         jnz     1f
 164         /* FPU is in use, save registers */
 165         movaps  %xmm0, 0x00(%rdi)
 166         movaps  %xmm1, 0x10(%rdi)
 167         movaps  %xmm2, 0x20(%rdi)
 168         movaps  %xmm3, 0x30(%rdi)
 169         movaps  %xmm4, 0x40(%rdi)
 170         movaps  %xmm5, 0x50(%rdi)
 171         movaps  %xmm6, 0x60(%rdi)
 172         movaps  %xmm7, 0x70(%rdi)
 173         movaps  %xmm8, 0x80(%rdi)
 174         movaps  %xmm9, 0x90(%rdi)
 175         movaps  %xmm10, 0xa0(%rdi)
 176         movaps  %xmm11, 0xb0(%rdi)
 177         movaps  %xmm12, 0xc0(%rdi)
 178         movaps  %xmm13, 0xd0(%rdi)
 179         movaps  %xmm14, 0xe0(%rdi)
 180         movaps  %xmm15, 0xf0(%rdi)
 181         ret
 182 1:
 183         PROTECTED_CLTS
 184         ret
 185         SET_SIZE(gcm_accel_save)
 187 /*
 188  * void gcm_accel_restore(void *savestate)
 189  *
 190  * Restores the saved XMM and CR0.TS state from aes_accel_save.
 191  */
 192 ENTRY_NP(gcm_accel_restore)
 193         movq    0x100(%rdi), %rax
 194         testq   $CR0_TS, %rax
 195         jnz     1f
 196         movaps  0x00(%rdi), %xmm0
 197         movaps  0x10(%rdi), %xmm1
 198         movaps  0x20(%rdi), %xmm2
 199         movaps  0x30(%rdi), %xmm3
 200         movaps  0x40(%rdi), %xmm4
 201         movaps  0x50(%rdi), %xmm5
 202         movaps  0x60(%rdi), %xmm6
 203         movaps  0x70(%rdi), %xmm7
 204         movaps  0x80(%rdi), %xmm8
 205         movaps  0x90(%rdi), %xmm9
 206         movaps  0xa0(%rdi), %xmm10
 207         movaps  0xb0(%rdi), %xmm11
 208         movaps  0xc0(%rdi), %xmm12
 209         movaps  0xd0(%rdi), %xmm13
 210         movaps  0xe0(%rdi), %xmm14
 211         movaps  0xf0(%rdi), %xmm15
 212         ret
 213 1:
 214         STTS(%rax)
 215         ret
 216         SET_SIZE(gcm_accel_restore)
 218 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
 220 /*
 221  * void gcm_mul_pclmulqdq(uint64_t *x_in, uint64_t *y, uint64_t *res);
 222  *
 223  * Perform a carry-less multiplication (that is, use XOR instead of the
 224  * multiply operator) on P1 and P2 and place the result in P3.
 225  *
 226  * Byte swap the input and the output.
 227  *
 228  * Note: x_in, y, and res all point to a block of 16-byte numbers
 229  * (an array of two 64-bit integers).
 230  *
 231  * Note2: For kernel code, caller is responsible for bracketing this call with
 232  * disabling kernel thread preemption and calling gcm_accel_save/restore().

 233  *
 234  * Note3: Original Intel definition:
 235  * void galois_hash_asm(unsigned char *hk, unsigned char *s,
 236  *      unsigned char *d, int length)
 237  *
 238  * Note4: Register/parameter mapping:
 239  * Intel:
 240  *      Parameter 1: %rcx (copied to %xmm0)     hk or x_in
 241  *      Parameter 2: %rdx (copied to %xmm1)     s or y
 242  *      Parameter 3: %rdi (result)              d or res
 243  * OpenSolaris:
 244  *      Parameter 1: %rdi (copied to %xmm0)     x_in
 245  *      Parameter 2: %rsi (copied to %xmm1)     y
 246  *      Parameter 3: %rdx (result)              res
 247  */
 249 ENTRY_NP(gcm_mul_pclmulqdq)

 250         //
 251         // Copy Parameters
 252         //
 253         movdqu  (%rdi), %xmm0   // P1
 254         movdqu  (%rsi), %xmm1   // P2
 256         //
 257         // Byte swap 16-byte input
 258         //
 259         lea     .Lbyte_swap16_mask(%rip), %rax
 260         movaps  (%rax), %xmm10
 261         pshufb  %xmm10, %xmm0
 262         pshufb  %xmm10, %xmm1
 265         //
 266         // Multiply with the hash key
 267         //
 268         movdqu  %xmm0, %xmm3
 269         pclmulqdq $0, %xmm1, %xmm3      // xmm3 holds a0*b0

 334         pxor    %xmm4, %xmm2    // xor the shifted versions
 335         pxor    %xmm5, %xmm2
 336         pxor    %xmm8, %xmm2
 337         pxor    %xmm2, %xmm3
 338         pxor    %xmm3, %xmm6    // the result is in xmm6
 340         //
 341         // Byte swap 16-byte result
 342         //
 343         pshufb  %xmm10, %xmm6   // %xmm10 has the swap mask
 345         //
 346         // Store the result
 347         //
 348         movdqu  %xmm6, (%rdx)   // P3
 351         //
 352         // Cleanup and Return
 353         //

 354         ret
 355         SET_SIZE(gcm_mul_pclmulqdq)
 357 #endif  /* lint || __lint */