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smf: switch to a tri-state for process-security properties true=on,false=off,nil=default

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man5/security-flags.5
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man5/security-flags.5
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  71   71  Make the userspace stack non-executable (\fBNOEXECSTACK\fR)
  72   72  .ad
  73   73  .RS 11n
  74   74  The stack will be mapped without executable permission, and attempts to
  75   75  execute it will fault.
  76   76  .RE
  77   77  
  78   78  System default security-flags are configured via properties on the
  79   79  \fBsvc:/system/process-security\fR service, which contains a boolean property
  80   80  per-flag in the \fBdefault\fR, \fBlower\fR and \fBupper\fR, property groups.
  81      -For example, to enable ASLR by default you would execute the following
  82      -commands:
       81 +The value indicates the setting of the flag, flags with no value take their
       82 +defaults.  For example, to enable ASLR by default you would execute the
       83 +following commands:
  83   84  .sp
  84   85  .in +2
  85   86  .nf
  86   87  # svccfg -s svc:/system/process-security setprop default/aslr = true
  87   88  .fi
  88   89  .in -2
  89   90  .sp
  90   91  .P
       92 +To restore the setting to the defaults you would execute:
       93 +.sp
       94 +2
       96 +# svccfg -s svc:/system/process-security delpropvalue default/aslr true
       98 -2
       99 +.sp
      100 +.P
  91  101  This can be done by any user with the \fBsolaris.smf.value.process-security\fR
  92  102  authorization.
  93  103  .P
  94  104  Since security-flags are strictly inherited, this will not take effect until
  95  105  the system or zone is next booted.
  96  106  
  97  107  .SH "SEE ALSO"
  98  108  .BR psecflags (1),
  99  109  .BR svccfg (1M),
 100  110  .BR brk (2),
 101  111  .BR exec (2),
 102  112  .BR mmap (2),
 103  113  .BR mmapobj (2),
 104  114  .BR privileges (5),
 105  115  .BR rbac (5)