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don't pass in lint libraries which no longer exist

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libshare/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libshare/
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  30   30  OBJECTS =       $(LIBOBJS) $(OTHOBJS)
  31   31  
  32   32  include ../../Makefile.lib
  33   33  SRCDIR =        ../common
  34   34  
  35   35  LIBSRCS =       $(LIBOBJS:%.o=$(SRCDIR)/%.c)
  36   36  # we don't want to lint the sharetab and nfs_sec files
  37   37  lintcheck := SRCS = $(LIBSRCS)
  38   38  
  39   39  LIBS =          $(DYNLIB) $(LINTLIB)
  40      -LDLIBS +=       -lc -lnsl -lscf -lzfs -luuid -lxml2 -lnvpair
       40 +LDLIBS +=       -lc -lnsl -lscf -lzfs -luuid -lnvpair
  41   41  $(LINTLIB) :=   SRCS = $(SRCDIR)/$(LINTSRC)
  42   42  
       43 +# libxml2 has no lint library, so we can only use it when building
       44 +$(DYNLIB) := LDLIBS += -lxml2
       45 +
  43   46  #add nfs/lib directory as part of the include path
  44   47  CFLAGS +=       $(CCVERBOSE)
  45   48  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  46   49  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
  47   50  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-switch
  48   51  CPPFLAGS +=     -D_REENTRANT -I$(NFSLIB_DIR) \
  49   52                  -I$(ADJUNCT_PROTO)/usr/include/libxml2
  50   53  
  51   54  .KEEP_STATE:
  52   55  
  53   56  all: $(LIBS)
  54   57  
  55   58  lint: lintcheck
  56   59  
  57   60  pics/%.o:       $(NFSLIB_DIR)/%.c
  58   61          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  59   62          $(POST_PROCESS_O)
  60   63  
  61   64  include ../../Makefile.targ