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8609 want a position independent CRT

  31  * These crt*.o modules are provided as the bare minimum required
  32  * from a crt*.o for inclusion in building low level system
  33  * libraries.  The are only be to included in libraries which
  34  * contain *no* C++ code and want to avoid the startup code
  35  * that the C++ runtime has introduced into the crt*.o modules.
  36  *
  37  * For further details - see bug#4433015
  38  */
  40         .file   "crti.s"
  42 /*
  43  * Note that when _init and _fini are called the stack needs to be 16-byte
  44  * aligned with a 4-byte bias.  See comment in lib/libc/i386/gen/makectxt.c.
  45  *
  46  * Note: If you change it, you need to change it in the following files as
  47  * well:
  48  *
  49  *  - lib/libc/i386/threads/machdep.c
  50  *  - lib/libc/i386/gen/makectxt.c
  51  *  - lib/common/i386/crt1.s
  52  */
  54 /*
  55  * _init function prologue
  56  */
  57         .section        .init,"ax"
  58         .globl  _init
  59         .type   _init,@function
  60         .align  16
  61 _init:
  62         pushl   %ebp
  63         movl    %esp, %ebp
  64         andl    $-16,%esp
  65         subl    $12,%esp
  66         pushl   %ebx
  67         call    .L1
  68 .L1:    popl    %ebx
  69         addl    $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-.L1], %ebx
  71 /*

  31  * These crt*.o modules are provided as the bare minimum required
  32  * from a crt*.o for inclusion in building low level system
  33  * libraries.  The are only be to included in libraries which
  34  * contain *no* C++ code and want to avoid the startup code
  35  * that the C++ runtime has introduced into the crt*.o modules.
  36  *
  37  * For further details - see bug#4433015
  38  */
  40         .file   "crti.s"
  42 /*
  43  * Note that when _init and _fini are called the stack needs to be 16-byte
  44  * aligned with a 4-byte bias.  See comment in lib/libc/i386/gen/makectxt.c.
  45  *
  46  * Note: If you change it, you need to change it in the following files as
  47  * well:
  48  *
  49  *  - lib/libc/i386/threads/machdep.c
  50  *  - lib/libc/i386/gen/makectxt.c
  51  *  - lib/crt/i86/mach-crt1.s
  52  */
  54 /*
  55  * _init function prologue
  56  */
  57         .section        .init,"ax"
  58         .globl  _init
  59         .type   _init,@function
  60         .align  16
  61 _init:
  62         pushl   %ebp
  63         movl    %esp, %ebp
  64         andl    $-16,%esp
  65         subl    $12,%esp
  66         pushl   %ebx
  67         call    .L1
  68 .L1:    popl    %ebx
  69         addl    $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-.L1], %ebx
  71 /*