1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi>, Espoo, Finland
   3  *                    All rights reserved
   4  *
   5  * As far as I am concerned, the code I have written for this software
   6  * can be used freely for any purpose.  Any derived versions of this
   7  * software must be clearly marked as such, and if the derived work is
   8  * incompatible with the protocol description in the RFC file, it must be
   9  * called by a name other than "ssh" or "Secure Shell".
  10  */
  11 /*
  12  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  13  * Use is subject to license terms.
  14  */
  16 #include "includes.h"
  17 RCSID("$OpenBSD: auth1.c,v 1.44 2002/09/26 11:38:43 markus Exp $");
  19 #include "xmalloc.h"
  20 #include "rsa.h"
  21 #include "ssh1.h"
  22 #include "packet.h"
  23 #include "buffer.h"
  24 #include "mpaux.h"
  25 #include "log.h"
  26 #include "servconf.h"
  27 #include "compat.h"
  28 #include "auth.h"
  29 #include "channels.h"
  30 #include "session.h"
  31 #include "uidswap.h"
  33 #ifdef HAVE_BSM
  34 #include "bsmaudit.h"
  35 extern adt_session_data_t *ah;
  36 #endif /* HAVE_BSM */
  38 /* import */
  39 extern ServerOptions options;
  41 /*
  42  * convert ssh auth msg type into description
  43  */
  44 static char *
  45 get_authname(int type)
  46 {
  47         static char buf[1024];
  48         switch (type) {
  49         case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD:
  50                 return "password";
  51         case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RSA:
  52                 return "rsa";
  53         case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS_RSA:
  54                 return "rhosts-rsa";
  55         case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS:
  56                 return "rhosts";
  57         case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS:
  58         case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS_RESPONSE:
  59                 return "challenge-response";
  60 #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5)
  61         case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_KERBEROS:
  62                 return "kerberos";
  63 #endif
  64         }
  65         snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "bad-auth-msg-%d", type);
  66         return buf;
  67 }
  69 /*
  70  * read packets, try to authenticate the user and
  71  * return only if authentication is successful
  72  */
  73 static void
  74 do_authloop(Authctxt *authctxt)
  75 {
  76         int authenticated = 0;
  77         u_int bits;
  78         Key *client_host_key;
  79         BIGNUM *n;
  80         char *client_user, *password;
  81         char info[1024];
  82         u_int dlen;
  83         u_int ulen;
  84         int type = 0;
  85         struct passwd *pw = authctxt->pw;
  87         debug("Attempting authentication for %s%.100s.",
  88             authctxt->valid ? "" : "illegal user ", authctxt->user);
  90         /* If the user has no password, accept authentication immediately. */
  91         if (options.password_authentication &&
  92 #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5)
  93             (!options.kerberos_authentication || options.kerberos_or_local_passwd) &&
  94 #endif
  95             auth_password(authctxt, "")) {
  96                 auth_log(authctxt, 1, "without authentication", "");
  97                 return;
  98         }
 100         /* Indicate that authentication is needed. */
 101         packet_start(SSH_SMSG_FAILURE);
 102         packet_send();
 103         packet_write_wait();
 105         client_user = NULL;
 107         for ( ;; ) {
 108                 /* default to fail */
 109                 authenticated = 0;
 111                 info[0] = '\0';
 113                 /* Get a packet from the client. */
 114                 authctxt->v1_auth_type = type = packet_read();
 115                 authctxt->v1_auth_name = get_authname(type);
 117                 authctxt->attempt++;
 119                 /* Process the packet. */
 120                 switch (type) {
 122 #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5)
 123                 case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_KERBEROS:
 124                         if (!options.kerberos_authentication) {
 125                                 verbose("Kerberos authentication disabled.");
 126                         } else {
 127                                 char *kdata = packet_get_string(&dlen);
 128                                 packet_check_eom();
 130                                 if (kdata[0] == 4) { /* KRB_PROT_VERSION */
 131 #ifdef KRB4
 132                                         KTEXT_ST tkt, reply;
 133                                         tkt.length = dlen;
 134                                         if (tkt.length < MAX_KTXT_LEN)
 135                                                 memcpy(tkt.dat, kdata, tkt.length);
 137                                         if (auth_krb4(authctxt, &tkt,
 138                                             &client_user, &reply)) {
 139                                                 authenticated = 1;
 140                                                 snprintf(info, sizeof(info),
 141                                                     " tktuser %.100s",
 142                                                     client_user);
 144                                                 packet_start(
 145                                                     SSH_SMSG_AUTH_KERBEROS_RESPONSE);
 146                                                 packet_put_string((char *)
 147                                                     reply.dat, reply.length);
 148                                                 packet_send();
 149                                                 packet_write_wait();
 150                                         }
 151 #endif /* KRB4 */
 152                                 } else {
 153 #ifdef KRB5
 154                                         krb5_data tkt, reply;
 155                                         tkt.length = dlen;
 156                                         tkt.data = kdata;
 158                                         if (auth_krb5(authctxt, &tkt,
 159                                             &client_user, &reply)) {
 160                                                 authenticated = 1;
 161                                                 snprintf(info, sizeof(info),
 162                                                     " tktuser %.100s",
 163                                                     client_user);
 165                                                 /* Send response to client */
 166                                                 packet_start(
 167                                                     SSH_SMSG_AUTH_KERBEROS_RESPONSE);
 168                                                 packet_put_string((char *)
 169                                                     reply.data, reply.length);
 170                                                 packet_send();
 171                                                 packet_write_wait();
 173                                                 if (reply.length)
 174                                                         xfree(reply.data);
 175                                         }
 176 #endif /* KRB5 */
 177                                 }
 178                                 xfree(kdata);
 179                         }
 180                         break;
 181 #endif /* KRB4 || KRB5 */
 183 #if defined(AFS) || defined(KRB5)
 184                         /* XXX - punt on backward compatibility here. */
 185                 case SSH_CMSG_HAVE_KERBEROS_TGT:
 186                         packet_send_debug("Kerberos TGT passing disabled before authentication.");
 187                         break;
 188 #ifdef AFS
 189                 case SSH_CMSG_HAVE_AFS_TOKEN:
 190                         packet_send_debug("AFS token passing disabled before authentication.");
 191                         break;
 192 #endif /* AFS */
 193 #endif /* AFS || KRB5 */
 195                 case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS:
 196                         if (!options.rhosts_authentication) {
 197                                 verbose("Rhosts authentication disabled.");
 198                                 break;
 199                         }
 200                         /*
 201                          * Get client user name.  Note that we just have to
 202                          * trust the client; this is one reason why rhosts
 203                          * authentication is insecure. (Another is
 204                          * IP-spoofing on a local network.)
 205                          */
 206                         client_user = packet_get_string(&ulen);
 207                         packet_check_eom();
 209                         /* Try to authenticate using /etc/hosts.equiv and .rhosts. */
 210                         authenticated = auth_rhosts(pw, client_user);
 212                         snprintf(info, sizeof info, " ruser %.100s", client_user);
 213                         break;
 215                 case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS_RSA:
 216                         if (!options.rhosts_rsa_authentication) {
 217                                 verbose("Rhosts with RSA authentication disabled.");
 218                                 break;
 219                         }
 220                         /*
 221                          * Get client user name.  Note that we just have to
 222                          * trust the client; root on the client machine can
 223                          * claim to be any user.
 224                          */
 225                         client_user = packet_get_string(&ulen);
 227                         /* Get the client host key. */
 228                         client_host_key = key_new(KEY_RSA1);
 229                         bits = packet_get_int();
 230                         packet_get_bignum(client_host_key->rsa->e);
 231                         packet_get_bignum(client_host_key->rsa->n);
 233                         if (bits != BN_num_bits(client_host_key->rsa->n))
 234                                 verbose("Warning: keysize mismatch for client_host_key: "
 235                                     "actual %d, announced %d",
 236                                     BN_num_bits(client_host_key->rsa->n), bits);
 237                         packet_check_eom();
 239                         authenticated = auth_rhosts_rsa(pw, client_user,
 240                             client_host_key);
 241                         key_free(client_host_key);
 243                         snprintf(info, sizeof info, " ruser %.100s", client_user);
 244                         break;
 246                 case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RSA:
 247                         if (!options.rsa_authentication) {
 248                                 verbose("RSA authentication disabled.");
 249                                 break;
 250                         }
 251                         /* RSA authentication requested. */
 252                         if ((n = BN_new()) == NULL)
 253                                 fatal("do_authloop: BN_new failed");
 254                         packet_get_bignum(n);
 255                         packet_check_eom();
 256                         authenticated = auth_rsa(pw, n);
 257                         BN_clear_free(n);
 258                         break;
 260                 case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD:
 261                         authctxt->init_attempt++;
 263                         if (!options.password_authentication) {
 264                                 verbose("Password authentication disabled.");
 265                                 break;
 266                         }
 267                         /*
 268                          * Read user password.  It is in plain text, but was
 269                          * transmitted over the encrypted channel so it is
 270                          * not visible to an outside observer.
 271                          */
 272                         password = packet_get_string(&dlen);
 273                         packet_check_eom();
 275                         /* Try authentication with the password. */
 276                         if (authctxt->init_failures <
 277                                 options.max_init_auth_tries)
 278                                 authenticated =
 279                                     auth_password(authctxt, password);
 281                         memset(password, 0, strlen(password));
 282                         xfree(password);
 283                         break;
 285                 case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS:
 286                         debug("rcvd SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS");
 287                         if (options.challenge_response_authentication == 1) {
 288                                 char *challenge = get_challenge(authctxt);
 289                                 if (challenge != NULL) {
 290                                         debug("sending challenge '%s'", challenge);
 291                                         packet_start(SSH_SMSG_AUTH_TIS_CHALLENGE);
 292                                         packet_put_cstring(challenge);
 293                                         xfree(challenge);
 294                                         packet_send();
 295                                         packet_write_wait();
 296                                         continue;
 297                                 }
 298                         }
 299                         break;
 300                 case SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS_RESPONSE:
 301                         debug("rcvd SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS_RESPONSE");
 302                         if (options.challenge_response_authentication == 1) {
 303                                 char *response = packet_get_string(&dlen);
 304                                 debug("got response '%s'", response);
 305                                 packet_check_eom();
 306                                 authenticated = verify_response(authctxt, response);
 307                                 memset(response, 'r', dlen);
 308                                 xfree(response);
 309                         }
 310                         break;
 312                 default:
 313                         /*
 314                          * Any unknown messages will be ignored (and failure
 315                          * returned) during authentication.
 316                          */
 317                         log("Unknown message during authentication: type %d", type);
 318                         break;
 319                 }
 320 #ifdef BSD_AUTH
 321                 if (authctxt->as) {
 322                         auth_close(authctxt->as);
 323                         authctxt->as = NULL;
 324                 }
 325 #endif
 326                 if (!authctxt->valid && authenticated) {
 327                         authenticated = 0;
 328                         log("Ignoring authenticated invalid user %s",
 329                             authctxt->user);
 330                 }
 332 #ifdef _UNICOS
 333                 if (type == SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD && !authenticated)
 334                         cray_login_failure(authctxt->user, IA_UDBERR);
 335                 if (authenticated && cray_access_denied(authctxt->user)) {
 336                         authenticated = 0;
 337                         fatal("Access denied for user %s.",authctxt->user);
 338                 }
 339 #endif /* _UNICOS */
 341 #ifdef HAVE_CYGWIN
 342                 if (authenticated &&
 343                     !check_nt_auth(type == SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD, pw)) {
 344                         packet_disconnect("Authentication rejected for uid %d.",
 345                         pw == NULL ? -1 : pw->pw_uid);
 346                         authenticated = 0;
 347                 }
 348 #else
 349                 /* Special handling for root */
 350                 if (authenticated && authctxt->pw->pw_uid == 0 &&
 351                     !auth_root_allowed(get_authname(type)))
 352                         authenticated = 0;
 353 #endif
 354 #ifdef USE_PAM
 355                 if (authenticated && type != SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD)
 356                         authenticated = do_pam_non_initial_userauth(authctxt);
 357                 else if (authenticated && !AUTHPAM_DONE(authctxt))
 358                         authenticated = 0;
 360                 if (!authenticated)
 361                         authctxt->pam_retval = AUTHPAM_ERROR(authctxt,
 362                                 PAM_PERM_DENIED);
 363 #endif /* USE_PAM */
 365                 /* Log before sending the reply */
 366                 auth_log(authctxt, authenticated, get_authname(type), info);
 368                 if (client_user != NULL) {
 369                         xfree(client_user);
 370                         client_user = NULL;
 371                 }
 373                 if (authenticated)
 374                         return;
 376                 if (type == SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD)
 377                         authctxt->init_failures++;
 379                 if (authctxt->failures++ > options.max_auth_tries) {
 380 #ifdef HAVE_BSM
 381                         fatal_remove_cleanup(audit_failed_login_cleanup,
 382                                 authctxt);
 383                         audit_sshd_login_failure(&ah, PAM_MAXTRIES,
 384                             authctxt->user);
 385 #endif /* HAVE_BSM */
 386                         packet_disconnect(AUTH_FAIL_MSG, authctxt->user);
 387                 }
 389                 packet_start(SSH_SMSG_FAILURE);
 390                 packet_send();
 391                 packet_write_wait();
 392         }
 393 }
 395 /*
 396  * Performs authentication of an incoming connection.  Session key has already
 397  * been exchanged and encryption is enabled.
 398  */
 399 Authctxt *
 400 do_authentication(void)
 401 {
 402         Authctxt *authctxt;
 403         u_int ulen;
 404         char *user, *style = NULL;
 406         /* Get the name of the user that we wish to log in as. */
 407         packet_read_expect(SSH_CMSG_USER);
 409         /* Get the user name. */
 410         user = packet_get_string(&ulen);
 411         packet_check_eom();
 413         if ((style = strchr(user, ':')) != NULL)
 414                 *style++ = '\0';
 416 #ifdef KRB5
 417         /* XXX - SSH.com Kerberos v5 braindeath. */
 418         if ((datafellows & SSH_BUG_K5USER) &&
 419             options.kerberos_authentication) {
 420                 char *p;
 421                 if ((p = strchr(user, '@')) != NULL)
 422                         *p = '\0';
 423         }
 424 #endif
 426         authctxt = authctxt_new();
 427         authctxt->user = user;
 428         authctxt->style = style;
 430 #ifdef HAVE_BSM
 431         fatal_add_cleanup(audit_failed_login_cleanup, authctxt);
 432 #endif /* HAVE_BSM */
 434         /* Verify that the user is a valid user. */
 435         if ((authctxt->pw = getpwnamallow(user)) != NULL) {
 436                 authctxt->valid = 1;
 437         } else {
 438                 authctxt->valid = 0;
 439                 debug("do_authentication: illegal user %s", user);
 440         }
 442         setproctitle("%s", authctxt->pw ? user : "unknown");
 444         /*
 445          * If we are not running as root, the user must have the same uid as
 446          * the server. (Unless you are running Windows)
 447          */
 448 #ifndef HAVE_CYGWIN
 449         if (getuid() != 0 && authctxt->pw &&
 450             authctxt->pw->pw_uid != getuid())
 451                 packet_disconnect("Cannot change user when server not running as root.");
 452 #endif
 454         /*
 455          * Loop until the user has been authenticated or the connection is
 456          * closed, do_authloop() returns only if authentication is successful
 457          */
 458         do_authloop(authctxt);
 460         /* The user has been authenticated and accepted. */
 461         packet_start(SSH_SMSG_SUCCESS);
 462         packet_send();
 463         packet_write_wait();
 465         return (authctxt);
 466 }