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4270 ld(1) argument error reporting is still pretty bad

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/sgs/libld/common/libld.msg
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/sgs/libld/common/libld.msg
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 925  925  @ MSG_ARG_STRIP         "%s specified with %s; only debugging \
 926  926                           information stripped"
 927  927  @ MSG_ARG_NOFILES       "no files on input command line"
 928  928  @ MSG_ARG_NOFLTR        "option %s is only meaningful when building a filter"
 929  929  @ MSG_ARG_NODEFLIB      "the default library search path has been suppressed, \
 930  930                           but no runpaths have been specified via %s"
 931  931  @ MSG_ARG_NOENTRY       "entry point symbol '%s' is undefined"
 932  932  @ MSG_ARG_UNSUPPORTED   "option %s is no longer supported; ignored"
 933  933  @ MSG_MARG_ONLY         "option %s can only be used with a %s"
 934  934  @ MSG_ARG_UNKNOWN       "unrecognized option '-%c'"
      935 +@ MSG_ARG_LONG_UNKNOWN  "unrecognized option '%s'"
 935  936  @ MSG_ARG_USEHELP       "use the -z help option for usage information"
 936  937  
 937  938  
 938  939  @ MSG_ARG_FLAGS         "flags processing errors"
 939  940  @ MSG_ARG_FILES         "file processing errors. No output written to %s"
 940  941  @ MSG_ARG_SYM_WARN      "symbol referencing errors"
 941  942  @ MSG_ARG_SYM_FATAL     "symbol referencing errors. No output written to %s"
 942  943  @ MSG_ARG_AR_GRP_OLAP   "%s cannot be nested"
 943  944  @ MSG_ARG_AR_GRP_BAD    "%s used without corresponding %s"
 944  945  
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