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          --- old/exception_lists/packaging
          +++ new/exception_lists/packaging
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  15   15  # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16  # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17  # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  
  22   22  #
  23   23  # Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  24   24  # Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
       25 +# Copyright 2012 OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  25   26  #
  26   27  
  27   28  #
  28   29  # Exception List for validate_pkg
  29   30  #
  30   31  
  31   32  #
  32   33  # The following entries are built in the /proto area
  33   34  # but not included in any packages - this is intentional.
  34   35  #
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 221  222  #
 222  223  usr/include/sys/kmdb.h
 223  224  #
 224  225  # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libdhcpagent
 225  226  # and libdhcputil for the benefit of DHCP-related networking commands such
 226  227  # as dhcpagent, dhcpinfo, ifconfig, and netstat.  These are not interfaces
 227  228  # for customer use, so the files are excluded from packaging.
 228  229  #
 229  230  lib/
 230  231  lib/
      232 +lib/amd64/                i386
      233 +lib/sparcv9/              sparc
 231  234  lib/llib-ldhcpagent
 232  235  lib/llib-ldhcpagent.ln
 233  236  lib/llib-ldhcputil
 234  237  lib/llib-ldhcputil.ln
      238 +lib/amd64/llib-ldhcputil.ln             i386
      239 +lib/sparcv9/llib-ldhcputil.ln           sparc
 235  240  usr/include/dhcp_hostconf.h
 236  241  usr/include/dhcp_impl.h
 237  242  usr/include/dhcp_inittab.h
 238  243  usr/include/dhcp_stable.h
 239  244  usr/include/dhcp_symbol_common.h
 240  245  usr/include/dhcpagent_ipc.h
 241  246  usr/include/dhcpagent_util.h
 242  247  usr/include/dhcpmsg.h
 243  248  usr/lib/
 244  249  usr/lib/
      250 +usr/lib/amd64/            i386
      251 +usr/lib/sparcv9/          sparc
 245  252  usr/lib/llib-ldhcpagent
 246  253  usr/lib/llib-ldhcpagent.ln
 247  254  usr/lib/llib-ldhcputil
 248  255  usr/lib/llib-ldhcputil.ln
      256 +usr/lib/amd64/llib-ldhcputil.ln         i386
      257 +usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-ldhcputil.ln       sparc
 249  258  #
 250  259  # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libinstzones
 251  260  # and libpkg
 252  261  #
 253  262  usr/lib/llib-linstzones
 254  263  usr/lib/llib-linstzones.ln
      264 +usr/lib/amd64/llib-linstzones.ln        i386
      265 +usr/lib/sparcv9/llib-linstzones.ln      sparc
 255  266  usr/lib/llib-lpkg
 256  267  usr/lib/llib-lpkg.ln
 257  268  #
 258  269  # Don't ship header files private to libipmp and in.mpathd
 259  270  #
 260  271  usr/include/ipmp_query_impl.h
 261  272  #
 262  273  # These files are installed in the proto area by the build of libinetsvc,
 263  274  # an inetd-specific library shared by inetd, inetadm and inetconv. Only
 264  275  # the shared object is shipped.
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