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11210 libm should be cstyle(1ONBLD) clean

@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@
  * Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  * Use is subject to license terms.

@@ -42,37 +43,43 @@
 #include "libm.h"
 static const long double zero = 0.0L, small = 1.0e-20L, half = 0.5L, one = 1.0L;
 #ifndef lint
 static const long double big = 1.0e+20L;
 long double
-asinl(long double x) {
+asinl(long double x)
         long double t, w;
 #ifndef lint
         volatile long double dummy;
         w = fabsl(x);
-        if (isnanl(x))
+        if (isnanl(x)) {
                 return (x + x);
-        else if (w <= half) {
+        } else if (w <= half) {
                 if (w < small) {
 #ifndef lint
                         dummy = w + big;
                                                         /* inexact if w != 0 */
                         return (x);
-                } else
+                } else {
                         return (atanl(x / sqrtl(one - x * x)));
+                }
         } else if (w < one) {
                 t = one - w;
                 w = t + t;
                 return (atanl(x / sqrtl(w - t * t)));
-        } else if (w == one)
+        } else if (w == one) {
                 return (atan2l(x, zero));       /* asin(+-1) =  +- PI/2 */
-        else
+        } else {
                 return (zero / zero);           /* |x| > 1: invalid */
+        }