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*** 27,45 **** where id ! The identification of library. It is the resersed ! domain name of the vendor followed by . followed ! by the vendor specific name of the plugin that ! uniquely identifies the plugin library. library file name ! The shared object library file in the absolute ! path format. EXAMPLES Example 1 Example of an /etc/mpapi.conf file --- 27,45 ---- where id ! The identification of the library. It is the ! reversed domain name of the vendor followed by . ! followed by the vendor specific name of the plugin ! that uniquely identifies the plugin library. library file name ! The absolute path to the shared object library ! file. EXAMPLES Example 1 Example of an /etc/mpapi.conf file
*** 71,76 **** libMPAPI(3LIB), MP_DeregisterPlugin(3MPAPI), MP_RegisterPlugin(3MPAPI), attributes(5) ! March 15, 2006 MPAPI.CONF(4) --- 71,76 ---- libMPAPI(3LIB), MP_DeregisterPlugin(3MPAPI), MP_RegisterPlugin(3MPAPI), attributes(5) ! September 16, 2018 MPAPI.CONF(4)