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 199    stpcpy(), stpncpy()
 200        The stpcpy() and stpncpy() functions behave identically to strcpy() and
 201        strncpy() respectively; however, instead of returning a pointer to the
 202        beginning of s1, they return a pointer to the terminating null
 203        character.
 205    strcspn(), strspn()
 206        The strcspn() function returns the length of the initial segment of
 207        string s1 that consists entirely of characters not from string s2.  The
 208        strspn() function returns the length of the initial segment of string
 209        s1 that consists entirely of characters from string s2.
 211    strdup(), strndup(), strdupa(), strndupa()
 212        The strdup() function returns a pointer to a new string that is a
 213        duplicate of the string pointed to by  s1. The returned pointer can be
 214        passed to free(). The space for the new string is obtained using
 215        malloc(3C). If the new string cannot be created, a null pointer is
 216        returned and errno may be set to ENOMEM to indicate that the storage
 217        space available is insufficient. The strndup() function is identical to
 218        strdup(), execept it copies at most n bytes from s1 and ensures the
 219        copied string is awlays null terminated.
 221        The functions strdupa() and strndupa() behave identically to strdup()
 222        and strndup() respectively; however, instead of allocating memory using
 223        malloc(3C), they use alloca(3C). These functions are provided for
 224        compatibility only, their use is strongly discouraged due to their use
 225        of alloca(3C).
 227    strlen(), strnlen()
 228        The strlen() function returns the number of bytes in s, not including
 229        the terminating null character.
 231        The strnlen() function returns the smaller of n or the number of bytes
 232        in s, not including the terminating null character. The strnlen()
 233        function never examines more than n bytes of the string pointed to by
 234        s.
 236    strpbrk()
 237        The strpbrk() function returns a pointer to the first occurrence in
 238        string s1 of any character from string s2, or a null pointer if no
 239        character from s2 exists in s1.

 199    stpcpy(), stpncpy()
 200        The stpcpy() and stpncpy() functions behave identically to strcpy() and
 201        strncpy() respectively; however, instead of returning a pointer to the
 202        beginning of s1, they return a pointer to the terminating null
 203        character.
 205    strcspn(), strspn()
 206        The strcspn() function returns the length of the initial segment of
 207        string s1 that consists entirely of characters not from string s2.  The
 208        strspn() function returns the length of the initial segment of string
 209        s1 that consists entirely of characters from string s2.
 211    strdup(), strndup(), strdupa(), strndupa()
 212        The strdup() function returns a pointer to a new string that is a
 213        duplicate of the string pointed to by  s1. The returned pointer can be
 214        passed to free(). The space for the new string is obtained using
 215        malloc(3C). If the new string cannot be created, a null pointer is
 216        returned and errno may be set to ENOMEM to indicate that the storage
 217        space available is insufficient. The strndup() function is identical to
 218        strdup(), except it copies at most n bytes from s1 and ensures the
 219        copied string is always null terminated.
 221        The functions strdupa() and strndupa() behave identically to strdup()
 222        and strndup() respectively; however, instead of allocating memory using
 223        malloc(3C), they use alloca(3C). These functions are provided for
 224        compatibility only, their use is strongly discouraged due to their use
 225        of alloca(3C).
 227    strlen(), strnlen()
 228        The strlen() function returns the number of bytes in s, not including
 229        the terminating null character.
 231        The strnlen() function returns the smaller of n or the number of bytes
 232        in s, not including the terminating null character. The strnlen()
 233        function never examines more than n bytes of the string pointed to by
 234        s.
 236    strpbrk()
 237        The strpbrk() function returns a pointer to the first occurrence in
 238        string s1 of any character from string s2, or a null pointer if no
 239        character from s2 exists in s1.