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10067 Miscellaneous man page typos
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>
Reviewed by: Volker A. Brandt <>

*** 178,188 **** directive. The directive msgstr[n] (where n = 0, 1, 2, ...) specifies the target string to be used with plural form handling functions ngettext(), ! dngettext(), and dcngetttext(). Message strings can contain the escape sequences \n for newline, \t for tab, \v for vertical tab, \b for backspace, \r for carriage return, \f for formfeed, \ for backslash, \" for double quote, \a for alarm, \ddd --- 178,188 ---- directive. The directive msgstr[n] (where n = 0, 1, 2, ...) specifies the target string to be used with plural form handling functions ngettext(), ! dngettext(), and dcngettext(). Message strings can contain the escape sequences \n for newline, \t for tab, \v for vertical tab, \b for backspace, \r for carriage return, \f for formfeed, \ for backslash, \" for double quote, \a for alarm, \ddd