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10057 Man page misspellings ouput particuliar overriden
Reviewed by: Gergő Mihály Doma <>

*** 990,1002 **** In vi command mode, repeat the last command that modified the line. Default Key Bindings In emacs Mode ! The following default key bindings, which can be overriden by the tecla ! configuration file, are designed to mimic most of the bindings of the ! unix tcsh shell shell, when it is in emacs editing mode. This is the default editing mode of the tecla library. --- 990,1002 ---- In vi command mode, repeat the last command that modified the line. Default Key Bindings In emacs Mode ! The following default key bindings, which can be overridden by the ! tecla configuration file, are designed to mimic most of the bindings of ! the unix tcsh shell, when it is in emacs editing mode. This is the default editing mode of the tecla library.