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10057 Man page misspellings ouput particuliar overriden
Reviewed by: Gergő Mihály Doma <>

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1m/smbadm.1m
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1m/smbadm.1m
↓ open down ↓ 352 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 353  353  .na
 354  354  \fB\fBlist\fR\fR
 355  355  .ad
 356  356  .sp .6
 357  357  .RS 4n
 358  358  Shows information about the current workgroup or domain. The information
 359  359  typically includes the workgroup name or the primary domain name. When in
 360  360  domain mode, the information includes domain controller names and trusted
 361  361  domain names.
 362  362  .sp
 363      -Each entry in the ouput is identified by one of the following tags:
      363 +Each entry in the output is identified by one of the following tags:
 364  364  .sp
 365  365  .ne 2
 366  366  .na
 367  367  \fB\fB- [*] -\fR\fR
 368  368  .ad
 369  369  .RS 11n
 370  370  Primary domain
 371  371  .RE
 372  372  
 373  373  .sp
↓ open down ↓ 201 lines elided ↑ open up ↑