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11554 Want TCP_CONGESTION socket option
Reviewed by: Yuri Pankov <>

 133      "urgent" with the MSG_OOB flag to send(3SOCKET).  This sets an "urgent
 134      pointer" pointing to this byte in the TCP stream.  The receiver on the
 135      other side of the stream is notified of the urgent data by a SIGURG
 136      signal.  The SIOCATMARK ioctl(2) request returns a value indicating
 137      whether the stream is at the urgent mark.  Because the system never
 138      returns data across the urgent mark in a single read(2) call, it is
 139      possible to advance to the urgent data in a simple loop which reads data,
 140      testing the socket with the SIOCATMARK ioctl() request, until it reaches
 141      the mark.
 143    Congestion Control
 144      TCP follows the congestion control algorithm described in RFC 2581, and
 145      also supports the initial congestion window (cwnd) changes in RFC 3390.
 146      The initial cwnd calculation can be overridden by the socket option
 147      TCP_INIT_CWND.  An application can use this option to set the initial
 148      cwnd to a specified number of TCP segments.  This applies to the cases
 149      when the connection first starts and restarts after an idle period.  The
 150      process must have the PRIV_SYS_NET_CONFIG privilege if it wants to
 151      specify a number greater than that calculated by RFC 3390.

 153    TCP Keep-Alive
 154      Since TCP determines whether a remote peer is no longer reachable by
 155      timing out waiting for acknowledgements, a host that never sends any new
 156      data may never notice a peer that has gone away.  While consumers can
 157      avoid this problem by sending their own periodic heartbeat messages
 158      (Transport Layer Security does this, for example), TCP describes an
 159      optional keep-alive mechanism in RFC 1122.  Applications can enable it
 160      using the socket-level option SO_KEEPALIVE.  When enabled, the first
 161      keep-alive probe is sent out after a TCP connection is idle for two
 162      hours.  If the peer does not respond to the probe within eight minutes,
 163      the TCP connection is aborted.  An application can alter the probe
 164      behavior using the following TCP-level socket options:
 167                              Determines the interval for sending the first
 168                              probe.  The option value is specified as an
 169                              unsigned integer in milliseconds.  The system
 170                              default is controlled by the TCP ndd parameter
 171                              tcp_keepalive_interval.  The minimum value is ten
 172                              seconds.  The maximum is ten days, while the

 133      "urgent" with the MSG_OOB flag to send(3SOCKET).  This sets an "urgent
 134      pointer" pointing to this byte in the TCP stream.  The receiver on the
 135      other side of the stream is notified of the urgent data by a SIGURG
 136      signal.  The SIOCATMARK ioctl(2) request returns a value indicating
 137      whether the stream is at the urgent mark.  Because the system never
 138      returns data across the urgent mark in a single read(2) call, it is
 139      possible to advance to the urgent data in a simple loop which reads data,
 140      testing the socket with the SIOCATMARK ioctl() request, until it reaches
 141      the mark.
 143    Congestion Control
 144      TCP follows the congestion control algorithm described in RFC 2581, and
 145      also supports the initial congestion window (cwnd) changes in RFC 3390.
 146      The initial cwnd calculation can be overridden by the socket option
 147      TCP_INIT_CWND.  An application can use this option to set the initial
 148      cwnd to a specified number of TCP segments.  This applies to the cases
 149      when the connection first starts and restarts after an idle period.  The
 150      process must have the PRIV_SYS_NET_CONFIG privilege if it wants to
 151      specify a number greater than that calculated by RFC 3390.
 153      The operating system also provides alternative algorithms that may be
 154      more appropriate for your application, including the CUBIC congestion
 155      control algorithm described in RFC 8312.  These can be configured system-
 156      wide using ipadm(1M), or on a per-connection basis with the TCP-level
 157      socket option TCP_CONGESTION, whose argument is the name of the algorithm
 158      to use (for example "cubic").  If the requested algorithm does not exist,
 159      then setsockopt() will fail, and errno will be set to ENOENT.
 161    TCP Keep-Alive
 162      Since TCP determines whether a remote peer is no longer reachable by
 163      timing out waiting for acknowledgements, a host that never sends any new
 164      data may never notice a peer that has gone away.  While consumers can
 165      avoid this problem by sending their own periodic heartbeat messages
 166      (Transport Layer Security does this, for example), TCP describes an
 167      optional keep-alive mechanism in RFC 1122.  Applications can enable it
 168      using the socket-level option SO_KEEPALIVE.  When enabled, the first
 169      keep-alive probe is sent out after a TCP connection is idle for two
 170      hours.  If the peer does not respond to the probe within eight minutes,
 171      the TCP connection is aborted.  An application can alter the probe
 172      behavior using the following TCP-level socket options:
 175                              Determines the interval for sending the first
 176                              probe.  The option value is specified as an
 177                              unsigned integer in milliseconds.  The system
 178                              default is controlled by the TCP ndd parameter
 179                              tcp_keepalive_interval.  The minimum value is ten
 180                              seconds.  The maximum is ten days, while the