Print this page
new smatch

@@ -17,16 +17,18 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include "parse.h"
 #include "expression.h"
 #include "linearize.h"
+#include "optimize.h"
 #include "flow.h"
 #include "target.h"
-pseudo_t linearize_statement(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt);
-pseudo_t linearize_expression(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr);
+static pseudo_t linearize_statement(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt);
+static pseudo_t linearize_expression(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr);
+static pseudo_t add_cast(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *to, struct symbol *from, int op, pseudo_t src);
 static pseudo_t add_binary_op(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *ctype, int op, pseudo_t left, pseudo_t right);
 static pseudo_t add_setval(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *ctype, struct expression *val);
 static pseudo_t linearize_one_symbol(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *sym);
 struct access_data;

@@ -68,32 +70,35 @@
 static struct basic_block *alloc_basic_block(struct entrypoint *ep, struct position pos)
         static int nr;
         struct basic_block *bb = __alloc_basic_block(0);
-        bb->context = -1;
         bb->pos = pos;
         bb->ep = ep;
         bb->nr = nr++;
         return bb;
-static struct multijmp *alloc_multijmp(struct basic_block *target, int begin, int end)
+static struct multijmp *alloc_multijmp(struct basic_block *target, long long begin, long long end)
         struct multijmp *multijmp = __alloc_multijmp(0);
         multijmp->target = target;
         multijmp->begin = begin;
         multijmp->end = end;
         return multijmp;
-static inline int regno(pseudo_t n)
+const char *show_label(struct basic_block *bb)
-        int retval = -1;
-        if (n && n->type == PSEUDO_REG)
-                retval = n->nr;
-        return retval;
+        static int n;
+        static char buffer[4][16];
+        char *buf = buffer[3 & ++n];
+        if (!bb)
+                return ".L???";
+        snprintf(buf, 64, ".L%u", bb->nr);
+        return buf;
 const char *show_pseudo(pseudo_t pseudo)
         static int n;

@@ -109,20 +114,24 @@
         switch(pseudo->type) {
         case PSEUDO_SYM: {
                 struct symbol *sym = pseudo->sym;
                 struct expression *expr;
+                if (!sym) {
+                        snprintf(buf, 64, "<bad symbol>");
+                        break;
+                }
                 if (sym->bb_target) {
-                        snprintf(buf, 64, ".L%u", sym->bb_target->nr);
+                        snprintf(buf, 64, "%s", show_label(sym->bb_target));
                 if (sym->ident) {
                         snprintf(buf, 64, "%s", show_ident(sym->ident));
                 expr = sym->initializer;
-                snprintf(buf, 64, "<anon symbol:%p>", sym);
+                snprintf(buf, 64, "<anon symbol:%p>", verbose ? sym : NULL);
                 if (expr) {
                         switch (expr->type) {
                         case EXPR_VALUE:
                                 snprintf(buf, 64, "<symbol value: %lld>", expr->value);

@@ -153,10 +162,12 @@
         case PSEUDO_PHI:
                 i = snprintf(buf, 64, "%%phi%d", pseudo->nr);
                 if (pseudo->ident)
                         sprintf(buf+i, "(%s)", show_ident(pseudo->ident));
+        case PSEUDO_UNDEF:
+                return "UNDEF";
                 snprintf(buf, 64, "<bad pseudo type %d>", pseudo->type);
         return buf;

@@ -170,33 +181,34 @@
         /* Terminator */
         [OP_RET] = "ret",
         [OP_BR] = "br",
         [OP_CBR] = "cbr",
         [OP_SWITCH] = "switch",
-        [OP_INVOKE] = "invoke",
         [OP_COMPUTEDGOTO] = "jmp *",
-        [OP_UNWIND] = "unwind",
         /* Binary */
         [OP_ADD] = "add",
         [OP_SUB] = "sub",
-        [OP_MULU] = "mulu",
-        [OP_MULS] = "muls",
+        [OP_MUL] = "mul",
         [OP_DIVU] = "divu",
         [OP_DIVS] = "divs",
         [OP_MODU] = "modu",
         [OP_MODS] = "mods",
         [OP_SHL] = "shl",
         [OP_LSR] = "lsr",
         [OP_ASR] = "asr",
+        /* Floating-point Binary */
+        [OP_FADD] = "fadd",
+        [OP_FSUB] = "fsub",
+        [OP_FMUL] = "fmul",
+        [OP_FDIV] = "fdiv",
         /* Logical */
         [OP_AND] = "and",
         [OP_OR] = "or",
         [OP_XOR] = "xor",
-        [OP_AND_BOOL] = "and-bool",
-        [OP_OR_BOOL] = "or-bool",
         /* Binary comparison */
         [OP_SET_EQ] = "seteq",
         [OP_SET_NE] = "setne",
         [OP_SET_LE] = "setle",

@@ -206,41 +218,58 @@
         [OP_SET_B] = "setb",
         [OP_SET_A] = "seta",
         [OP_SET_BE] = "setbe",
         [OP_SET_AE] = "setae",
+        /* floating-point comparison */
+        [OP_FCMP_ORD] = "fcmpord",
+        [OP_FCMP_OEQ] = "fcmpoeq",
+        [OP_FCMP_ONE] = "fcmpone",
+        [OP_FCMP_OLE] = "fcmpole",
+        [OP_FCMP_OGE] = "fcmpoge",
+        [OP_FCMP_OLT] = "fcmpolt",
+        [OP_FCMP_OGT] = "fcmpogt",
+        [OP_FCMP_UEQ] = "fcmpueq",
+        [OP_FCMP_UNE] = "fcmpune",
+        [OP_FCMP_ULE] = "fcmpule",
+        [OP_FCMP_UGE] = "fcmpuge",
+        [OP_FCMP_ULT] = "fcmpult",
+        [OP_FCMP_UGT] = "fcmpugt",
+        [OP_FCMP_UNO] = "fcmpuno",
         /* Uni */
         [OP_NOT] = "not",
         [OP_NEG] = "neg",
+        [OP_FNEG] = "fneg",
         /* Special three-input */
         [OP_SEL] = "select",
         /* Memory */
-        [OP_MALLOC] = "malloc",
-        [OP_FREE] = "free",
-        [OP_ALLOCA] = "alloca",
         [OP_LOAD] = "load",
         [OP_STORE] = "store",
         [OP_SETVAL] = "set",
+        [OP_SETFVAL] = "setfval",
         [OP_SYMADDR] = "symaddr",
-        [OP_GET_ELEMENT_PTR] = "getelem",
         /* Other */
         [OP_PHI] = "phi",
         [OP_PHISOURCE] = "phisrc",
-        [OP_CAST] = "cast",
-        [OP_SCAST] = "scast",
-        [OP_FPCAST] = "fpcast",
+        [OP_SEXT] = "sext",
+        [OP_ZEXT] = "zext",
+        [OP_TRUNC] = "trunc",
+        [OP_FCVTU] = "fcvtu",
+        [OP_FCVTS] = "fcvts",
+        [OP_UCVTF] = "ucvtf",
+        [OP_SCVTF] = "scvtf",
+        [OP_FCVTF] = "fcvtf",
+        [OP_UTPTR] = "utptr",
+        [OP_PTRTU] = "ptrtu",
         [OP_PTRCAST] = "ptrcast",
         [OP_INLINED_CALL] = "# call",
         [OP_CALL] = "call",
-        [OP_VANEXT] = "va_next",
-        [OP_VAARG] = "va_arg",
         [OP_SLICE] = "slice",
-        [OP_SNOP] = "snop",
-        [OP_LNOP] = "lnop",
         [OP_NOP] = "nop",
         [OP_DEATHNOTE] = "dead",
         [OP_ASM] = "asm",
         /* Sparse tagging (line numbers, context, whatever) */

@@ -305,38 +334,19 @@
                 if (insn->src && insn->src != VOID)
                         buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_pseudo(insn->src));
         case OP_CBR:
-                buf += sprintf(buf, "%s, .L%u, .L%u", show_pseudo(insn->cond), insn->bb_true->nr, insn->bb_false->nr);
+                buf += sprintf(buf, "%s, %s, %s", show_pseudo(insn->cond), show_label(insn->bb_true), show_label(insn->bb_false));
         case OP_BR:
-                buf += sprintf(buf, ".L%u", insn->bb_true->nr);
+                buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_label(insn->bb_true));
-        case OP_SYMADDR: {
-                struct symbol *sym = insn->symbol->sym;
-                buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- ", show_pseudo(insn->target));
-                if (!insn->bb && !sym)
-                        break;
-                if (sym->bb_target) {
-                        buf += sprintf(buf, ".L%u", sym->bb_target->nr);
-                        break;
-                }
-                if (sym->ident) {
-                        buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_ident(sym->ident));
-                        break;
-                }
-                buf += sprintf(buf, "<anon symbol:%p>", sym);
-                break;
-        }
         case OP_SETVAL: {
                 struct expression *expr = insn->val;
-                struct symbol *sym;
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- ", show_pseudo(insn->target));
                 if (!expr) {
                         buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", "<none>");

@@ -345,46 +355,49 @@
                 switch (expr->type) {
                 case EXPR_VALUE:
                         buf += sprintf(buf, "%lld", expr->value);
                 case EXPR_FVALUE:
-                        buf += sprintf(buf, "%Lf", expr->fvalue);
+                        buf += sprintf(buf, "%Le", expr->fvalue);
                 case EXPR_STRING:
                         buf += sprintf(buf, "%.40s", show_string(expr->string));
                 case EXPR_SYMBOL:
                         buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_ident(expr->symbol->ident));
                 case EXPR_LABEL:
-                        sym = expr->symbol;
-                        if (sym->bb_target)
-                                buf += sprintf(buf, ".L%u", sym->bb_target->nr);
+                        buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_label(expr->symbol->bb_target));
                         buf += sprintf(buf, "SETVAL EXPR TYPE %d", expr->type);
+        case OP_SETFVAL:
+                buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- ", show_pseudo(insn->target));
+                buf += sprintf(buf, "%Le", insn->fvalue);
+                break;
         case OP_SWITCH: {
                 struct multijmp *jmp;
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_pseudo(insn->cond));
                 FOR_EACH_PTR(insn->multijmp_list, jmp) {
                         if (jmp->begin == jmp->end)
-                                buf += sprintf(buf, ", %d -> .L%u", jmp->begin, jmp->target->nr);
+                                buf += sprintf(buf, ", %lld -> %s", jmp->begin, show_label(jmp->target));
                         else if (jmp->begin < jmp->end)
-                                buf += sprintf(buf, ", %d ... %d -> .L%u", jmp->begin, jmp->end, jmp->target->nr);
+                                buf += sprintf(buf, ", %lld ... %lld -> %s", jmp->begin, jmp->end, show_label(jmp->target));
-                                buf += sprintf(buf, ", default -> .L%u", jmp->target->nr);
+                                buf += sprintf(buf, ", default -> %s", show_label(jmp->target));
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(jmp);
         case OP_COMPUTEDGOTO: {
                 struct multijmp *jmp;
-                buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_pseudo(insn->target));
+                buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_pseudo(insn->src));
                 FOR_EACH_PTR(insn->multijmp_list, jmp) {
-                        buf += sprintf(buf, ", .L%u", jmp->target->nr);
+                        buf += sprintf(buf, ", %s", show_label(jmp->target));
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(jmp);
         case OP_PHISOURCE: {

@@ -399,19 +412,21 @@
         case OP_PHI: {
                 pseudo_t phi;
                 const char *s = " <-";
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s", show_pseudo(insn->target));
                 FOR_EACH_PTR(insn->phi_list, phi) {
+                        if (phi == VOID && !verbose)
+                                continue;
                         buf += sprintf(buf, "%s %s", s, show_pseudo(phi));
                         s = ",";
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(phi);
-        case OP_LOAD: case OP_LNOP:
+        case OP_LOAD:
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- %d[%s]", show_pseudo(insn->target), insn->offset, show_pseudo(insn->src));
-        case OP_STORE: case OP_SNOP:
+        case OP_STORE:
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s -> %d[%s]", show_pseudo(insn->target), insn->offset, show_pseudo(insn->src));
         case OP_INLINED_CALL:
         case OP_CALL: {
                 struct pseudo *arg;

@@ -421,20 +436,25 @@
                 FOR_EACH_PTR(insn->arguments, arg) {
                         buf += sprintf(buf, ", %s", show_pseudo(arg));
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg);
-        case OP_CAST:
-        case OP_SCAST:
-        case OP_FPCAST:
+        case OP_SEXT: case OP_ZEXT:
+        case OP_TRUNC:
+        case OP_FCVTU: case OP_FCVTS:
+        case OP_UCVTF: case OP_SCVTF:
+        case OP_FCVTF:
+        case OP_UTPTR:
+        case OP_PTRTU:
         case OP_PTRCAST:
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- (%d) %s",
         case OP_BINARY ... OP_BINARY_END:
+        case OP_FPCMP ... OP_FPCMP_END:
         case OP_BINCMP ... OP_BINCMP_END:
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- %s, %s", show_pseudo(insn->target), show_pseudo(insn->src1), show_pseudo(insn->src2));
         case OP_SEL:

@@ -445,10 +465,12 @@
         case OP_SLICE:
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- %s, %d, %d", show_pseudo(insn->target), show_pseudo(insn->base), insn->from, insn->len);
         case OP_NOT: case OP_NEG:
+        case OP_FNEG:
+        case OP_SYMADDR:
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s <- %s", show_pseudo(insn->target), show_pseudo(insn->src1));
         case OP_CONTEXT:
                 buf += sprintf(buf, "%s%d", insn->check ? "check: " : "", insn->increment);

@@ -481,27 +503,27 @@
 void show_bb(struct basic_block *bb)
         struct instruction *insn;
-        printf(".L%u:\n", bb->nr);
+        printf("%s:\n", show_label(bb));
         if (verbose) {
                 pseudo_t needs, defines;
                 printf("%s:%d\n", stream_name(bb->, bb->pos.line);
                 FOR_EACH_PTR(bb->needs, needs) {
                         struct instruction *def = needs->def;
                         if (def->opcode != OP_PHI) {
-                                printf("  **uses %s (from .L%u)**\n", show_pseudo(needs), def->bb->nr);
+                                printf("  **uses %s (from %s)**\n", show_pseudo(needs), show_label(def->bb));
                         } else {
                                 pseudo_t phi;
                                 const char *sep = " ";
                                 printf("  **uses %s (from", show_pseudo(needs));
                                 FOR_EACH_PTR(def->phi_list, phi) {
                                         if (phi == VOID)
-                                        printf("%s(%s:.L%u)", sep, show_pseudo(phi), phi->def->bb->nr);
+                                        printf("%s(%s:%s)", sep, show_pseudo(phi), show_label(phi->def->bb));
                                         sep = ", ";
                                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(phi);                
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(needs);

@@ -511,19 +533,19 @@
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(defines);
                 if (bb->parents) {
                         struct basic_block *from;
                         FOR_EACH_PTR(bb->parents, from) {
-                                printf("  **from .L%u (%s:%d:%d)**\n", from->nr,
+                                printf("  **from %s (%s:%d:%d)**\n", show_label(from),
                                         stream_name(from->, from->pos.line, from->pos.pos);
                         } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(from);
                 if (bb->children) {
                         struct basic_block *to;
                         FOR_EACH_PTR(bb->children, to) {
-                                printf("  **to .L%u (%s:%d:%d)**\n", to->nr,
+                                printf("  **to %s (%s:%d:%d)**\n", show_label(to),
                                         stream_name(to->, to->pos.line, to->pos.pos);
                         } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(to);

@@ -683,11 +705,11 @@
         struct instruction *select;
         /* Remove the 'br' */
-        select = alloc_instruction(OP_SEL, phi_node->size);
+        select = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_SEL, phi_node->type);
         select->bb = bb;
         use_pseudo(select, br->cond, &select->src1);

@@ -724,11 +746,11 @@
         label->bb_target = bb;
         return bb;
-static void add_branch(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, pseudo_t cond, struct basic_block *bb_true, struct basic_block *bb_false)
+static void add_branch(struct entrypoint *ep, pseudo_t cond, struct basic_block *bb_true, struct basic_block *bb_false)
         struct basic_block *bb = ep->active;
         struct instruction *br;
         if (bb_reachable(bb)) {

@@ -742,11 +764,10 @@
                 add_bb(&bb->children, bb_false);
                 add_one_insn(ep, br);
-/* Dummy pseudo allocator */
 pseudo_t alloc_pseudo(struct instruction *def)
         static int nr = 0;
         struct pseudo * pseudo = __alloc_pseudo(0);
         pseudo->type = PSEUDO_REG;

@@ -753,19 +774,10 @@
         pseudo->nr = ++nr;
         pseudo->def = def;
         return pseudo;
-static void clear_symbol_pseudos(struct entrypoint *ep)
-        pseudo_t pseudo;
-        FOR_EACH_PTR(ep->accesses, pseudo) {
-                pseudo->sym->pseudo = NULL;
-        } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(pseudo);
 static pseudo_t symbol_pseudo(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *sym)
         pseudo_t pseudo;
         if (!sym)

@@ -779,39 +791,43 @@
                 pseudo->sym = sym;
                 pseudo->ident = sym->ident;
                 sym->pseudo = pseudo;
                 add_pseudo(&ep->accesses, pseudo);
-        /* Symbol pseudos have neither nr, usage nor def */
+        /* Symbol pseudos have neither nr nor def */
         return pseudo;
-pseudo_t value_pseudo(struct symbol *type, long long val)
+pseudo_t value_pseudo(long long val)
 #define MAX_VAL_HASH 64
         static struct pseudo_list *prev[MAX_VAL_HASH];
         int hash = val & (MAX_VAL_HASH-1);
         struct pseudo_list **list = prev + hash;
-        int size = type ? type->bit_size : value_size(val);
         pseudo_t pseudo;
         FOR_EACH_PTR(*list, pseudo) {
-                if (pseudo->value == val && pseudo->size == size)
+                if (pseudo->value == val)
                         return pseudo;
         } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(pseudo);
         pseudo = __alloc_pseudo(0);
         pseudo->type = PSEUDO_VAL;
         pseudo->value = val;
-        pseudo->size = size;
         add_pseudo(list, pseudo);
         /* Value pseudos have neither nr, usage nor def */
         return pseudo;
+pseudo_t undef_pseudo(void)
+        pseudo_t pseudo = __alloc_pseudo(0);
+        pseudo->type = PSEUDO_UNDEF;
+        return pseudo;
 static pseudo_t argument_pseudo(struct entrypoint *ep, int nr)
         pseudo_t pseudo = __alloc_pseudo(0);
         struct instruction *entry = ep->entry;

@@ -822,49 +838,86 @@
         /* Argument pseudos have neither usage nor def */
         return pseudo;
-pseudo_t alloc_phi(struct basic_block *source, pseudo_t pseudo, int size)
+struct instruction *alloc_phisrc(pseudo_t pseudo, struct symbol *type)
-        struct instruction *insn;
-        pseudo_t phi;
+        struct instruction *insn = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_PHISOURCE, type);
+        pseudo_t phi = __alloc_pseudo(0);
         static int nr = 0;
-        if (!source)
-                return VOID;
-        insn = alloc_instruction(OP_PHISOURCE, size);
-        phi = __alloc_pseudo(0);
         phi->type = PSEUDO_PHI;
         phi->nr = ++nr;
         phi->def = insn;
         use_pseudo(insn, pseudo, &insn->phi_src);
-        insn->bb = source;
         insn->target = phi;
+        return insn;
+pseudo_t alloc_phi(struct basic_block *source, pseudo_t pseudo, struct symbol *type)
+        struct instruction *insn;
+        if (!source)
+                return VOID;
+        insn = alloc_phisrc(pseudo, type);
+        insn->bb = source;
         add_instruction(&source->insns, insn);
-        return phi;
+        return insn->target;
+struct instruction *alloc_phi_node(struct basic_block *bb, struct symbol *type, struct ident *ident)
+        struct instruction *phi_node = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_PHI, type);
+        pseudo_t phi;
+        phi = alloc_pseudo(phi_node);
+        phi->ident = ident;
+        phi->def = phi_node;
+        phi_node->target = phi;
+        phi_node->bb = bb;
+        return phi_node;
+void add_phi_node(struct basic_block *bb, struct instruction *phi_node)
+        struct instruction *insn;
+        FOR_EACH_PTR(bb->insns, insn) {
+                enum opcode op = insn->opcode;
+                if (op == OP_PHI)
+                        continue;
+                INSERT_CURRENT(phi_node, insn);
+                return;
+        } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(insn);
+        // FIXME
+        add_instruction(&bb->insns, phi_node);
+struct instruction *insert_phi_node(struct basic_block *bb, struct symbol *var)
+        struct instruction *phi_node = alloc_phi_node(bb, var, var->ident);
+        add_phi_node(bb, phi_node);
+        return phi_node;
  * We carry the "access_data" structure around for any accesses,
  * which simplifies things a lot. It contains all the access
  * information in one place.
 struct access_data {
-        struct symbol *result_type;     // result ctype
-        struct symbol *source_type;     // source ctype
+        struct symbol *type;            // ctype
+        struct symbol *btype;           // base type of bitfields
         pseudo_t address;               // pseudo containing address ..
         unsigned int offset;            // byte offset
-        struct position pos;
-static void finish_address_gen(struct entrypoint *ep, struct access_data *ad)
 static int linearize_simple_address(struct entrypoint *ep,
         struct expression *addr,
         struct access_data *ad)
         if (addr->type == EXPR_SYMBOL) {

@@ -882,11 +935,11 @@
         ad->address = linearize_expression(ep, addr);
         return 1;
-static struct symbol *base_type(struct symbol *sym)
+static struct symbol *bitfield_base_type(struct symbol *sym)
         struct symbol *base = sym;
         if (sym) {
                 if (sym->type == SYM_NODE)

@@ -903,13 +956,11 @@
         struct symbol *ctype = expr->ctype;
         if (!ctype)
                 return 0;
-        ad->pos = expr->pos;
-        ad->result_type = ctype;
-        ad->source_type = base_type(ctype);
+        ad->type = ctype;
         if (expr->type == EXPR_PREOP && expr->op == '*')
                 return linearize_simple_address(ep, expr->unop, ad);
         warning(expr->pos, "generating address of non-lvalue (%d)", expr->type);
         return 0;

@@ -918,57 +969,96 @@
 static pseudo_t add_load(struct entrypoint *ep, struct access_data *ad)
         struct instruction *insn;
         pseudo_t new;
-        insn = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_LOAD, ad->source_type);
+        if (!ep->active)
+                return VOID;
+        insn = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_LOAD, ad->btype);
         new = alloc_pseudo(insn);
         insn->target = new;
         insn->offset = ad->offset;
+        insn->is_volatile = ad->type && (ad->type->ctype.modifiers & MOD_VOLATILE);
         use_pseudo(insn, ad->address, &insn->src);
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return new;
 static void add_store(struct entrypoint *ep, struct access_data *ad, pseudo_t value)
         struct basic_block *bb = ep->active;
+        struct instruction *store;
-        if (bb_reachable(bb)) {
-                struct instruction *store = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_STORE, ad->source_type);
+        if (!bb)
+                return;
+        store = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_STORE, ad->btype);
                 store->offset = ad->offset;
+        store->is_volatile = ad->type && (ad->type->ctype.modifiers & MOD_VOLATILE);
                 use_pseudo(store, value, &store->target);
                 use_pseudo(store, ad->address, &store->src);
                 add_one_insn(ep, store);
+static pseudo_t linearize_bitfield_insert(struct entrypoint *ep,
+        pseudo_t ori, pseudo_t val, struct symbol *ctype, struct symbol *btype)
+        unsigned int shift = ctype->bit_offset;
+        unsigned int size = ctype->bit_size;
+        unsigned long long mask = ((1ULL << size) - 1);
+        unsigned long long smask= bits_mask(btype->bit_size);
+        val = add_cast(ep, btype, ctype, OP_ZEXT, val);
+        if (shift) {
+                val = add_binary_op(ep, btype, OP_SHL, val, value_pseudo(shift));
+                mask <<= shift;
+        ori = add_binary_op(ep, btype, OP_AND, ori, value_pseudo(~mask & smask));
+        val = add_binary_op(ep, btype, OP_OR, ori, val);
+        return val;
 static pseudo_t linearize_store_gen(struct entrypoint *ep,
                 pseudo_t value,
                 struct access_data *ad)
+        struct symbol *ctype = ad->type;
+        struct symbol *btype;
         pseudo_t store = value;
-        if (type_size(ad->source_type) != type_size(ad->result_type)) {
-                struct symbol *ctype = ad->result_type;
-                unsigned int shift = ctype->bit_offset;
-                unsigned int size = ctype->bit_size;
-                pseudo_t orig = add_load(ep, ad);
-                unsigned long long mask = (1ULL << size) - 1;
+        if (!ep->active)
+                return VOID;
-                if (shift) {
-                        store = add_binary_op(ep, ad->source_type, OP_SHL, value, value_pseudo(ctype, shift));
-                        mask <<= shift;
+        btype = ad->btype = bitfield_base_type(ctype);
+        if (type_size(btype) != type_size(ctype)) {
+                pseudo_t orig = add_load(ep, ad);
+                store = linearize_bitfield_insert(ep, orig, value, ctype, btype);
-                orig = add_binary_op(ep, ad->source_type, OP_AND, orig, value_pseudo(ctype, ~mask));
-                store = add_binary_op(ep, ad->source_type, OP_OR, orig, store);
-        }
         add_store(ep, ad, store);
         return value;
+static void taint_undefined_behaviour(struct instruction *insn)
+        pseudo_t src2;
+        switch (insn->opcode) {
+        case OP_LSR:
+        case OP_ASR:
+        case OP_SHL:
+                src2 = insn->src2;
+                if (src2->type != PSEUDO_VAL)
+                        break;
+                if ((unsigned long long)src2->value >= insn->size)
+                        insn->tainted = 1;
+                break;
+        }
 static pseudo_t add_binary_op(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *ctype, int op, pseudo_t left, pseudo_t right)
         struct instruction *insn = alloc_typed_instruction(op, ctype);
         pseudo_t target = alloc_pseudo(insn);
         insn->target = target;

@@ -986,33 +1076,57 @@
         insn->val = val;
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return target;
+static pseudo_t add_setfval(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *ctype, long double fval)
+        struct instruction *insn = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_SETFVAL, ctype);
+        pseudo_t target = alloc_pseudo(insn);
+        insn->target = target;
+        insn->fvalue = fval;
+        add_one_insn(ep, insn);
+        return target;
 static pseudo_t add_symbol_address(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *sym)
         struct instruction *insn = alloc_instruction(OP_SYMADDR, bits_in_pointer);
         pseudo_t target = alloc_pseudo(insn);
         insn->target = target;
-        use_pseudo(insn, symbol_pseudo(ep, sym), &insn->symbol);
+        use_pseudo(insn, symbol_pseudo(ep, sym), &insn->src);
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return target;
-static pseudo_t linearize_load_gen(struct entrypoint *ep, struct access_data *ad)
+static pseudo_t linearize_bitfield_extract(struct entrypoint *ep,
+                pseudo_t val, struct symbol *ctype, struct symbol *btype)
-        struct symbol *ctype = ad->result_type;
-        pseudo_t new = add_load(ep, ad);
+        unsigned int off = ctype->bit_offset;
-        if (ctype->bit_offset) {
-                pseudo_t shift = value_pseudo(ctype, ctype->bit_offset);
-                pseudo_t newval = add_binary_op(ep, ad->source_type, OP_LSR, new, shift);
-                new = newval;
+        if (off) {
+                pseudo_t shift = value_pseudo(off);
+                val = add_binary_op(ep, btype, OP_LSR, val, shift);
-        if (ctype->bit_size != type_size(ad->source_type))
-                new = cast_pseudo(ep, new, ad->source_type, ad->result_type);
+        val = cast_pseudo(ep, val, btype, ctype);
+        return val;
+static pseudo_t linearize_load_gen(struct entrypoint *ep, struct access_data *ad)
+        struct symbol *ctype = ad->type;
+        struct symbol *btype;
+        pseudo_t new;
+        if (!ep->active)
+                return VOID;
+        btype = ad->btype = bitfield_base_type(ctype);
+        new = add_load(ep, ad);
+        if (ctype->bit_size != type_size(btype))
+                new = linearize_bitfield_extract(ep, new, ctype, btype);
         return new;
 static pseudo_t linearize_access(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)

@@ -1020,15 +1134,13 @@
         pseudo_t value;
         if (!linearize_address_gen(ep, expr, &ad))
                 return VOID;
         value = linearize_load_gen(ep, &ad);
-        finish_address_gen(ep, &ad);
         return value;
-/* FIXME: FP */
 static pseudo_t linearize_inc_dec(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, int postop)
         struct access_data ad = { NULL, };
                 pseudo_t old, new, one;
         int op = expr->op == SPECIAL_INCREMENT ? OP_ADD : OP_SUB;

@@ -1035,28 +1147,43 @@
         if (!linearize_address_gen(ep, expr->unop, &ad))
                 return VOID;
         old = linearize_load_gen(ep, &ad);
-        one = value_pseudo(expr->ctype, expr->op_value);
-        new = add_binary_op(ep, expr->ctype, op, old, one);
+        op = opcode_float(op, expr->ctype);
+        if (is_float_type(expr->ctype))
+                one = add_setfval(ep, expr->ctype, expr->op_value);
+        else
+                one = value_pseudo(expr->op_value);
+        if (ad.btype != ad.type)
+                old = cast_pseudo(ep, old, ad.type, ad.btype);
+        new = add_binary_op(ep, ad.btype, op, old, one);
+        if (ad.btype != ad.type)
+                new = cast_pseudo(ep, new, ad.btype, ad.type);
         linearize_store_gen(ep, new, &ad);
-        finish_address_gen(ep, &ad);
         return postop ? old : new;
-static pseudo_t add_uniop(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, int op, pseudo_t src)
+static pseudo_t add_unop(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *ctype, int op, pseudo_t src)
-        struct instruction *insn = alloc_typed_instruction(op, expr->ctype);
+        struct instruction *insn = alloc_typed_instruction(op, ctype);
         pseudo_t new = alloc_pseudo(insn);
         insn->target = new;
         use_pseudo(insn, src, &insn->src1);
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return new;
+static pseudo_t add_cast(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *to,
+                         struct symbol *from, int op, pseudo_t src)
+        pseudo_t new = add_unop(ep, to, op, src);
+        new->def->orig_type = from;
+        return new;
 static pseudo_t linearize_slice(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
         pseudo_t pre = linearize_expression(ep, expr->base);
         struct instruction *insn = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_SLICE, expr->ctype);
         pseudo_t new = alloc_pseudo(insn);

@@ -1070,21 +1197,22 @@
 static pseudo_t linearize_regular_preop(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
         pseudo_t pre = linearize_expression(ep, expr->unop);
+        struct symbol *ctype = expr->ctype;
         switch (expr->op) {
         case '+':
                 return pre;
         case '!': {
-                pseudo_t zero = value_pseudo(expr->ctype, 0);
-                return add_binary_op(ep, expr->ctype, OP_SET_EQ, pre, zero);
+                pseudo_t zero = value_pseudo(0);
+                return add_binary_op(ep, ctype, OP_SET_EQ, pre, zero);
         case '~':
-                return add_uniop(ep, expr, OP_NOT, pre);
+                return add_unop(ep, ctype, OP_NOT, pre);
         case '-':
-                return add_uniop(ep, expr, OP_NEG, pre);
+                return add_unop(ep, ctype, opcode_float(OP_NEG, ctype), pre);
         return VOID;
 static pseudo_t linearize_preop(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)

@@ -1110,53 +1238,178 @@
  * Casts to pointers are "less safe" than other casts, since
  * they imply type-unsafe accesses. "void *" is a special
  * case, since you can't access through it anyway without another
  * cast.
-static struct instruction *alloc_cast_instruction(struct symbol *src, struct symbol *ctype)
+enum mtype {
+        MTYPE_UINT,
+        MTYPE_SINT,
+        MTYPE_PTR,
+        MTYPE_VPTR,     // TODO: must be removed ?
+        MTYPE_FLOAT,
+        MTYPE_BAD,
+static enum mtype get_mtype(struct symbol *s)
-        int opcode = OP_CAST;
-        struct symbol *base = ctype;
+        int sign = (s->ctype.modifiers & MOD_SIGNED) ? 1 : 0;
-        if (src->ctype.modifiers & MOD_SIGNED)
-                opcode = OP_SCAST;
-        if (base->type == SYM_NODE)
-                base = base->ctype.base_type;
-        if (base->type == SYM_PTR) {
-                base = base->ctype.base_type;
-                if (base != &void_ctype)
-                        opcode = OP_PTRCAST;
-        } else if (base->ctype.base_type == &fp_type)
-                opcode = OP_FPCAST;
-        return alloc_typed_instruction(opcode, ctype);
+retry:  switch (s->type) {
+        case SYM_NODE:
+                s = s->ctype.base_type;
+                goto retry;
+        case SYM_PTR:
+                if (s->ctype.base_type == &void_ctype)
+                        return MTYPE_VPTR;
+                return MTYPE_PTR;
+        case SYM_BITFIELD:
+        case SYM_RESTRICT:
+        case SYM_FOULED:
+        case SYM_ENUM:
+                s = s->ctype.base_type;
+                /* fall-through */
+        case_int:
+                return sign ? MTYPE_SINT : MTYPE_UINT;
+        case SYM_BASETYPE:
+                if (s->ctype.base_type == &fp_type)
+                        return MTYPE_FLOAT;
+                if (s->ctype.base_type == &int_type)
+                        goto case_int;
+                /* fall-through */
+        default:
+                return MTYPE_BAD;
+        }
+static int get_cast_opcode(struct symbol *dst, struct symbol *src)
+        enum mtype stype = get_mtype(src);
+        enum mtype dtype = get_mtype(dst);
+        switch (dtype) {
+        case MTYPE_FLOAT:
+                switch (stype) {
+                case MTYPE_FLOAT:
+                        if (dst->bit_size == src->bit_size)
+                                return OP_NOP;
+                        return OP_FCVTF;
+                case MTYPE_UINT:
+                        return OP_UCVTF;
+                case MTYPE_SINT:
+                        return OP_SCVTF;
+                default:
+                        return OP_BADOP;
+                }
+        case MTYPE_PTR:
+                switch (stype) {
+                case MTYPE_UINT:
+                case MTYPE_SINT:
+                        return OP_UTPTR;
+                case MTYPE_PTR:
+                case MTYPE_VPTR:
+                        return OP_PTRCAST;
+                default:
+                        return OP_BADOP;
+                }
+        case MTYPE_VPTR:
+                switch (stype) {
+                case MTYPE_PTR:
+                case MTYPE_VPTR:
+                case MTYPE_UINT:
+                        stype = MTYPE_UINT;
+                        /* fall through */
+                case MTYPE_SINT:
+                        break;
+                default:
+                        return OP_BADOP;
+                }
+                /* fall through */
+        case MTYPE_UINT:
+        case MTYPE_SINT:
+                switch (stype) {
+                case MTYPE_FLOAT:
+                        return dtype == MTYPE_UINT ? OP_FCVTU : OP_FCVTS;
+                case MTYPE_PTR:
+                        return OP_PTRTU;
+                case MTYPE_VPTR:
+                case MTYPE_UINT:
+                case MTYPE_SINT:
+                        if (dst->bit_size ==src->bit_size)
+                                return OP_NOP;
+                        if (dst->bit_size  < src->bit_size)
+                                return OP_TRUNC;
+                        return stype == MTYPE_SINT ? OP_SEXT : OP_ZEXT;
+                default:
+                        return OP_BADOP;
+                }
+                /* fall through */
+        default:
+                if (src->type == SYM_NODE)
+                        src = src->ctype.base_type;
+                if (dst->type == SYM_NODE)
+                        dst = dst->ctype.base_type;
+                if (src == dst)
+                        return OP_NOP;
+                return OP_BADOP;
+        }
 static pseudo_t cast_pseudo(struct entrypoint *ep, pseudo_t src, struct symbol *from, struct symbol *to)
+        const struct position pos = current_pos;
         pseudo_t result;
         struct instruction *insn;
+        int opcode;
         if (src == VOID)
                 return VOID;
         if (!from || !to)
                 return VOID;
         if (from->bit_size < 0 || to->bit_size < 0)
                 return VOID;
-        insn = alloc_cast_instruction(from, to);
+        opcode = get_cast_opcode(to, from);
+        switch (opcode) {
+        case OP_NOP:
+                return src;
+        case OP_UTPTR:
+                if (from->bit_size == to->bit_size)
+                        break;
+                if (src == value_pseudo(0))
+                        break;
+                if (Wint_to_pointer_cast)
+                        warning(pos, "non size-preserving integer to pointer cast");
+                src = cast_pseudo(ep, src, from, size_t_ctype);
+                from = size_t_ctype;
+                break;
+        case OP_PTRTU:
+                if (from->bit_size == to->bit_size)
+                        break;
+                if (Wpointer_to_int_cast)
+                        warning(pos, "non size-preserving pointer to integer cast");
+                src = cast_pseudo(ep, src, from, size_t_ctype);
+                return cast_pseudo(ep, src, size_t_ctype, to);
+        case OP_BADOP:
+                return VOID;
+        default:
+                break;
+        }
+        insn = alloc_typed_instruction(opcode, to);
         result = alloc_pseudo(insn);
         insn->target = result;
         insn->orig_type = from;
         use_pseudo(insn, src, &insn->src);
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return result;
-static int opcode_sign(int opcode, struct symbol *ctype)
+static int map_opcode(int opcode, struct symbol *ctype)
+        if (ctype && is_float_type(ctype))
+                return opcode_table[opcode].to_float;
         if (ctype && (ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_SIGNED)) {
                 switch(opcode) {
-                case OP_MULU: case OP_DIVU: case OP_MODU: case OP_LSR:
+                case OP_DIVU: case OP_MODU: case OP_LSR:
         return opcode;

@@ -1164,14 +1417,23 @@
 static inline pseudo_t add_convert_to_bool(struct entrypoint *ep, pseudo_t src, struct symbol *type)
         pseudo_t zero;
         int op;
+        if (!type || src == VOID)
+                return VOID;
         if (is_bool_type(type))
                 return src;
-        zero = value_pseudo(type, 0);
+        if (src->type == PSEUDO_VAL && (src->value == 0 || src->value == 1))
+                return src;
+        if (is_float_type(type)) {
+                zero = add_setfval(ep, type, 0.0);
+                op = map_opcode(OP_SET_NE, type);
+        } else {
+                zero = value_pseudo(0);
         op = OP_SET_NE;
+        }
         return add_binary_op(ep, &bool_ctype, op, src, zero);
 static pseudo_t linearize_expression_to_bool(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)

@@ -1196,11 +1458,11 @@
                 pseudo_t oldvalue = linearize_load_gen(ep, &ad);
                 pseudo_t dst;
                 static const int op_trans[] = {
                         [SPECIAL_ADD_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_ADD,
                         [SPECIAL_SUB_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_SUB,
-                        [SPECIAL_MUL_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_MULU,
+                        [SPECIAL_MUL_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_MUL,
                         [SPECIAL_DIV_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_DIVU,
                         [SPECIAL_MOD_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_MODU,
                         [SPECIAL_SHL_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_SHL,
                         [SPECIAL_SHR_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_LSR,
                         [SPECIAL_AND_ASSIGN - SPECIAL_BASE] = OP_AND,

@@ -1212,16 +1474,16 @@
                 if (!src)
                         return VOID;
                 ctype = src->ctype;
                 oldvalue = cast_pseudo(ep, oldvalue, target->ctype, ctype);
-                opcode = opcode_sign(op_trans[expr->op - SPECIAL_BASE], ctype);
+                opcode = map_opcode(op_trans[expr->op - SPECIAL_BASE], ctype);
                 dst = add_binary_op(ep, ctype, opcode, oldvalue, value);
+                taint_undefined_behaviour(dst->def);
                 value = cast_pseudo(ep, dst, ctype, expr->ctype);
         value = linearize_store_gen(ep, value, &ad);
-        finish_address_gen(ep, &ad);
         return value;
 static pseudo_t linearize_call_expression(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)

@@ -1230,39 +1492,29 @@
         pseudo_t retval, call;
         struct ctype *ctype = NULL;
         struct symbol *fntype;
         struct context *context;
-        if (!expr->ctype) {
-                warning(expr->pos, "call with no type!");
+        if (!expr->ctype)
                 return VOID;
-        }
-        FOR_EACH_PTR(expr->args, arg) {
-                pseudo_t new = linearize_expression(ep, arg);
-                use_pseudo(insn, new, add_pseudo(&insn->arguments, new));
-        } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg);
         fn = expr->fn;
-        if (fn->ctype)
-                ctype = &fn->ctype->ctype;
         fntype = fn->ctype;
-        if (fntype) {
+        ctype = &fntype->ctype;
                 if (fntype->type == SYM_NODE)
                         fntype = fntype->ctype.base_type;
-        }
-        insn->fntype = fntype;
-        if (fn->type == EXPR_PREOP) {
-                if (fn->unop->type == EXPR_SYMBOL) {
-                        struct symbol *sym = fn->unop->symbol;
-                        if (sym->ctype.base_type->type == SYM_FN)
+        add_symbol(&insn->fntypes, fntype);
+        FOR_EACH_PTR(expr->args, arg) {
+                pseudo_t new = linearize_expression(ep, arg);
+                use_pseudo(insn, new, add_pseudo(&insn->arguments, new));
+                add_symbol(&insn->fntypes, arg->ctype);
+        } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg);
+        if (fn->type == EXPR_PREOP && fn->op == '*' && is_func_type(fn->ctype))
                                 fn = fn->unop;
-                }
-        }
         if (fn->type == EXPR_SYMBOL) {
                 call = symbol_pseudo(ep, fn->symbol);
         } else {
                 call = linearize_expression(ep, fn);

@@ -1302,11 +1554,11 @@
 static pseudo_t linearize_binop_bool(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
         pseudo_t src1, src2, dst;
-        int op = (expr->op == SPECIAL_LOGICAL_OR) ? OP_OR_BOOL : OP_AND_BOOL;
+        int op = (expr->op == SPECIAL_LOGICAL_OR) ? OP_OR : OP_AND;
         src1 = linearize_expression_to_bool(ep, expr->left);
         src2 = linearize_expression_to_bool(ep, expr->right);
         dst = add_binary_op(ep, &bool_ctype, op, src1, src2);
         if (expr->ctype != &bool_ctype)

@@ -1317,44 +1569,45 @@
 static pseudo_t linearize_binop(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
         pseudo_t src1, src2, dst;
         static const int opcode[] = {
                 ['+'] = OP_ADD, ['-'] = OP_SUB,
-                ['*'] = OP_MULU, ['/'] = OP_DIVU,
+                ['*'] = OP_MUL, ['/'] = OP_DIVU,
                 ['%'] = OP_MODU, ['&'] = OP_AND,
                 ['|'] = OP_OR,  ['^'] = OP_XOR,
                 [SPECIAL_LEFTSHIFT] = OP_SHL,
                 [SPECIAL_RIGHTSHIFT] = OP_LSR,
         int op;
         src1 = linearize_expression(ep, expr->left);
         src2 = linearize_expression(ep, expr->right);
-        op = opcode_sign(opcode[expr->op], expr->ctype);
+        op = map_opcode(opcode[expr->op], expr->ctype);
         dst = add_binary_op(ep, expr->ctype, op, src1, src2);
+        taint_undefined_behaviour(dst->def);
         return dst;
 static pseudo_t linearize_logical_branch(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, struct basic_block *bb_true, struct basic_block *bb_false);
-pseudo_t linearize_cond_branch(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, struct basic_block *bb_true, struct basic_block *bb_false);
+static pseudo_t linearize_cond_branch(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, struct basic_block *bb_true, struct basic_block *bb_false);
 static pseudo_t linearize_select(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
-        pseudo_t cond, true, false, res;
+        pseudo_t cond, valt, valf, res;
         struct instruction *insn;
-        true = linearize_expression(ep, expr->cond_true);
-        false = linearize_expression(ep, expr->cond_false);
+        valt = linearize_expression(ep, expr->cond_true);
+        valf = linearize_expression(ep, expr->cond_false);
         cond = linearize_expression(ep, expr->conditional);
         insn = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_SEL, expr->ctype);
         if (!expr->cond_true)
-                true = cond;
+                valt = cond;
         use_pseudo(insn, cond, &insn->src1);
-        use_pseudo(insn, true, &insn->src2);
-        use_pseudo(insn, false, &insn->src3);
+        use_pseudo(insn, valt, &insn->src2);
+        use_pseudo(insn, valf, &insn->src3);
         res = alloc_pseudo(insn);
         insn->target = res;
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return res;

@@ -1383,25 +1636,26 @@
                                             struct expression *cond,
                                             struct expression *expr_false)
         pseudo_t src1, src2;
         struct basic_block *bb_false;
-        struct basic_block *merge = alloc_basic_block(ep, expr->pos);
+        struct basic_block *merge;
         pseudo_t phi1, phi2;
-        int size = type_size(expr->ctype);
         if (!expr_false || !ep->active)
                 return VOID;
         bb_false = alloc_basic_block(ep, expr_false->pos);
+        merge = alloc_basic_block(ep, expr->pos);
         src1 = linearize_expression(ep, cond);
-        phi1 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src1, size);
-        add_branch(ep, expr, src1, merge, bb_false);
+        phi1 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src1, expr->ctype);
+        add_branch(ep, src1, merge, bb_false);
         set_activeblock(ep, bb_false);
         src2 = linearize_expression(ep, expr_false);
-        phi2 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src2, size);
+        phi2 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src2, expr->ctype);
         set_activeblock(ep, merge);
         return add_join_conditional(ep, expr, phi1, phi2);

@@ -1411,11 +1665,10 @@
                                       struct expression *expr_false)
         pseudo_t src1, src2;
         pseudo_t phi1, phi2;
         struct basic_block *bb_true, *bb_false, *merge;
-        int size = type_size(expr->ctype);
         if (!cond || !expr_true || !expr_false || !ep->active)
                 return VOID;
         bb_true = alloc_basic_block(ep, expr_true->pos);
         bb_false = alloc_basic_block(ep, expr_false->pos);

@@ -1423,30 +1676,69 @@
         linearize_cond_branch(ep, cond, bb_true, bb_false);
         set_activeblock(ep, bb_true);
         src1 = linearize_expression(ep, expr_true);
-        phi1 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src1, size);
+        phi1 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src1, expr->ctype);
         add_goto(ep, merge); 
         set_activeblock(ep, bb_false);
         src2 = linearize_expression(ep, expr_false);
-        phi2 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src2, size);
+        phi2 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src2, expr->ctype);
         set_activeblock(ep, merge);
         return add_join_conditional(ep, expr, phi1, phi2);
+static void insert_phis(struct basic_block *bb, pseudo_t src, struct symbol *ctype,
+        struct instruction *node)
+        struct basic_block *parent;
+        FOR_EACH_PTR(bb->parents, parent) {
+                struct instruction *br = delete_last_instruction(&parent->insns);
+                pseudo_t phi = alloc_phi(parent, src, ctype);
+                add_instruction(&parent->insns, br);
+                use_pseudo(node, phi, add_pseudo(&node->phi_list, phi));
+        } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(parent);
 static pseudo_t linearize_logical(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
-        struct expression *shortcut;
+        struct symbol *ctype = expr->ctype;
+        struct basic_block *other, *merge;
+        struct instruction *node;
+        pseudo_t src1, src2, phi2;
-        shortcut = alloc_const_expression(expr->pos, expr->op == SPECIAL_LOGICAL_OR);
-        shortcut->ctype = expr->ctype;
-        if (expr->op == SPECIAL_LOGICAL_OR)
-                return linearize_conditional(ep, expr, expr->left, shortcut, expr->right);
-        return linearize_conditional(ep, expr, expr->left, expr->right, shortcut);
+        if (!ep->active || !expr->left || !expr->right)
+                return VOID;
+        other = alloc_basic_block(ep, expr->right->pos);
+        merge = alloc_basic_block(ep, expr->pos);
+        node = alloc_phi_node(merge, ctype, NULL);
+        // LHS and its shortcut
+        if (expr->op == SPECIAL_LOGICAL_OR) {
+                linearize_cond_branch(ep, expr->left, merge, other);
+                src1 = value_pseudo(1);
+        } else {
+                linearize_cond_branch(ep, expr->left, other, merge);
+                src1 = value_pseudo(0);
+        }
+        insert_phis(merge, src1, ctype, node);
+        // RHS
+        set_activeblock(ep, other);
+        src2 = linearize_expression_to_bool(ep, expr->right);
+        src2 = cast_pseudo(ep, src2, &bool_ctype, ctype);
+        phi2 = alloc_phi(ep->active, src2, ctype);
+        use_pseudo(node, phi2, add_pseudo(&node->phi_list, phi2));
+        // join
+        set_activeblock(ep, merge);
+        add_instruction(&merge->insns, node);
+        return node->target;
 static pseudo_t linearize_compare(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
         static const int cmpop[] = {

@@ -1458,19 +1750,19 @@
                 [SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_LT] = OP_SET_B,
                 [SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_GT] = OP_SET_A,
                 [SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_LTE] = OP_SET_BE,
                 [SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_GTE] = OP_SET_AE,
+        int op = opcode_float(cmpop[expr->op], expr->right->ctype);
         pseudo_t src1 = linearize_expression(ep, expr->left);
         pseudo_t src2 = linearize_expression(ep, expr->right);
-        pseudo_t dst = add_binary_op(ep, expr->ctype, cmpop[expr->op], src1, src2);
+        pseudo_t dst = add_binary_op(ep, expr->ctype, op, src1, src2);
         return dst;
-pseudo_t linearize_cond_branch(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, struct basic_block *bb_true, struct basic_block *bb_false)
+static pseudo_t linearize_cond_branch(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr, struct basic_block *bb_true, struct basic_block *bb_false)
         pseudo_t cond;
         if (!expr || !bb_reachable(ep->active))
                 return VOID;

@@ -1490,20 +1782,20 @@
                 linearize_logical_branch(ep, expr, bb_true, bb_false);
                 return VOID;
         case EXPR_COMPARE:
                 cond = linearize_compare(ep, expr);
-                add_branch(ep, expr, cond, bb_true, bb_false);
+                add_branch(ep, cond, bb_true, bb_false);
         case EXPR_PREOP:
                 if (expr->op == '!')
                         return linearize_cond_branch(ep, expr->unop, bb_false, bb_true);
                 /* fall through */
         default: {
-                cond = linearize_expression(ep, expr);
-                add_branch(ep, expr, cond, bb_true, bb_false);
+                cond = linearize_expression_to_bool(ep, expr);
+                add_branch(ep, cond, bb_true, bb_false);
                 return VOID;
         return VOID;

@@ -1534,20 +1826,10 @@
         src = linearize_expression(ep, orig);
         return cast_pseudo(ep, src, orig->ctype, expr->ctype);
-static pseudo_t linearize_position(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *pos, struct access_data *ad)
-        struct expression *init_expr = pos->init_expr;
-        ad->offset = pos->init_offset;
-        ad->source_type = base_type(init_expr->ctype);
-        ad->result_type = init_expr->ctype;
-        return linearize_initializer(ep, init_expr, ad);
 static pseudo_t linearize_initializer(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *initializer, struct access_data *ad)
         switch (initializer->type) {
         case EXPR_INITIALIZER: {
                 struct expression *expr;

@@ -1555,16 +1837,16 @@
                         linearize_initializer(ep, expr, ad);
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(expr);
         case EXPR_POS:
-                linearize_position(ep, initializer, ad);
+                ad->offset = initializer->init_offset;
+                linearize_initializer(ep, initializer->init_expr, ad);
         default: {
                 pseudo_t value = linearize_expression(ep, initializer);
-                ad->source_type = base_type(initializer->ctype);
-                ad->result_type = initializer->ctype;
+                ad->type = initializer->ctype;
                 linearize_store_gen(ep, value, ad);
                 return value;

@@ -1573,18 +1855,16 @@
 static void linearize_argument(struct entrypoint *ep, struct symbol *arg, int nr)
         struct access_data ad = { NULL, };
-        ad.source_type = arg;
-        ad.result_type = arg;
+        ad.type = arg;
         ad.address = symbol_pseudo(ep, arg);
         linearize_store_gen(ep, argument_pseudo(ep, nr), &ad);
-        finish_address_gen(ep, &ad);
-pseudo_t linearize_expression(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
+static pseudo_t linearize_expression(struct entrypoint *ep, struct expression *expr)
         if (!expr)
                 return VOID;
         current_pos = expr->pos;

@@ -1592,15 +1872,19 @@
         case EXPR_SYMBOL:
                 linearize_one_symbol(ep, expr->symbol);
                 return add_symbol_address(ep, expr->symbol);
         case EXPR_VALUE:
-                return value_pseudo(expr->ctype, expr->value);
+                return value_pseudo(expr->value);
-        case EXPR_STRING: case EXPR_FVALUE: case EXPR_LABEL:
+        case EXPR_STRING:
+        case EXPR_LABEL:
                 return add_setval(ep, expr->ctype, expr);
+        case EXPR_FVALUE:
+                return add_setfval(ep, expr->ctype, expr->fvalue);
         case EXPR_STATEMENT:
                 return linearize_statement(ep, expr->statement);
         case EXPR_CALL:
                 return linearize_call_expression(ep, expr);

@@ -1677,49 +1961,66 @@
                 // default zero initialization []
                 // FIXME: this init the whole aggregate while
                 // only the existing fields need to be initialized.
                 // FIXME: this init the whole aggregate even if
                 // all fields arelater  explicitely initialized.
-                struct expression *expr = sym->initializer;
-                ad.pos = expr->pos;
-                ad.result_type = sym;
-                ad.source_type = base_type(sym);
+                ad.type = sym;
                 ad.address = symbol_pseudo(ep, sym);
-                linearize_store_gen(ep, value_pseudo(sym, 0), &ad);
+                linearize_store_gen(ep, value_pseudo(0), &ad);
         value = linearize_initializer(ep, sym->initializer, &ad);
-        finish_address_gen(ep, &ad);
         return value;
 static pseudo_t linearize_compound_statement(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)
         pseudo_t pseudo;
         struct statement *s;
-        struct symbol *ret = stmt->ret;
         pseudo = VOID;
         FOR_EACH_PTR(stmt->stmts, s) {
                 pseudo = linearize_statement(ep, s);
         } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(s);
-        if (ret) {
-                struct basic_block *bb = add_label(ep, ret);
+        return pseudo;
+static void add_return(struct entrypoint *ep, struct basic_block *bb, struct symbol *ctype, pseudo_t src)
                 struct instruction *phi_node = first_instruction(bb->insns);
+        pseudo_t phi;
+        if (!phi_node) {
+                phi_node = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_PHI, ctype);
+                phi_node->target = alloc_pseudo(phi_node);
+                phi_node->bb = bb;
+                add_instruction(&bb->insns, phi_node);
+        }
+        phi = alloc_phi(ep->active, src, ctype);
+        phi->ident = &return_ident;
+        use_pseudo(phi_node, phi, add_pseudo(&phi_node->phi_list, phi));
-                if (!phi_node)
-                        return pseudo;
+static pseudo_t linearize_fn_statement(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)
+        struct instruction *phi_node;
+        struct basic_block *bb;
+        pseudo_t pseudo;
-                if (pseudo_list_size(phi_node->phi_list)==1) {
-                        pseudo = first_pseudo(phi_node->phi_list);
-                        assert(pseudo->type == PSEUDO_PHI);
-                        return pseudo->def->src1;
+        pseudo = linearize_compound_statement(ep, stmt);
+        if (!is_void_type(stmt->ret)) {                 // non-void function
+                struct basic_block *active = ep->active;
+                if (active && !bb_terminated(active)) { // missing return
+                        struct basic_block *bb_ret;
+                        bb_ret = get_bound_block(ep, stmt->ret);
+                        add_return(ep, bb_ret, stmt->ret, undef_pseudo());
-                return phi_node->target;
+        bb = add_label(ep, stmt->ret);
+        phi_node = first_instruction(bb->insns);
+        if (phi_node)
+                pseudo = phi_node->target;
         return pseudo;
 static pseudo_t linearize_inlined_call(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)

@@ -1732,33 +2033,31 @@
                 struct symbol *sym;
                 concat_symbol_list(args->declaration, &ep->syms);
                 FOR_EACH_PTR(args->declaration, sym) {
                         pseudo_t value = linearize_one_symbol(ep, sym);
-                        use_pseudo(insn, value, add_pseudo(&insn->arguments, value));
+                        add_pseudo(&insn->arguments, value);
                 } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(sym);
-        insn->target = pseudo = linearize_compound_statement(ep, stmt);
+        pseudo = linearize_fn_statement(ep, stmt);
+        insn->target = pseudo;
         use_pseudo(insn, symbol_pseudo(ep, stmt->inline_fn), &insn->func);
         bb = ep->active;
-        if (bb && !bb->insns)
+        if (!bb->insns)
                 bb->pos = stmt->pos;
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return pseudo;
 static pseudo_t linearize_context(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)
         struct instruction *insn = alloc_instruction(OP_CONTEXT, 0);
         struct expression *expr = stmt->expression;
-        int value = 0;
-        if (expr->type == EXPR_VALUE)
-                value = expr->value;
-        insn->increment = value;
+        insn->increment = get_expression_value(expr);
         insn->context_expr = stmt->context;
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         return VOID;

@@ -1796,26 +2095,23 @@
         struct asm_constraint *rule;
         if (!expr || !linearize_address_gen(ep, expr, &ad))
         linearize_store_gen(ep, pseudo, &ad);
-        finish_address_gen(ep, &ad);
         rule = __alloc_asm_constraint(0);
         rule->ident = ident;
         rule->constraint = constraint;
         use_pseudo(insn, pseudo, &rule->pseudo);
         add_ptr_list(&insn->asm_rules->outputs, rule);
 static pseudo_t linearize_asm_statement(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)
-        int state;
         struct expression *expr;
         struct instruction *insn;
         struct asm_rules *rules;
         const char *constraint;
-        struct ident *ident;
         insn = alloc_instruction(OP_ASM, 0);
         expr = stmt->asm_string;
         if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_STRING) {
                 warning(stmt->pos, "expected string in inline asm");

@@ -1825,53 +2121,21 @@
         rules = __alloc_asm_rules(0);
         insn->asm_rules = rules;
         /* Gather the inputs.. */
-        state = 0;
-        ident = NULL;
-        constraint = NULL;
         FOR_EACH_PTR(stmt->asm_inputs, expr) {
-                switch (state) {
-                case 0: /* Identifier */
-                        state = 1;
-                        ident = (struct ident *)expr;
-                        continue;
-                case 1: /* Constraint */
-                        state = 2;
-                        constraint = expr ? expr->string->data : "";
-                        continue;
-                case 2: /* Expression */
-                        state = 0;
-                        add_asm_input(ep, insn, expr, constraint, ident);
-                }
+                constraint = expr->constraint ? expr->constraint->string->data : "";
+                add_asm_input(ep, insn, expr->expr, constraint, expr->name);
         } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(expr);
         add_one_insn(ep, insn);
         /* Assign the outputs */
-        state = 0;
-        ident = NULL;
-        constraint = NULL;
         FOR_EACH_PTR(stmt->asm_outputs, expr) {
-                switch (state) {
-                case 0: /* Identifier */
-                        state = 1;
-                        ident = (struct ident *)expr;
-                        continue;
-                case 1: /* Constraint */
-                        state = 2;
-                        constraint = expr ? expr->string->data : "";
-                        continue;
-                case 2:
-                        state = 0;
-                        add_asm_output(ep, insn, expr, constraint, ident);
-                }
+                constraint = expr->constraint ? expr->constraint->string->data : "";
+                add_asm_output(ep, insn, expr->expr, constraint, expr->name);
         } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(expr);
         return VOID;

@@ -1914,27 +2178,18 @@
 static pseudo_t linearize_return(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)
         struct expression *expr = stmt->expression;
-        struct basic_block *bb_return = get_bound_block(ep, stmt->ret_target);
+        struct symbol *ret = stmt->ret_target;
+        struct basic_block *bb_return = get_bound_block(ep, ret);
         struct basic_block *active;
         pseudo_t src = linearize_expression(ep, expr);
         active = ep->active;
-        if (active && src != VOID) {
-                struct instruction *phi_node = first_instruction(bb_return->insns);
-                pseudo_t phi;
-                if (!phi_node) {
-                        phi_node = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_PHI, expr->ctype);
-                        phi_node->target = alloc_pseudo(phi_node);
-                        phi_node->bb = bb_return;
-                        add_instruction(&bb_return->insns, phi_node);
+        if (active && !is_void_type(ret)) {
+                add_return(ep, bb_return, ret, src);
-                phi = alloc_phi(active, src, type_size(expr->ctype));
-                phi->ident = &return_ident;
-                use_pseudo(phi_node, phi, add_pseudo(&phi_node->phi_list, phi));
-        }
         add_goto(ep, bb_return);
         return VOID;
 static pseudo_t linearize_switch(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)

@@ -1941,20 +2196,24 @@
         struct symbol *sym;
         struct instruction *switch_ins;
         struct basic_block *switch_end = alloc_basic_block(ep, stmt->pos);
         struct basic_block *active, *default_case;
+        struct expression *expr = stmt->switch_expression;
         struct multijmp *jmp;
         pseudo_t pseudo;
-        pseudo = linearize_expression(ep, stmt->switch_expression);
-        active = ep->active;
-        if (!bb_reachable(active))
+        if (!expr || !expr->ctype)
                 return VOID;
+        pseudo = linearize_expression(ep, expr);
+        active = ep->active;
+        if (!active) {
+                active = alloc_basic_block(ep, stmt->pos);
+                set_activeblock(ep, active);
+        }
-        switch_ins = alloc_instruction(OP_SWITCH, 0);
+        switch_ins = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_SWITCH, expr->ctype);
         use_pseudo(switch_ins, pseudo, &switch_ins->cond);
         add_one_insn(ep, switch_ins);
         default_case = NULL;

@@ -1963,16 +2222,19 @@
                 struct basic_block *bb_case = get_bound_block(ep, sym);
                 if (!case_stmt->case_expression) {
                         default_case = bb_case;
+                } else if (case_stmt->case_expression->type != EXPR_VALUE) {
+                        continue;
                 } else {
-                        int begin, end;
+                        struct expression *case_to = case_stmt->case_to;
+                        long long begin, end;
                         begin = end = case_stmt->case_expression->value;
-                        if (case_stmt->case_to)
-                                end = case_stmt->case_to->value;
+                        if (case_to && case_to->type == EXPR_VALUE)
+                                end = case_to->value;
                         if (begin > end)
                                 jmp = alloc_multijmp(bb_case, end, begin);
                                 jmp = alloc_multijmp(bb_case, begin, end);

@@ -2045,11 +2307,11 @@
         set_activeblock(ep, loop_end);
         return VOID;
-pseudo_t linearize_statement(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)
+static pseudo_t linearize_statement(struct entrypoint *ep, struct statement *stmt)
         struct basic_block *bb;
         if (!stmt)
                 return VOID;

@@ -2122,11 +2384,11 @@
                 pseudo = linearize_expression(ep, expr);
                 goto_ins = alloc_instruction(OP_COMPUTEDGOTO, 0);
-                use_pseudo(goto_ins, pseudo, &goto_ins->target);
+                use_pseudo(goto_ins, pseudo, &goto_ins->src);
                 add_one_insn(ep, goto_ins);
                 FOR_EACH_PTR(stmt->target_list, sym) {
                         struct basic_block *bb_computed = get_bound_block(ep, sym);
                         struct multijmp *jmp = alloc_multijmp(bb_computed, 1, 0);

@@ -2182,27 +2444,34 @@
         return VOID;
 static struct entrypoint *linearize_fn(struct symbol *sym, struct symbol *base_type)
+        struct statement *stmt = base_type->stmt;
         struct entrypoint *ep;
         struct basic_block *bb;
+        struct symbol *ret_type;
         struct symbol *arg;
         struct instruction *entry;
+        struct instruction *ret;
         pseudo_t result;
         int i;
-        if (!base_type->stmt)
+        if (!stmt)
                 return NULL;
         ep = alloc_entrypoint();
-        bb = alloc_basic_block(ep, sym->pos);
         ep->name = sym;
         sym->ep = ep;
+        bb = alloc_basic_block(ep, sym->pos);
         set_activeblock(ep, bb);
+        if (stmt->type == STMT_ASM) {   // top-level asm
+                linearize_asm_statement(ep, stmt);
+                return ep;
+        }
         entry = alloc_instruction(OP_ENTRY, 0);
         add_one_insn(ep, entry);
         ep->entry = entry;
         concat_symbol_list(base_type->arguments, &ep->syms);

@@ -2211,72 +2480,19 @@
         i = 0;
         FOR_EACH_PTR(base_type->arguments, arg) {
                 linearize_argument(ep, arg, ++i);
         } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg);
-        result = linearize_statement(ep, base_type->stmt);
-        if (bb_reachable(ep->active) && !bb_terminated(ep->active)) {
-                struct symbol *ret_type = base_type->ctype.base_type;
-                struct instruction *insn = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_RET, ret_type);
+        result = linearize_fn_statement(ep, stmt);
+        ret_type = base_type->ctype.base_type;
+        ret = alloc_typed_instruction(OP_RET, ret_type);
                 if (type_size(ret_type) > 0)
-                        use_pseudo(insn, result, &insn->src);
-                add_one_insn(ep, insn);
-        }
+                use_pseudo(ret, result, &ret->src);
+        add_one_insn(ep, ret);
-        if (fdump_linearize) {
-                if (fdump_linearize == 2)
+        optimize(ep);
                         return ep;
-                show_entry(ep);
-        }
-        /*
-         * Do trivial flow simplification - branches to
-         * branches, kill dead basicblocks etc
-         */
-        kill_unreachable_bbs(ep);
-        /*
-         * Turn symbols into pseudos
-         */
-        simplify_symbol_usage(ep);
-        /*
-         * Remove trivial instructions, and try to CSE
-         * the rest.
-         */
-        do {
-                cleanup_and_cse(ep);
-                pack_basic_blocks(ep);
-        } while (repeat_phase & REPEAT_CSE);
-        kill_unreachable_bbs(ep);
-        vrfy_flow(ep);
-        /* Cleanup */
-        clear_symbol_pseudos(ep);
-        /* And track pseudo register usage */
-        track_pseudo_liveness(ep);
-        /*
-         * Some flow optimizations can only effectively
-         * be done when we've done liveness analysis. But
-         * if they trigger, we need to start all over
-         * again
-         */
-        if (simplify_flow(ep)) {
-                clear_liveness(ep);
-                goto repeat;
-        }
-        /* Finally, add deathnotes to pseudos now that we have them */
-        if (dbg_dead)
-                track_pseudo_death(ep);
-        return ep;
 struct entrypoint *linearize_symbol(struct symbol *sym)
         struct symbol *base_type;