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8956 Implement KPTI
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>

   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  23  * Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc.
  24  * Copyright (c) 2016 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
  25  */
  27 #include <sys/asm_linkage.h>
  28 #include <sys/asm_misc.h>
  29 #include <sys/regset.h>
  30 #include <sys/privregs.h>
  31 #include <sys/psw.h>
  32 #include <sys/machbrand.h>
  34 #if defined(__lint)
  36 #include <sys/types.h>
  37 #include <sys/thread.h>
  38 #include <sys/systm.h>
  40 #else   /* __lint */
  42 #include <sys/segments.h>
  43 #include <sys/pcb.h>

 474         /*
 475          * Copy these registers here in case we end up stopped with
 476          * someone (like, say, /proc) messing with our register state.
 477          * We don't -restore- them unless we have to in update_sregs.
 478          *
 479          * Since userland -can't- change fsbase or gsbase directly,
 480          * and capturing them involves two serializing instructions,
 481          * we don't bother to capture them here.
 482          */
 483         xorl    %ebx, %ebx
 484         movw    %ds, %bx
 485         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_DS(%rsp)
 486         movw    %es, %bx
 487         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_ES(%rsp)
 488         movw    %fs, %bx
 489         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_FS(%rsp)
 490         movw    %gs, %bx
 491         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_GS(%rsp)
 493         /*

 494          * Machine state saved in the regs structure on the stack
 495          * First six args in %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9
 496          * %eax is the syscall number
 497          * %rsp is the thread's stack, %r15 is curthread
 498          * REG_RSP(%rsp) is the user's stack
 499          */
 503         movq    %rsp, %rbp
 505         movq    T_LWP(%r15), %r14
 506         ASSERT_NO_RUPDATE_PENDING(%r14)
 507         ENABLE_INTR_FLAGS
 510         movl    REGOFF_RAX(%rsp), %eax  /* (%rax damaged by mstate call) */
 512         ASSERT_LWPTOREGS(%r14, %rsp)

 654         movq    %gs:CPU_THREAD, %r11
 655         movq    T_STACK(%r11), %rsp
 657         movq    %rcx, REGOFF_RIP(%rsp)
 658         movl    $UCS_SEL, REGOFF_CS(%rsp)
 659         movq    %gs:CPU_RTMP_RSP, %r11
 660         movq    %r11, REGOFF_RSP(%rsp)
 661         pushfq
 662         popq    %r11                            /* hypercall enables ints */
 663         movq    %r11, REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
 664         movl    $UDS_SEL, REGOFF_SS(%rsp)
 665         addq    $REGOFF_RIP, %rsp
 666         /*
 667          * XXPV: see comment in SYSRETQ definition for future optimization
 668          *       we could take.
 669          */
 671         SYSRETQ
 672 #else
 673         ALTENTRY(nopop_sys_syscall_swapgs_sysretq)
 674         SWAPGS                          /* user gsbase */
 675         SYSRETQ
 676 #endif
 677         /*NOTREACHED*/
 678         SET_SIZE(nopop_sys_syscall_swapgs_sysretq)
 680 _syscall_pre:
 681         call    pre_syscall
 682         movl    %eax, %r12d
 683         testl   %eax, %eax
 684         jne     _syscall_post_call
 685         /*
 686          * Didn't abort, so reload the syscall args and invoke the handler.
 687          */
 688         movzwl  T_SYSNUM(%r15), %eax
 689         jmp     _syscall_invoke
 691 _syscall_ill:
 692         call    nosys
 693         movq    %rax, %r12
 694         movq    %rdx, %r13
 695         jmp     _syscall_post_call

 757         /*
 758          * Copy these registers here in case we end up stopped with
 759          * someone (like, say, /proc) messing with our register state.
 760          * We don't -restore- them unless we have to in update_sregs.
 761          *
 762          * Since userland -can't- change fsbase or gsbase directly,
 763          * we don't bother to capture them here.
 764          */
 765         xorl    %ebx, %ebx
 766         movw    %ds, %bx
 767         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_DS(%rsp)
 768         movw    %es, %bx
 769         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_ES(%rsp)
 770         movw    %fs, %bx
 771         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_FS(%rsp)
 772         movw    %gs, %bx
 773         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_GS(%rsp)
 775         /*

 776          * Application state saved in the regs structure on the stack
 777          * %eax is the syscall number
 778          * %rsp is the thread's stack, %r15 is curthread
 779          * REG_RSP(%rsp) is the user's stack
 780          */
 784         movq    %rsp, %rbp
 786         movq    T_LWP(%r15), %r14
 787         ASSERT_NO_RUPDATE_PENDING(%r14)
 789         ENABLE_INTR_FLAGS
 792         movl    REGOFF_RAX(%rsp), %eax  /* (%rax damaged by mstate call) */
 794         ASSERT_LWPTOREGS(%r14, %rsp)

 872         /*
 873          * To get back to userland, we need to put the return %rip in %rcx and
 874          * the return %rfl in %r11d.  The sysret instruction also arranges
 875          * to fix up %cs and %ss; everything else is our responsibility.
 876          */
 878         movl    %r12d, %eax                     /* %eax: rval1 */
 879         movl    REGOFF_RBX(%rsp), %ebx
 880         /* %ecx used for return pointer */
 881         movl    %r13d, %edx                     /* %edx: rval2 */
 882         movl    REGOFF_RBP(%rsp), %ebp
 883         movl    REGOFF_RSI(%rsp), %esi
 884         movl    REGOFF_RDI(%rsp), %edi
 886         movl    REGOFF_RFL(%rsp), %r11d         /* %r11 -> eflags */
 887         movl    REGOFF_RIP(%rsp), %ecx          /* %ecx -> %eip */
 888         movl    REGOFF_RSP(%rsp), %esp
 891         ALTENTRY(nopop_sys_syscall32_swapgs_sysretl)
 892         SWAPGS                          /* user gsbase */
 893         SYSRETL
 894         SET_SIZE(nopop_sys_syscall32_swapgs_sysretl)
 895         /*NOTREACHED*/
 897 _full_syscall_postsys32:
 898         STI
 899         /*
 900          * Sigh, our optimism wasn't justified, put it back to LMS_SYSTEM
 901          * so that we can account for the extra work it takes us to finish.
 902          */
 904         movq    %r15, %rdi
 905         movq    %r12, %rsi                      /* rval1 - %eax */
 906         movq    %r13, %rdx                      /* rval2 - %edx */
 907         call    syscall_exit
 909         jmp     _sys_rtt
 910         SET_SIZE(sys_syscall32)
 911         SET_SIZE(brand_sys_syscall32)
 913 #endif  /* __lint */

 918  *
 919  * The caller in userland has arranged that:
 920  *
 921  * -    %eax contains the syscall number
 922  * -    %ecx contains the user %esp
 923  * -    %edx contains the return %eip
 924  * -    the user stack contains the args to the syscall
 925  *
 926  * Hardware and (privileged) initialization code have arranged that by
 927  * the time the sysenter instructions completes:
 928  *
 929  * - %rip is pointing to sys_sysenter (below).
 930  * - %cs and %ss are set to kernel text and stack (data) selectors.
 931  * - %rsp is pointing at the lwp's stack
 932  * - interrupts have been disabled.
 933  *
 934  * Note that we are unable to return both "rvals" to userland with
 935  * this call, as %edx is used by the sysexit instruction.
 936  *
 937  * One final complication in this routine is its interaction with
 938  * single-stepping in a debugger.  For most of the system call mechanisms,
 939  * the CPU automatically clears the single-step flag before we enter the
 940  * kernel.  The sysenter mechanism does not clear the flag, so a user
 941  * single-stepping through a libc routine may suddenly find themself
 942  * single-stepping through the kernel.  To detect this, kmdb compares the
 943  * trap %pc to the [brand_]sys_enter addresses on each single-step trap.
 944  * If it finds that we have single-stepped to a sysenter entry point, it
 945  * explicitly clears the flag and executes the sys_sysenter routine.
 946  *
 947  * One final complication in this final complication is the fact that we
 948  * have two different entry points for sysenter: brand_sys_sysenter and
 949  * sys_sysenter.  If we enter at brand_sys_sysenter and start single-stepping
 950  * through the kernel with kmdb, we will eventually hit the instruction at
 951  * sys_sysenter.  kmdb cannot distinguish between that valid single-step
 952  * and the undesirable one mentioned above.  To avoid this situation, we
 953  * simply add a jump over the instruction at sys_sysenter to make it
 954  * impossible to single-step to it.
 955  */
 956 #if defined(__lint)
 958 void
 959 sys_sysenter()
 960 {}
 962 #else   /* __lint */
 964         ENTRY_NP(brand_sys_sysenter)
 965         SWAPGS                          /* kernel gsbase */
 966         ALTENTRY(_brand_sys_sysenter_post_swapgs)

 968         /*
 969          * Jump over sys_sysenter to allow single-stepping as described
 970          * above.
 971          */
 972         jmp     _sys_sysenter_post_swapgs
 974         ALTENTRY(sys_sysenter)
 975         SWAPGS                          /* kernel gsbase */
 977         ALTENTRY(_sys_sysenter_post_swapgs)

 978         movq    %gs:CPU_THREAD, %r15
 980         movl    $U32CS_SEL, REGOFF_CS(%rsp)
 981         movl    %ecx, REGOFF_RSP(%rsp)          /* wrapper: %esp -> %ecx */
 982         movl    %edx, REGOFF_RIP(%rsp)          /* wrapper: %eip -> %edx */

 983         pushfq
 984         popq    %r10
 985         movl    $UDS_SEL, REGOFF_SS(%rsp)
 987         /*
 988          * Set the interrupt flag before storing the flags to the
 989          * flags image on the stack so we can return to user with
 990          * interrupts enabled if we return via sys_rtt_syscall32
 991          */
 992         orq     $PS_IE, %r10
 993         movq    %r10, REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
 995         movl    %edi, REGOFF_RDI(%rsp)
 996         movl    %esi, REGOFF_RSI(%rsp)
 997         movl    %ebp, REGOFF_RBP(%rsp)
 998         movl    %ebx, REGOFF_RBX(%rsp)
 999         movl    %edx, REGOFF_RDX(%rsp)
1000         movl    %ecx, REGOFF_RCX(%rsp)
1001         movl    %eax, REGOFF_RAX(%rsp)          /* wrapper: sysc# -> %eax */
1002         movq    $0, REGOFF_SAVFP(%rsp)

1005         /*
1006          * Copy these registers here in case we end up stopped with
1007          * someone (like, say, /proc) messing with our register state.
1008          * We don't -restore- them unless we have to in update_sregs.
1009          *
1010          * Since userland -can't- change fsbase or gsbase directly,
1011          * we don't bother to capture them here.
1012          */
1013         xorl    %ebx, %ebx
1014         movw    %ds, %bx
1015         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_DS(%rsp)
1016         movw    %es, %bx
1017         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_ES(%rsp)
1018         movw    %fs, %bx
1019         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_FS(%rsp)
1020         movw    %gs, %bx
1021         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_GS(%rsp)
1023         /*

1024          * Application state saved in the regs structure on the stack
1025          * %eax is the syscall number
1026          * %rsp is the thread's stack, %r15 is curthread
1027          * REG_RSP(%rsp) is the user's stack
1028          */
1032         movq    %rsp, %rbp
1034         movq    T_LWP(%r15), %r14
1035         ASSERT_NO_RUPDATE_PENDING(%r14)
1037         ENABLE_INTR_FLAGS
1039         /*
1040          * Catch 64-bit process trying to issue sysenter instruction
1041          * on Nocona based systems.
1042          */
1043         movq    LWP_PROCP(%r14), %rax

1101          *
1102          * Simulate the same behaviour by unconditionally splitting the
1103          * return value in the same way.
1104          */
1105         movq    %rax, %r13
1106         shrq    $32, %r13       /* upper 32-bits into %edx */
1107         movl    %eax, %r12d     /* lower 32-bits into %eax */
1109         /*
1110          * Optimistically assume that there's no post-syscall
1111          * work to do.  (This is to avoid having to call syscall_mstate()
1112          * with interrupts disabled)
1113          */
1116         /*
1117          * We must protect ourselves from being descheduled here;
1118          * If we were, and we ended up on another cpu, or another
1119          * lwp got int ahead of us, it could change the segment
1120          * registers without us noticing before we return to userland.

1121          */
1122         cli
1123         CHECK_POSTSYS_NE(%r15, %r14, %ebx)
1124         jne     _full_syscall_postsys32
1125         SIMPLE_SYSCALL_POSTSYS(%r15, %r14, %bx)
1127         /*
1128          * To get back to userland, load up the 32-bit registers and
1129          * sysexit back where we came from.
1130          */
1132         /*
1133          * Interrupts will be turned on by the 'sti' executed just before
1134          * sysexit.  The following ensures that restoring the user's rflags
1135          * doesn't enable interrupts too soon.
1136          */
1137         andq    $_BITNOT(PS_IE), REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
1139         /*
1140          * (There's no point in loading up %edx because the sysexit
1141          * mechanism smashes it.)
1142          */
1143         movl    %r12d, %eax
1144         movl    REGOFF_RBX(%rsp), %ebx
1145         movl    REGOFF_RBP(%rsp), %ebp
1146         movl    REGOFF_RSI(%rsp), %esi
1147         movl    REGOFF_RDI(%rsp), %edi
1149         movl    REGOFF_RIP(%rsp), %edx  /* sysexit: %edx -> %eip */
1150         pushq   REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
1151         popfq
1152         movl    REGOFF_RSP(%rsp), %ecx  /* sysexit: %ecx -> %esp */
1153         ALTENTRY(sys_sysenter_swapgs_sysexit)
1154         swapgs
1155         sti
1156         sysexit
1157         SET_SIZE(sys_sysenter_swapgs_sysexit)
1158         SET_SIZE(sys_sysenter)
1159         SET_SIZE(_sys_sysenter_post_swapgs)
1160         SET_SIZE(brand_sys_sysenter)
1162 #endif  /* __lint */
1164 /*
1165  * This is the destination of the "int $T_SYSCALLINT" interrupt gate, used by
1166  * the generic i386 libc to do system calls. We do a small amount of setup
1167  * before jumping into the existing sys_syscall32 path.
1168  */
1169 #if defined(__lint)
1171 /*ARGSUSED*/
1172 void
1173 sys_syscall_int()
1174 {}
1176 #else   /* __lint */

1187         XPV_TRAP_POP
1188         call    smap_enable
1190 nopop_syscall_int:
1191         movq    %gs:CPU_THREAD, %r15
1192         movq    T_STACK(%r15), %rsp
1193         movl    %eax, %eax
1194         /*
1195          * Set t_post_sys on this thread to force ourselves out via the slow
1196          * path. It might be possible at some later date to optimize this out
1197          * and use a faster return mechanism.
1198          */
1199         movb    $1, T_POST_SYS(%r15)
1200         CLEAN_CS
1201         jmp     _syscall32_save
1202         /*
1203          * There should be no instructions between this label and SWAPGS/IRET
1204          * or we could end up breaking branded zone support. See the usage of
1205          * this label in lx_brand_int80_callback and sn1_brand_int91_callback
1206          * for examples.

1207          */
1208         ALTENTRY(sys_sysint_swapgs_iret)
1209         SWAPGS                          /* user gsbase */
1210         IRET
1211         /*NOTREACHED*/
1212         SET_SIZE(sys_sysint_swapgs_iret)
1213         SET_SIZE(sys_syscall_int)
1214         SET_SIZE(brand_sys_syscall_int)
1216 #endif  /* __lint */
1218 /*
1219  * Legacy 32-bit applications and old libc implementations do lcalls;
1220  * we should never get here because the LDT entry containing the syscall
1221  * segment descriptor has the "segment present" bit cleared, which means
1222  * we end up processing those system calls in trap() via a not-present trap.
1223  *
1224  * We do it this way because a call gate unhelpfully does -nothing- to the
1225  * interrupt flag bit, so an interrupt can run us just after the lcall
1226  * completes, but just before the swapgs takes effect.   Thus the INTR_PUSH and
1227  * INTR_POP paths would have to be slightly more complex to dance around
1228  * this problem, and end up depending explicitly on the first
1229  * instruction of this handler being either swapgs or cli.
1230  */

   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  23  * Copyright 2018 Joyent, Inc.
  24  * Copyright (c) 2016 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
  25  */
  27 #include <sys/asm_linkage.h>
  28 #include <sys/asm_misc.h>
  29 #include <sys/regset.h>
  30 #include <sys/privregs.h>
  31 #include <sys/psw.h>
  32 #include <sys/machbrand.h>
  34 #if defined(__lint)
  36 #include <sys/types.h>
  37 #include <sys/thread.h>
  38 #include <sys/systm.h>
  40 #else   /* __lint */
  42 #include <sys/segments.h>
  43 #include <sys/pcb.h>

 474         /*
 475          * Copy these registers here in case we end up stopped with
 476          * someone (like, say, /proc) messing with our register state.
 477          * We don't -restore- them unless we have to in update_sregs.
 478          *
 479          * Since userland -can't- change fsbase or gsbase directly,
 480          * and capturing them involves two serializing instructions,
 481          * we don't bother to capture them here.
 482          */
 483         xorl    %ebx, %ebx
 484         movw    %ds, %bx
 485         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_DS(%rsp)
 486         movw    %es, %bx
 487         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_ES(%rsp)
 488         movw    %fs, %bx
 489         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_FS(%rsp)
 490         movw    %gs, %bx
 491         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_GS(%rsp)
 493         /*
 494          * If we're trying to use TRAPTRACE though, I take that back: we're
 495          * probably debugging some problem in the SWAPGS logic and want to know
 496          * what the incoming gsbase was.
 497          *
 498          * Since we already did SWAPGS, record the KGSBASE.
 499          */
 500 #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(TRAPTRACE) && !defined(__xpv)
 501         movl    $MSR_AMD_KGSBASE, %ecx
 502         rdmsr
 503         movl    %eax, REGOFF_GSBASE(%rsp)
 504         movl    %edx, REGOFF_GSBASE+4(%rsp)
 505 #endif
 507         /*
 508          * Machine state saved in the regs structure on the stack
 509          * First six args in %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9
 510          * %eax is the syscall number
 511          * %rsp is the thread's stack, %r15 is curthread
 512          * REG_RSP(%rsp) is the user's stack
 513          */
 517         movq    %rsp, %rbp
 519         movq    T_LWP(%r15), %r14
 520         ASSERT_NO_RUPDATE_PENDING(%r14)
 521         ENABLE_INTR_FLAGS
 524         movl    REGOFF_RAX(%rsp), %eax  /* (%rax damaged by mstate call) */
 526         ASSERT_LWPTOREGS(%r14, %rsp)

 668         movq    %gs:CPU_THREAD, %r11
 669         movq    T_STACK(%r11), %rsp
 671         movq    %rcx, REGOFF_RIP(%rsp)
 672         movl    $UCS_SEL, REGOFF_CS(%rsp)
 673         movq    %gs:CPU_RTMP_RSP, %r11
 674         movq    %r11, REGOFF_RSP(%rsp)
 675         pushfq
 676         popq    %r11                            /* hypercall enables ints */
 677         movq    %r11, REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
 678         movl    $UDS_SEL, REGOFF_SS(%rsp)
 679         addq    $REGOFF_RIP, %rsp
 680         /*
 681          * XXPV: see comment in SYSRETQ definition for future optimization
 682          *       we could take.
 683          */
 685         SYSRETQ
 686 #else
 687         ALTENTRY(nopop_sys_syscall_swapgs_sysretq)
 688         jmp     tr_sysretq

 689 #endif
 690         /*NOTREACHED*/
 691         SET_SIZE(nopop_sys_syscall_swapgs_sysretq)
 693 _syscall_pre:
 694         call    pre_syscall
 695         movl    %eax, %r12d
 696         testl   %eax, %eax
 697         jne     _syscall_post_call
 698         /*
 699          * Didn't abort, so reload the syscall args and invoke the handler.
 700          */
 701         movzwl  T_SYSNUM(%r15), %eax
 702         jmp     _syscall_invoke
 704 _syscall_ill:
 705         call    nosys
 706         movq    %rax, %r12
 707         movq    %rdx, %r13
 708         jmp     _syscall_post_call

 770         /*
 771          * Copy these registers here in case we end up stopped with
 772          * someone (like, say, /proc) messing with our register state.
 773          * We don't -restore- them unless we have to in update_sregs.
 774          *
 775          * Since userland -can't- change fsbase or gsbase directly,
 776          * we don't bother to capture them here.
 777          */
 778         xorl    %ebx, %ebx
 779         movw    %ds, %bx
 780         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_DS(%rsp)
 781         movw    %es, %bx
 782         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_ES(%rsp)
 783         movw    %fs, %bx
 784         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_FS(%rsp)
 785         movw    %gs, %bx
 786         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_GS(%rsp)
 788         /*
 789          * If we're trying to use TRAPTRACE though, I take that back: we're
 790          * probably debugging some problem in the SWAPGS logic and want to know
 791          * what the incoming gsbase was.
 792          *
 793          * Since we already did SWAPGS, record the KGSBASE.
 794          */
 795 #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(TRAPTRACE) && !defined(__xpv)
 796         movl    $MSR_AMD_KGSBASE, %ecx
 797         rdmsr
 798         movl    %eax, REGOFF_GSBASE(%rsp)
 799         movl    %edx, REGOFF_GSBASE+4(%rsp)
 800 #endif
 802         /*
 803          * Application state saved in the regs structure on the stack
 804          * %eax is the syscall number
 805          * %rsp is the thread's stack, %r15 is curthread
 806          * REG_RSP(%rsp) is the user's stack
 807          */
 811         movq    %rsp, %rbp
 813         movq    T_LWP(%r15), %r14
 814         ASSERT_NO_RUPDATE_PENDING(%r14)
 816         ENABLE_INTR_FLAGS
 819         movl    REGOFF_RAX(%rsp), %eax  /* (%rax damaged by mstate call) */
 821         ASSERT_LWPTOREGS(%r14, %rsp)

 899         /*
 900          * To get back to userland, we need to put the return %rip in %rcx and
 901          * the return %rfl in %r11d.  The sysret instruction also arranges
 902          * to fix up %cs and %ss; everything else is our responsibility.
 903          */
 905         movl    %r12d, %eax                     /* %eax: rval1 */
 906         movl    REGOFF_RBX(%rsp), %ebx
 907         /* %ecx used for return pointer */
 908         movl    %r13d, %edx                     /* %edx: rval2 */
 909         movl    REGOFF_RBP(%rsp), %ebp
 910         movl    REGOFF_RSI(%rsp), %esi
 911         movl    REGOFF_RDI(%rsp), %edi
 913         movl    REGOFF_RFL(%rsp), %r11d         /* %r11 -> eflags */
 914         movl    REGOFF_RIP(%rsp), %ecx          /* %ecx -> %eip */
 915         movl    REGOFF_RSP(%rsp), %esp
 918         ALTENTRY(nopop_sys_syscall32_swapgs_sysretl)
 919         jmp     tr_sysretl

 920         SET_SIZE(nopop_sys_syscall32_swapgs_sysretl)
 921         /*NOTREACHED*/
 923 _full_syscall_postsys32:
 924         STI
 925         /*
 926          * Sigh, our optimism wasn't justified, put it back to LMS_SYSTEM
 927          * so that we can account for the extra work it takes us to finish.
 928          */
 930         movq    %r15, %rdi
 931         movq    %r12, %rsi                      /* rval1 - %eax */
 932         movq    %r13, %rdx                      /* rval2 - %edx */
 933         call    syscall_exit
 935         jmp     _sys_rtt
 936         SET_SIZE(sys_syscall32)
 937         SET_SIZE(brand_sys_syscall32)
 939 #endif  /* __lint */

 944  *
 945  * The caller in userland has arranged that:
 946  *
 947  * -    %eax contains the syscall number
 948  * -    %ecx contains the user %esp
 949  * -    %edx contains the return %eip
 950  * -    the user stack contains the args to the syscall
 951  *
 952  * Hardware and (privileged) initialization code have arranged that by
 953  * the time the sysenter instructions completes:
 954  *
 955  * - %rip is pointing to sys_sysenter (below).
 956  * - %cs and %ss are set to kernel text and stack (data) selectors.
 957  * - %rsp is pointing at the lwp's stack
 958  * - interrupts have been disabled.
 959  *
 960  * Note that we are unable to return both "rvals" to userland with
 961  * this call, as %edx is used by the sysexit instruction.
 962  *
 963  * One final complication in this routine is its interaction with
 964  * single-stepping in a debugger.  For most of the system call mechanisms, the
 965  * CPU automatically clears the single-step flag before we enter the kernel.
 966  * The sysenter mechanism does not clear the flag, so a user single-stepping
 967  * through a libc routine may suddenly find themself single-stepping through the
 968  * kernel.  To detect this, kmdb and trap() both compare the trap %pc to the
 969  * [brand_]sys_enter addresses on each single-step trap.  If it finds that we
 970  * have single-stepped to a sysenter entry point, it explicitly clears the flag
 971  * and executes the sys_sysenter routine.
 972  *
 973  * One final complication in this final complication is the fact that we have
 974  * two different entry points for sysenter: brand_sys_sysenter and sys_sysenter.
 975  * If we enter at brand_sys_sysenter and start single-stepping through the
 976  * kernel with kmdb, we will eventually hit the instruction at sys_sysenter.
 977  * kmdb cannot distinguish between that valid single-step and the undesirable
 978  * one mentioned above.  To avoid this situation, we simply add a jump over the
 979  * instruction at sys_sysenter to make it impossible to single-step to it.

 980  */
 981 #if defined(__lint)
 983 void
 984 sys_sysenter()
 985 {}
 987 #else   /* __lint */
 989         ENTRY_NP(brand_sys_sysenter)
 990         SWAPGS                          /* kernel gsbase */
 991         ALTENTRY(_brand_sys_sysenter_post_swapgs)
 994         /*
 995          * Jump over sys_sysenter to allow single-stepping as described
 996          * above.
 997          */
 998         jmp     _sys_sysenter_post_swapgs
1000         ALTENTRY(sys_sysenter)
1001         SWAPGS                          /* kernel gsbase */

1002         ALTENTRY(_sys_sysenter_post_swapgs)
1004         movq    %gs:CPU_THREAD, %r15
1006         movl    $U32CS_SEL, REGOFF_CS(%rsp)
1007         movl    %ecx, REGOFF_RSP(%rsp)          /* wrapper: %esp -> %ecx */
1008         movl    %edx, REGOFF_RIP(%rsp)          /* wrapper: %eip -> %edx */
1009         /*
1010          * NOTE: none of the instructions that run before we get here should
1011          * clobber bits in (R)FLAGS! This includes the kpti trampoline.
1012          */
1013         pushfq
1014         popq    %r10
1015         movl    $UDS_SEL, REGOFF_SS(%rsp)
1017         /*
1018          * Set the interrupt flag before storing the flags to the
1019          * flags image on the stack so we can return to user with
1020          * interrupts enabled if we return via sys_rtt_syscall32
1021          */
1022         orq     $PS_IE, %r10
1023         movq    %r10, REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
1025         movl    %edi, REGOFF_RDI(%rsp)
1026         movl    %esi, REGOFF_RSI(%rsp)
1027         movl    %ebp, REGOFF_RBP(%rsp)
1028         movl    %ebx, REGOFF_RBX(%rsp)
1029         movl    %edx, REGOFF_RDX(%rsp)
1030         movl    %ecx, REGOFF_RCX(%rsp)
1031         movl    %eax, REGOFF_RAX(%rsp)          /* wrapper: sysc# -> %eax */
1032         movq    $0, REGOFF_SAVFP(%rsp)

1035         /*
1036          * Copy these registers here in case we end up stopped with
1037          * someone (like, say, /proc) messing with our register state.
1038          * We don't -restore- them unless we have to in update_sregs.
1039          *
1040          * Since userland -can't- change fsbase or gsbase directly,
1041          * we don't bother to capture them here.
1042          */
1043         xorl    %ebx, %ebx
1044         movw    %ds, %bx
1045         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_DS(%rsp)
1046         movw    %es, %bx
1047         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_ES(%rsp)
1048         movw    %fs, %bx
1049         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_FS(%rsp)
1050         movw    %gs, %bx
1051         movq    %rbx, REGOFF_GS(%rsp)
1053         /*
1054          * If we're trying to use TRAPTRACE though, I take that back: we're
1055          * probably debugging some problem in the SWAPGS logic and want to know
1056          * what the incoming gsbase was.
1057          *
1058          * Since we already did SWAPGS, record the KGSBASE.
1059          */
1060 #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(TRAPTRACE) && !defined(__xpv)
1061         movl    $MSR_AMD_KGSBASE, %ecx
1062         rdmsr
1063         movl    %eax, REGOFF_GSBASE(%rsp)
1064         movl    %edx, REGOFF_GSBASE+4(%rsp)
1065 #endif
1067         /*
1068          * Application state saved in the regs structure on the stack
1069          * %eax is the syscall number
1070          * %rsp is the thread's stack, %r15 is curthread
1071          * REG_RSP(%rsp) is the user's stack
1072          */
1076         movq    %rsp, %rbp
1078         movq    T_LWP(%r15), %r14
1079         ASSERT_NO_RUPDATE_PENDING(%r14)
1081         ENABLE_INTR_FLAGS
1083         /*
1084          * Catch 64-bit process trying to issue sysenter instruction
1085          * on Nocona based systems.
1086          */
1087         movq    LWP_PROCP(%r14), %rax

1145          *
1146          * Simulate the same behaviour by unconditionally splitting the
1147          * return value in the same way.
1148          */
1149         movq    %rax, %r13
1150         shrq    $32, %r13       /* upper 32-bits into %edx */
1151         movl    %eax, %r12d     /* lower 32-bits into %eax */
1153         /*
1154          * Optimistically assume that there's no post-syscall
1155          * work to do.  (This is to avoid having to call syscall_mstate()
1156          * with interrupts disabled)
1157          */
1160         /*
1161          * We must protect ourselves from being descheduled here;
1162          * If we were, and we ended up on another cpu, or another
1163          * lwp got int ahead of us, it could change the segment
1164          * registers without us noticing before we return to userland.
1165          *
1166          * This cli is undone in the tr_sysexit trampoline code.
1167          */
1168         cli
1169         CHECK_POSTSYS_NE(%r15, %r14, %ebx)
1170         jne     _full_syscall_postsys32
1171         SIMPLE_SYSCALL_POSTSYS(%r15, %r14, %bx)
1173         /*
1174          * To get back to userland, load up the 32-bit registers and
1175          * sysexit back where we came from.
1176          */
1178         /*
1179          * Interrupts will be turned on by the 'sti' executed just before
1180          * sysexit.  The following ensures that restoring the user's rflags
1181          * doesn't enable interrupts too soon.
1182          */
1183         andq    $_BITNOT(PS_IE), REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
1185         /*
1186          * (There's no point in loading up %edx because the sysexit
1187          * mechanism smashes it.)
1188          */
1189         movl    %r12d, %eax
1190         movl    REGOFF_RBX(%rsp), %ebx
1191         movl    REGOFF_RBP(%rsp), %ebp
1192         movl    REGOFF_RSI(%rsp), %esi
1193         movl    REGOFF_RDI(%rsp), %edi
1195         movl    REGOFF_RIP(%rsp), %edx  /* sysexit: %edx -> %eip */
1196         pushq   REGOFF_RFL(%rsp)
1197         popfq
1198         movl    REGOFF_RSP(%rsp), %ecx  /* sysexit: %ecx -> %esp */
1199         ALTENTRY(sys_sysenter_swapgs_sysexit)
1200         jmp     tr_sysexit

1201         SET_SIZE(sys_sysenter_swapgs_sysexit)
1202         SET_SIZE(sys_sysenter)
1203         SET_SIZE(_sys_sysenter_post_swapgs)
1204         SET_SIZE(brand_sys_sysenter)
1206 #endif  /* __lint */
1208 /*
1209  * This is the destination of the "int $T_SYSCALLINT" interrupt gate, used by
1210  * the generic i386 libc to do system calls. We do a small amount of setup
1211  * before jumping into the existing sys_syscall32 path.
1212  */
1213 #if defined(__lint)
1215 /*ARGSUSED*/
1216 void
1217 sys_syscall_int()
1218 {}
1220 #else   /* __lint */

1231         XPV_TRAP_POP
1232         call    smap_enable
1234 nopop_syscall_int:
1235         movq    %gs:CPU_THREAD, %r15
1236         movq    T_STACK(%r15), %rsp
1237         movl    %eax, %eax
1238         /*
1239          * Set t_post_sys on this thread to force ourselves out via the slow
1240          * path. It might be possible at some later date to optimize this out
1241          * and use a faster return mechanism.
1242          */
1243         movb    $1, T_POST_SYS(%r15)
1244         CLEAN_CS
1245         jmp     _syscall32_save
1246         /*
1247          * There should be no instructions between this label and SWAPGS/IRET
1248          * or we could end up breaking branded zone support. See the usage of
1249          * this label in lx_brand_int80_callback and sn1_brand_int91_callback
1250          * for examples.
1251          *
1252          * We want to swapgs to maintain the invariant that all entries into
1253          * tr_iret_user are done on the user gsbase.
1254          */
1255         ALTENTRY(sys_sysint_swapgs_iret)
1256         SWAPGS
1257         jmp     tr_iret_user
1258         /*NOTREACHED*/
1259         SET_SIZE(sys_sysint_swapgs_iret)
1260         SET_SIZE(sys_syscall_int)
1261         SET_SIZE(brand_sys_syscall_int)
1263 #endif  /* __lint */
1265 /*
1266  * Legacy 32-bit applications and old libc implementations do lcalls;
1267  * we should never get here because the LDT entry containing the syscall
1268  * segment descriptor has the "segment present" bit cleared, which means
1269  * we end up processing those system calls in trap() via a not-present trap.
1270  *
1271  * We do it this way because a call gate unhelpfully does -nothing- to the
1272  * interrupt flag bit, so an interrupt can run us just after the lcall
1273  * completes, but just before the swapgs takes effect.   Thus the INTR_PUSH and
1274  * INTR_POP paths would have to be slightly more complex to dance around
1275  * this problem, and end up depending explicitly on the first
1276  * instruction of this handler being either swapgs or cli.
1277  */