Print this page
11972 resync smatch

  11     echo -ne "\033]0;$*\007"
  12     echo ========================================
  13     echo $*
  14     echo ----------------------------------------
  15 }
  17 cmd_help()
  18 {
  19     echo "n - skips to next message"
  20     echo "f - skips to next file"
  21     echo "? - print this message again"
  22 }
  24 save_thoughts()
  25 {
  26     echo "************"
  27     echo $sm_err
  28     echo -n "What do you think?:  "
  29     read ans
  30     if echo $ans | grep ^$ > /dev/null ; then
  31         continue
  32     fi 
  34     #store the result
  35     echo $sm_err       >> summary
  36     echo $ans       >> summary
  37     echo ========== >> summary
  38 }
  40 if [ "$1" = "--new" ] ; then
  41     shift
  42     NEW=Y
  43 fi
  45 file=$1
  46 if [ "$file" = "" ] ; then
  47     if [ -e err-list ] ; then
  48         file="err-list"
  49     else
  50         print_help
  51     fi

  11     echo -ne "\033]0;$*\007"
  12     echo ========================================
  13     echo $*
  14     echo ----------------------------------------
  15 }
  17 cmd_help()
  18 {
  19     echo "n - skips to next message"
  20     echo "f - skips to next file"
  21     echo "? - print this message again"
  22 }
  24 save_thoughts()
  25 {
  26     echo "************"
  27     echo $sm_err
  28     echo -n "What do you think?:  "
  29     read ans
  30     if echo $ans | grep ^$ > /dev/null ; then
  31         return
  32     fi 
  34     #store the result
  35     echo $sm_err       >> summary
  36     echo $ans       >> summary
  37     echo ========== >> summary
  38 }
  40 if [ "$1" = "--new" ] ; then
  41     shift
  42     NEW=Y
  43 fi
  45 file=$1
  46 if [ "$file" = "" ] ; then
  47     if [ -e err-list ] ; then
  48         file="err-list"
  49     else
  50         print_help
  51     fi