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10079 smatch Makefile changes for usr/src/lib

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/mpapi/libmpapi/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/mpapi/libmpapi/
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  15   15  # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16  # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17  # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  #
  22   22  # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23   23  # Use is subject to license terms.
  24   24  #
       25 +# Copyright (c) 2018, Joyent, Inc.
  25   26  
  26   27  LIBRARY=        libMPAPI.a
  27   28  VERS=           .1
  28   29  OBJECTS=        mpapi.o mpapi-sun.o
  29   30  
  30   31  include ../../../Makefile.lib
  31   32  include ../../../Makefile.rootfs
  32   33  
  33   34  SRCDIR =        ../common
  34   35  
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  40   41  CFLAGS +=       $(CCVERBOSE)
  42   43  CPPFLAGS +=     -DBUILD_TIME='"Wed Sep 24 12:00:00 2008"'
  43   44  DYNFLAGS +=     -z finiarray=ExitLibrary
  44   45  DYNFLAGS +=     -z initarray=InitLibrary
  45   46  
  46   47  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-type-limits
  47   48  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-unused-variable
  48   49  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
  49   50  
       51 +# not linted
       52 +SMATCH=off
       53 +
  50   54  ROOTETC =       $(ROOT)/etc
  51   55  CONFDIR =       ../common
  52   56  CONFFILE =      $(CONFDIR)/mpapi.conf
  53   57  IETCFILES =     $(CONFFILE:$(CONFDIR)/%=$(ROOTETC)/%)
  54   58  $(IETCFILES) := FILEMODE = 0644
  55   59  
  56   60  .KEEP_STATE:
  57   61  
  58   62  all: $(LIBS) $(IETCFILES)
  59   63  
  60   64  lint:
  61   65  
  62   66  $(ROOTETC)/%:   $(CONFDIR)/%
  63   67          $(INS.file)
  64   68  
  65   69  include ../../../Makefile.targ