1 #define __force         __attribute__((force))
   3 int foo(int *addr);
   4 int foo(int *addr)
   5 {
   6         return *(*((typeof(addr) __force *) addr));
   7 }
   9 /*
  10  * check-name: badtype5.c
  11  * check-description:
  12  *      evaluate_dereference() used to miss a call to
  13  *      examine_symbol_type(). This, in the present, left
  14  *      a SYM_TYPEOF as type for the last dereferencing
  15  *      which produced "error: cannot dereference this type".
  16  *      The presence of the __force and the typeof is needed
  17  *      to create the situation.
  18  */