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3788 /etc/bootrc is defunct and should be removed

@@ -36,13 +36,11 @@
 SBINF=          rcS mountall rc0 rc1 rc2 rc3 swapadd umountall
 SBINL=          rc5 rc6
 USRSBINF=       mountall shutdown umountall
-i386_ETCTABS=   bootrc
-ETCTABS=        vfstab inittab nscd.conf security/crypt.conf $($(MACH)_ETCTABS)
+ETCTABS=        vfstab inittab nscd.conf security/crypt.conf
 DFSTAB=         dfstab
 SBINETC=        rcS mountall rc0 rc1 rc2 rc3 rc5 rc6 swapadd umountall
 USRSBINETC=     shutdown

@@ -58,11 +56,10 @@
 $(ROOTETC)/inittab              := FILEMODE =   0644
 $(ROOTETC)/vfstab               := FILEMODE =   0644
 $(ROOTETC)/nscd.conf            := FILEMODE =   0644
 $(ROOTETC)/security/crypt.conf  := FILEMODE =   0644
-$(ROOTETC)/bootrc               := FILEMODE =   0755
 $(ROOTDFSTAB)                   := FILEMODE =   0644
 $(ROOTSBIN)/mountall            := FILEMODE =   0555
 $(ROOTUSRSBIN)/mountall         := FILEMODE =   0555
 $(ROOTSBIN)/umountall           := FILEMODE =   0555
 $(ROOTUSRSBIN)/umountall        := FILEMODE =   0555