1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  *
  26  * Portions Copyright 2007 Chad Mynhier
  27  * Copyright 2012 DEY Storage Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  28  */
  30 #include <assert.h>
  31 #include <stdio.h>
  32 #include <stdlib.h>
  33 #include <unistd.h>
  34 #include <ctype.h>
  35 #include <fcntl.h>
  36 #include <string.h>
  37 #include <strings.h>
  38 #include <memory.h>
  39 #include <errno.h>
  40 #include <dirent.h>
  41 #include <limits.h>
  42 #include <signal.h>
  43 #include <atomic.h>
  44 #include <sys/types.h>
  45 #include <sys/uio.h>
  46 #include <sys/stat.h>
  47 #include <sys/resource.h>
  48 #include <sys/param.h>
  49 #include <sys/stack.h>
  50 #include <sys/fault.h>
  51 #include <sys/syscall.h>
  52 #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
  54 #include "libproc.h"
  55 #include "Pcontrol.h"
  56 #include "Putil.h"
  57 #include "P32ton.h"
  59 int     _libproc_debug;         /* set non-zero to enable debugging printfs */
  60 int     _libproc_no_qsort;      /* set non-zero to inhibit sorting */
  61                                 /* of symbol tables */
  62 int     _libproc_incore_elf;    /* only use in-core elf data */
  64 sigset_t blockable_sigs;        /* signals to block when we need to be safe */
  65 static  int     minfd;  /* minimum file descriptor returned by dupfd(fd, 0) */
  66 char    procfs_path[PATH_MAX] = "/proc";
  68 /*
  69  * Function prototypes for static routines in this module.
  70  */
  71 static  void    deadcheck(struct ps_prochandle *);
  72 static  void    restore_tracing_flags(struct ps_prochandle *);
  73 static  void    Lfree_internal(struct ps_prochandle *, struct ps_lwphandle *);
  75 /*
  76  * Read/write interface for live processes: just pread/pwrite the
  77  * /proc/<pid>/as file:
  78  */
  80 static ssize_t
  81 Pread_live(struct ps_prochandle *P, void *buf, size_t n, uintptr_t addr)
  82 {
  83         return (pread(P->asfd, buf, n, (off_t)addr));
  84 }
  86 static ssize_t
  87 Pwrite_live(struct ps_prochandle *P, const void *buf, size_t n, uintptr_t addr)
  88 {
  89         return (pwrite(P->asfd, buf, n, (off_t)addr));
  90 }
  92 static const ps_rwops_t P_live_ops = { Pread_live, Pwrite_live };
  94 /*
  95  * This is the library's .init handler.
  96  */
  97 #pragma init(_libproc_init)
  98 void
  99 _libproc_init(void)
 100 {
 101         _libproc_debug = getenv("LIBPROC_DEBUG") != NULL;
 102         _libproc_no_qsort = getenv("LIBPROC_NO_QSORT") != NULL;
 103         _libproc_incore_elf = getenv("LIBPROC_INCORE_ELF") != NULL;
 105         (void) sigfillset(&blockable_sigs);
 106         (void) sigdelset(&blockable_sigs, SIGKILL);
 107         (void) sigdelset(&blockable_sigs, SIGSTOP);
 108 }
 110 void
 111 Pset_procfs_path(const char *path)
 112 {
 113         (void) snprintf(procfs_path, sizeof (procfs_path), "%s", path);
 114 }
 116 /*
 117  * Call set_minfd() once before calling dupfd() several times.
 118  * We assume that the application will not reduce its current file
 119  * descriptor limit lower than 512 once it has set at least that value.
 120  */
 121 int
 122 set_minfd(void)
 123 {
 124         static mutex_t minfd_lock = DEFAULTMUTEX;
 125         struct rlimit rlim;
 126         int fd;
 128         if ((fd = minfd) < 256) {
 129                 (void) mutex_lock(&minfd_lock);
 130                 if ((fd = minfd) < 256) {
 131                         if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) != 0)
 132                                 rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max = 0;
 133                         if (rlim.rlim_cur >= 512)
 134                                 fd = 256;
 135                         else if ((fd = rlim.rlim_cur / 2) < 3)
 136                                 fd = 3;
 137                         membar_producer();
 138                         minfd = fd;
 139                 }
 140                 (void) mutex_unlock(&minfd_lock);
 141         }
 142         return (fd);
 143 }
 145 int
 146 dupfd(int fd, int dfd)
 147 {
 148         int mfd;
 150         /*
 151          * Make fd be greater than 255 (the 32-bit stdio limit),
 152          * or at least make it greater than 2 so that the
 153          * program will work when spawned by init(1m).
 154          * Also, if dfd is non-zero, dup the fd to be dfd.
 155          */
 156         if ((mfd = minfd) == 0)
 157                 mfd = set_minfd();
 158         if (dfd > 0 || (0 <= fd && fd < mfd)) {
 159                 if (dfd <= 0)
 160                         dfd = mfd;
 161                 dfd = fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, dfd);
 162                 (void) close(fd);
 163                 fd = dfd;
 164         }
 165         /*
 166          * Mark it close-on-exec so any created process doesn't inherit it.
 167          */
 168         if (fd >= 0)
 169                 (void) fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 170         return (fd);
 171 }
 173 /*
 174  * Create a new controlled process.
 175  * Leave it stopped on successful exit from exec() or execve().
 176  * Return an opaque pointer to its process control structure.
 177  * Return NULL if process cannot be created (fork()/exec() not successful).
 178  */
 179 struct ps_prochandle *
 180 Pxcreate(const char *file,      /* executable file name */
 181         char *const *argv,      /* argument vector */
 182         char *const *envp,      /* environment */
 183         int *perr,      /* pointer to error return code */
 184         char *path,     /* if non-null, holds exec path name on return */
 185         size_t len)     /* size of the path buffer */
 186 {
 187         char execpath[PATH_MAX];
 188         char procname[PATH_MAX];
 189         struct ps_prochandle *P;
 190         pid_t pid;
 191         int fd;
 192         char *fname;
 193         int rc;
 194         int lasterrno = 0;
 196         if (len == 0)   /* zero length, no path */
 197                 path = NULL;
 198         if (path != NULL)
 199                 *path = '\0';
 201         if ((P = malloc(sizeof (struct ps_prochandle))) == NULL) {
 202                 *perr = C_STRANGE;
 203                 return (NULL);
 204         }
 206         if ((pid = fork1()) == -1) {
 207                 free(P);
 208                 *perr = C_FORK;
 209                 return (NULL);
 210         }
 212         if (pid == 0) {                 /* child process */
 213                 id_t id;
 214                 extern char **environ;
 216                 /*
 217                  * If running setuid or setgid, reset credentials to normal.
 218                  */
 219                 if ((id = getgid()) != getegid())
 220                         (void) setgid(id);
 221                 if ((id = getuid()) != geteuid())
 222                         (void) setuid(id);
 224                 Pcreate_callback(P);    /* execute callback (see below) */
 225                 (void) pause();         /* wait for PRSABORT from parent */
 227                 /*
 228                  * This is ugly.  There is no execvep() function that takes a
 229                  * path and an environment.  We cheat here by replacing the
 230                  * global 'environ' variable right before we call this.
 231                  */
 232                 if (envp)
 233                         environ = (char **)envp;
 235                 (void) execvp(file, argv);  /* execute the program */
 236                 _exit(127);
 237         }
 239         /*
 240          * Initialize the process structure.
 241          */
 242         (void) memset(P, 0, sizeof (*P));
 243         (void) mutex_init(&P->proc_lock, USYNC_THREAD, NULL);
 244         P->flags |= CREATED;
 245         P->state = PS_RUN;
 246         P->pid = pid;
 247         P->asfd = -1;
 248         P->ctlfd = -1;
 249         P->statfd = -1;
 250         P->agentctlfd = -1;
 251         P->agentstatfd = -1;
 252         P->ops = &P_live_ops;
 253         Pinitsym(P);
 255         /*
 256          * Open the /proc/pid files.
 257          */
 258         (void) snprintf(procname, sizeof (procname), "%s/%d/",
 259             procfs_path, (int)pid);
 260         fname = procname + strlen(procname);
 261         (void) set_minfd();
 263         /*
 264          * Exclusive write open advises others not to interfere.
 265          * There is no reason for any of these open()s to fail.
 266          */
 267         (void) strcpy(fname, "as");
 268         if ((fd = open(procname, (O_RDWR|O_EXCL))) < 0 ||
 269             (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
 270                 dprintf("Pcreate: failed to open %s: %s\n",
 271                     procname, strerror(errno));
 272                 rc = C_STRANGE;
 273                 goto bad;
 274         }
 275         P->asfd = fd;
 277         (void) strcpy(fname, "status");
 278         if ((fd = open(procname, O_RDONLY)) < 0 ||
 279             (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
 280                 dprintf("Pcreate: failed to open %s: %s\n",
 281                     procname, strerror(errno));
 282                 rc = C_STRANGE;
 283                 goto bad;
 284         }
 285         P->statfd = fd;
 287         (void) strcpy(fname, "ctl");
 288         if ((fd = open(procname, O_WRONLY)) < 0 ||
 289             (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
 290                 dprintf("Pcreate: failed to open %s: %s\n",
 291                     procname, strerror(errno));
 292                 rc = C_STRANGE;
 293                 goto bad;
 294         }
 295         P->ctlfd = fd;
 297         (void) Pstop(P, 0);     /* stop the controlled process */
 299         /*
 300          * Wait for process to sleep in pause().
 301          * If the process has already called pause(), then it should be
 302          * stopped (PR_REQUESTED) while asleep in pause and we are done.
 303          * Else we set up to catch entry/exit to pause() and set the process
 304          * running again, expecting it to stop when it reaches pause().
 305          * There is no reason for this to fail other than an interrupt.
 306          */
 307         (void) Psysentry(P, SYS_pause, 1);
 308         (void) Psysexit(P, SYS_pause, 1);
 309         for (;;) {
 310                 if (P->state == PS_STOP &&
 311                     P->status.pr_lwp.pr_syscall == SYS_pause &&
 312                     (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_REQUESTED ||
 313                     P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_SYSENTRY ||
 314                     P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_SYSEXIT))
 315                         break;
 317                 if (P->state != PS_STOP ||   /* interrupt or process died */
 318                     Psetrun(P, 0, 0) != 0) {    /* can't restart */
 319                         if (errno == EINTR || errno == ERESTART)
 320                                 rc = C_INTR;
 321                         else {
 322                                 dprintf("Pcreate: Psetrun failed: %s\n",
 323                                     strerror(errno));
 324                                 rc = C_STRANGE;
 325                         }
 326                         goto bad;
 327                 }
 329                 (void) Pwait(P, 0);
 330         }
 331         (void) Psysentry(P, SYS_pause, 0);
 332         (void) Psysexit(P, SYS_pause, 0);
 334         /*
 335          * Kick the process off the pause() and catch
 336          * it again on entry to exec() or exit().
 337          */
 338         (void) Psysentry(P, SYS_exit, 1);
 339         (void) Psysentry(P, SYS_execve, 1);
 340         if (Psetrun(P, 0, PRSABORT) == -1) {
 341                 dprintf("Pcreate: Psetrun failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
 342                 rc = C_STRANGE;
 343                 goto bad;
 344         }
 345         (void) Pwait(P, 0);
 346         if (P->state != PS_STOP) {
 347                 dprintf("Pcreate: Pwait failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
 348                 rc = C_STRANGE;
 349                 goto bad;
 350         }
 352         /*
 353          * Move the process through instances of failed exec()s
 354          * to reach the point of stopped on successful exec().
 355          */
 356         (void) Psysexit(P, SYS_execve, TRUE);
 358         while (P->state == PS_STOP &&
 359             P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_SYSENTRY &&
 360             P->status.pr_lwp.pr_what == SYS_execve) {
 361                 /*
 362                  * Fetch the exec path name now, before we complete
 363                  * the exec().  We may lose the process and be unable
 364                  * to get the information later.
 365                  */
 366                 (void) Pread_string(P, execpath, sizeof (execpath),
 367                     (off_t)P->status.pr_lwp.pr_sysarg[0]);
 368                 if (path != NULL)
 369                         (void) strncpy(path, execpath, len);
 370                 /*
 371                  * Set the process running and wait for
 372                  * it to stop on exit from the exec().
 373                  */
 374                 (void) Psetrun(P, 0, 0);
 375                 (void) Pwait(P, 0);
 377                 if (P->state == PS_LOST &&           /* we lost control */
 378                     Preopen(P) != 0) {          /* and we can't get it back */
 379                         rc = C_PERM;
 380                         goto bad;
 381                 }
 383                 /*
 384                  * If the exec() failed, continue the loop, expecting
 385                  * there to be more attempts to exec(), based on PATH.
 386                  */
 387                 if (P->state == PS_STOP &&
 388                     P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_SYSEXIT &&
 389                     P->status.pr_lwp.pr_what == SYS_execve &&
 390                     (lasterrno = P->status.pr_lwp.pr_errno) != 0) {
 391                         /*
 392                          * The exec() failed.  Set the process running and
 393                          * wait for it to stop on entry to the next exec().
 394                          */
 395                         (void) Psetrun(P, 0, 0);
 396                         (void) Pwait(P, 0);
 398                         continue;
 399                 }
 400                 break;
 401         }
 403         if (P->state == PS_STOP &&
 404             P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_SYSEXIT &&
 405             P->status.pr_lwp.pr_what == SYS_execve &&
 406             P->status.pr_lwp.pr_errno == 0) {
 407                 /*
 408                  * The process is stopped on successful exec() or execve().
 409                  * Turn off all tracing flags and return success.
 410                  */
 411                 restore_tracing_flags(P);
 412 #ifndef _LP64
 413                 /* We must be a 64-bit process to deal with a 64-bit process */
 414                 if (P->status.pr_dmodel == PR_MODEL_LP64) {
 415                         rc = C_LP64;
 416                         goto bad;
 417                 }
 418 #endif
 419                 /*
 420                  * Set run-on-last-close so the controlled process
 421                  * runs even if we die on a signal.
 422                  */
 423                 (void) Psetflags(P, PR_RLC);
 424                 *perr = 0;
 425                 return (P);
 426         }
 428         rc = lasterrno == ENOENT ? C_NOENT : C_NOEXEC;
 430 bad:
 431         (void) kill(pid, SIGKILL);
 432         if (path != NULL && rc != C_PERM && rc != C_LP64)
 433                 *path = '\0';
 434         Pfree(P);
 435         *perr = rc;
 436         return (NULL);
 437 }
 439 struct ps_prochandle *
 440 Pcreate(
 441         const char *file,       /* executable file name */
 442         char *const *argv,      /* argument vector */
 443         int *perr,      /* pointer to error return code */
 444         char *path,     /* if non-null, holds exec path name on return */
 445         size_t len)     /* size of the path buffer */
 446 {
 447         return (Pxcreate(file, argv, NULL, perr, path, len));
 448 }
 450 /*
 451  * Return a printable string corresponding to a Pcreate() error return.
 452  */
 453 const char *
 454 Pcreate_error(int error)
 455 {
 456         const char *str;
 458         switch (error) {
 459         case C_FORK:
 460                 str = "cannot fork";
 461                 break;
 462         case C_PERM:
 463                 str = "file is set-id or unreadable";
 464                 break;
 465         case C_NOEXEC:
 466                 str = "cannot execute file";
 467                 break;
 468         case C_INTR:
 469                 str = "operation interrupted";
 470                 break;
 471         case C_LP64:
 472                 str = "program is _LP64, self is not";
 473                 break;
 474         case C_STRANGE:
 475                 str = "unanticipated system error";
 476                 break;
 477         case C_NOENT:
 478                 str = "cannot find executable file";
 479                 break;
 480         default:
 481                 str = "unknown error";
 482                 break;
 483         }
 485         return (str);
 486 }
 488 /*
 489  * Callback to execute in each child process created with Pcreate() after fork
 490  * but before it execs the new process image.  By default, we do nothing, but
 491  * by calling this function we allow the client program to define its own
 492  * version of the function which will interpose on our empty default.  This
 493  * may be useful for clients that need to modify signal dispositions, terminal
 494  * attributes, or process group and session properties for each new victim.
 495  */
 496 /*ARGSUSED*/
 497 void
 498 Pcreate_callback(struct ps_prochandle *P)
 499 {
 500         /* nothing to do here */
 501 }
 503 /*
 504  * Grab an existing process.
 505  * Return an opaque pointer to its process control structure.
 506  *
 507  * pid:         UNIX process ID.
 508  * flags:
 509  *      PGRAB_RETAIN    Retain tracing flags (default clears all tracing flags).
 510  *      PGRAB_FORCE     Grab regardless of whether process is already traced.
 511  *      PGRAB_RDONLY    Open the address space file O_RDONLY instead of O_RDWR,
 512  *                      and do not open the process control file.
 513  *      PGRAB_NOSTOP    Open the process but do not force it to stop.
 514  * perr:        pointer to error return code.
 515  */
 516 struct ps_prochandle *
 517 Pgrab(pid_t pid, int flags, int *perr)
 518 {
 519         struct ps_prochandle *P;
 520         int fd, omode;
 521         char procname[PATH_MAX];
 522         char *fname;
 523         int rc = 0;
 525         /*
 526          * PGRAB_RDONLY means that we do not open the /proc/<pid>/control file,
 527          * and so it implies RETAIN and NOSTOP since both require control.
 528          */
 529         if (flags & PGRAB_RDONLY)
 530                 flags |= PGRAB_RETAIN | PGRAB_NOSTOP;
 532         if ((P = malloc(sizeof (struct ps_prochandle))) == NULL) {
 533                 *perr = G_STRANGE;
 534                 return (NULL);
 535         }
 537         P->asfd = -1;
 538         P->ctlfd = -1;
 539         P->statfd = -1;
 541 again:  /* Come back here if we lose it in the Window of Vulnerability */
 542         if (P->ctlfd >= 0)
 543                 (void) close(P->ctlfd);
 544         if (P->asfd >= 0)
 545                 (void) close(P->asfd);
 546         if (P->statfd >= 0)
 547                 (void) close(P->statfd);
 548         (void) memset(P, 0, sizeof (*P));
 549         (void) mutex_init(&P->proc_lock, USYNC_THREAD, NULL);
 550         P->ctlfd = -1;
 551         P->asfd = -1;
 552         P->statfd = -1;
 553         P->agentctlfd = -1;
 554         P->agentstatfd = -1;
 555         P->ops = &P_live_ops;
 556         Pinitsym(P);
 558         /*
 559          * Open the /proc/pid files
 560          */
 561         (void) snprintf(procname, sizeof (procname), "%s/%d/",
 562             procfs_path, (int)pid);
 563         fname = procname + strlen(procname);
 564         (void) set_minfd();
 566         /*
 567          * Request exclusive open to avoid grabbing someone else's
 568          * process and to prevent others from interfering afterwards.
 569          * If this fails and the 'PGRAB_FORCE' flag is set, attempt to
 570          * open non-exclusively.
 571          */
 572         (void) strcpy(fname, "as");
 573         omode = (flags & PGRAB_RDONLY) ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR;
 575         if (((fd = open(procname, omode | O_EXCL)) < 0 &&
 576             (fd = ((flags & PGRAB_FORCE)? open(procname, omode) : -1)) < 0) ||
 577             (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
 578                 switch (errno) {
 579                 case ENOENT:
 580                         rc = G_NOPROC;
 581                         break;
 582                 case EACCES:
 583                 case EPERM:
 584                         rc = G_PERM;
 585                         break;
 586                 case EMFILE:
 587                         rc = G_NOFD;
 588                         break;
 589                 case EBUSY:
 590                         if (!(flags & PGRAB_FORCE) || geteuid() != 0) {
 591                                 rc = G_BUSY;
 592                                 break;
 593                         }
 594                         /* FALLTHROUGH */
 595                 default:
 596                         dprintf("Pgrab: failed to open %s: %s\n",
 597                             procname, strerror(errno));
 598                         rc = G_STRANGE;
 599                         break;
 600                 }
 601                 goto err;
 602         }
 603         P->asfd = fd;
 605         (void) strcpy(fname, "status");
 606         if ((fd = open(procname, O_RDONLY)) < 0 ||
 607             (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
 608                 switch (errno) {
 609                 case ENOENT:
 610                         rc = G_NOPROC;
 611                         break;
 612                 case EMFILE:
 613                         rc = G_NOFD;
 614                         break;
 615                 default:
 616                         dprintf("Pgrab: failed to open %s: %s\n",
 617                             procname, strerror(errno));
 618                         rc = G_STRANGE;
 619                         break;
 620                 }
 621                 goto err;
 622         }
 623         P->statfd = fd;
 625         if (!(flags & PGRAB_RDONLY)) {
 626                 (void) strcpy(fname, "ctl");
 627                 if ((fd = open(procname, O_WRONLY)) < 0 ||
 628                     (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
 629                         switch (errno) {
 630                         case ENOENT:
 631                                 rc = G_NOPROC;
 632                                 break;
 633                         case EMFILE:
 634                                 rc = G_NOFD;
 635                                 break;
 636                         default:
 637                                 dprintf("Pgrab: failed to open %s: %s\n",
 638                                     procname, strerror(errno));
 639                                 rc = G_STRANGE;
 640                                 break;
 641                         }
 642                         goto err;
 643                 }
 644                 P->ctlfd = fd;
 645         }
 647         P->state = PS_RUN;
 648         P->pid = pid;
 650         /*
 651          * We are now in the Window of Vulnerability (WoV).  The process may
 652          * exec() a setuid/setgid or unreadable object file between the open()
 653          * and the PCSTOP.  We will get EAGAIN in this case and must start over.
 654          * As Pstopstatus will trigger the first read() from a /proc file,
 655          * we also need to handle EOVERFLOW here when 32-bit as an indicator
 656          * that this process is 64-bit.  Finally, if the process has become
 657          * a zombie (PS_UNDEAD) while we were trying to grab it, just remain
 658          * silent about this and pretend there was no process.
 659          */
 660         if (Pstopstatus(P, PCNULL, 0) != 0) {
 661 #ifndef _LP64
 662                 if (errno == EOVERFLOW) {
 663                         rc = G_LP64;
 664                         goto err;
 665                 }
 666 #endif
 667                 if (P->state == PS_LOST) {   /* WoV */
 668                         (void) mutex_destroy(&P->proc_lock);
 669                         goto again;
 670                 }
 672                 if (P->state == PS_UNDEAD)
 673                         rc = G_NOPROC;
 674                 else
 675                         rc = G_STRANGE;
 677                 goto err;
 678         }
 680         /*
 681          * If the process is a system process, we can't control it even as root
 682          */
 683         if (P->status.pr_flags & PR_ISSYS) {
 684                 rc = G_SYS;
 685                 goto err;
 686         }
 687 #ifndef _LP64
 688         /*
 689          * We must be a 64-bit process to deal with a 64-bit process
 690          */
 691         if (P->status.pr_dmodel == PR_MODEL_LP64) {
 692                 rc = G_LP64;
 693                 goto err;
 694         }
 695 #endif
 697         /*
 698          * Remember the status for use by Prelease().
 699          */
 700         P->orig_status = P->status;       /* structure copy */
 702         /*
 703          * Before stopping the process, make sure we are not grabbing ourselves.
 704          * If we are, make sure we are doing it PGRAB_RDONLY.
 705          */
 706         if (pid == getpid()) {
 707                 /*
 708                  * Verify that the process is really ourself:
 709                  * Set a magic number, read it through the
 710                  * /proc file and see if the results match.
 711                  */
 712                 uint32_t magic1 = 0;
 713                 uint32_t magic2 = 2;
 715                 errno = 0;
 717                 if (Pread(P, &magic2, sizeof (magic2), (uintptr_t)&magic1)
 718                     == sizeof (magic2) &&
 719                     magic2 == 0 &&
 720                     (magic1 = 0xfeedbeef) &&
 721                     Pread(P, &magic2, sizeof (magic2), (uintptr_t)&magic1)
 722                     == sizeof (magic2) &&
 723                     magic2 == 0xfeedbeef &&
 724                     !(flags & PGRAB_RDONLY)) {
 725                         rc = G_SELF;
 726                         goto err;
 727                 }
 728         }
 730         /*
 731          * If the process is already stopped or has been directed
 732          * to stop via /proc, do not set run-on-last-close.
 733          */
 734         if (!(P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & (PR_ISTOP|PR_DSTOP)) &&
 735             !(flags & PGRAB_RDONLY)) {
 736                 /*
 737                  * Mark the process run-on-last-close so
 738                  * it runs even if we die from SIGKILL.
 739                  */
 740                 if (Psetflags(P, PR_RLC) != 0) {
 741                         if (errno == EAGAIN) {  /* WoV */
 742                                 (void) mutex_destroy(&P->proc_lock);
 743                                 goto again;
 744                         }
 745                         if (errno == ENOENT)    /* No complaint about zombies */
 746                                 rc = G_ZOMB;
 747                         else {
 748                                 dprintf("Pgrab: failed to set RLC\n");
 749                                 rc = G_STRANGE;
 750                         }
 751                         goto err;
 752                 }
 753         }
 755         /*
 756          * If a stop directive is pending and the process has not yet stopped,
 757          * then synchronously wait for the stop directive to take effect.
 758          * Limit the time spent waiting for the process to stop by iterating
 759          * at most 10 times. The time-out of 20 ms corresponds to the time
 760          * between sending the stop directive and the process actually stopped
 761          * as measured by DTrace on a slow, busy system. If the process doesn't
 762          * stop voluntarily, clear the PR_DSTOP flag so that the code below
 763          * forces the process to stop.
 764          */
 765         if (!(flags & PGRAB_RDONLY)) {
 766                 int niter = 0;
 767                 while ((P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & (PR_STOPPED|PR_DSTOP)) ==
 768                     PR_DSTOP && niter < 10 &&
 769                     Pstopstatus(P, PCTWSTOP, 20) != 0) {
 770                         niter++;
 771                         if (flags & PGRAB_NOSTOP)
 772                                 break;
 773                 }
 774                 if (niter == 10 && !(flags & PGRAB_NOSTOP)) {
 775                         /* Try it harder down below */
 776                         P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags &= ~PR_DSTOP;
 777                 }
 778         }
 780         /*
 781          * If the process is not already stopped or directed to stop
 782          * and PGRAB_NOSTOP was not specified, stop the process now.
 783          */
 784         if (!(P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & (PR_ISTOP|PR_DSTOP)) &&
 785             !(flags & PGRAB_NOSTOP)) {
 786                 /*
 787                  * Stop the process, get its status and signal/syscall masks.
 788                  */
 789                 if (((P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & PR_STOPPED) &&
 790                     Pstopstatus(P, PCDSTOP, 0) != 0) ||
 791                     Pstopstatus(P, PCSTOP, 2000) != 0) {
 792 #ifndef _LP64
 793                         if (errno == EOVERFLOW) {
 794                                 rc = G_LP64;
 795                                 goto err;
 796                         }
 797 #endif
 798                         if (P->state == PS_LOST) {   /* WoV */
 799                                 (void) mutex_destroy(&P->proc_lock);
 800                                 goto again;
 801                         }
 802                         if ((errno != EINTR && errno != ERESTART) ||
 803                             (P->state != PS_STOP &&
 804                             !(P->status.pr_flags & PR_DSTOP))) {
 805                                 if (P->state != PS_RUN && errno != ENOENT) {
 806                                         dprintf("Pgrab: failed to PCSTOP\n");
 807                                         rc = G_STRANGE;
 808                                 } else {
 809                                         rc = G_ZOMB;
 810                                 }
 811                                 goto err;
 812                         }
 813                 }
 815                 /*
 816                  * Process should now either be stopped via /proc or there
 817                  * should be an outstanding stop directive.
 818                  */
 819                 if (!(P->status.pr_flags & (PR_ISTOP|PR_DSTOP))) {
 820                         dprintf("Pgrab: process is not stopped\n");
 821                         rc = G_STRANGE;
 822                         goto err;
 823                 }
 824 #ifndef _LP64
 825                 /*
 826                  * Test this again now because the 32-bit victim process may
 827                  * have exec'd a 64-bit process in the meantime.
 828                  */
 829                 if (P->status.pr_dmodel == PR_MODEL_LP64) {
 830                         rc = G_LP64;
 831                         goto err;
 832                 }
 833 #endif
 834         }
 836         /*
 837          * Cancel all tracing flags unless the PGRAB_RETAIN flag is set.
 838          */
 839         if (!(flags & PGRAB_RETAIN)) {
 840                 (void) Psysentry(P, 0, FALSE);
 841                 (void) Psysexit(P, 0, FALSE);
 842                 (void) Psignal(P, 0, FALSE);
 843                 (void) Pfault(P, 0, FALSE);
 844                 Psync(P);
 845         }
 847         *perr = 0;
 848         return (P);
 850 err:
 851         Pfree(P);
 852         *perr = rc;
 853         return (NULL);
 854 }
 856 /*
 857  * Return a printable string corresponding to a Pgrab() error return.
 858  */
 859 const char *
 860 Pgrab_error(int error)
 861 {
 862         const char *str;
 864         switch (error) {
 865         case G_NOPROC:
 866                 str = "no such process";
 867                 break;
 868         case G_NOCORE:
 869                 str = "no such core file";
 870                 break;
 871         case G_NOPROCORCORE:
 872                 str = "no such process or core file";
 873                 break;
 874         case G_NOEXEC:
 875                 str = "cannot find executable file";
 876                 break;
 877         case G_ZOMB:
 878                 str = "zombie process";
 879                 break;
 880         case G_PERM:
 881                 str = "permission denied";
 882                 break;
 883         case G_BUSY:
 884                 str = "process is traced";
 885                 break;
 886         case G_SYS:
 887                 str = "system process";
 888                 break;
 889         case G_SELF:
 890                 str = "attempt to grab self";
 891                 break;
 892         case G_INTR:
 893                 str = "operation interrupted";
 894                 break;
 895         case G_LP64:
 896                 str = "program is _LP64, self is not";
 897                 break;
 898         case G_FORMAT:
 899                 str = "file is not an ELF core file";
 900                 break;
 901         case G_ELF:
 902                 str = "libelf error";
 903                 break;
 904         case G_NOTE:
 905                 str = "core file is corrupt or missing required data";
 906                 break;
 907         case G_STRANGE:
 908                 str = "unanticipated system error";
 909                 break;
 910         case G_ISAINVAL:
 911                 str = "wrong ELF machine type";
 912                 break;
 913         case G_BADLWPS:
 914                 str = "bad lwp specification";
 915                 break;
 916         case G_NOFD:
 917                 str = "too many open files";
 918                 break;
 919         default:
 920                 str = "unknown error";
 921                 break;
 922         }
 924         return (str);
 925 }
 927 /*
 928  * Free a process control structure.
 929  * Close the file descriptors but don't do the Prelease logic.
 930  */
 931 void
 932 Pfree(struct ps_prochandle *P)
 933 {
 934         uint_t i;
 936         if (P->core != NULL) {
 937                 extern void __priv_free_info(void *);
 938                 lwp_info_t *nlwp, *lwp = list_next(&P->core->core_lwp_head);
 940                 for (i = 0; i < P->core->core_nlwp; i++, lwp = nlwp) {
 941                         nlwp = list_next(lwp);
 942 #ifdef __sparc
 943                         if (lwp->lwp_gwins != NULL)
 944                                 free(lwp->lwp_gwins);
 945                         if (lwp->lwp_xregs != NULL)
 946                                 free(lwp->lwp_xregs);
 947                         if (lwp->lwp_asrs != NULL)
 948                                 free(lwp->lwp_asrs);
 949 #endif
 950                         free(lwp);
 951                 }
 953                 if (P->core->core_platform != NULL)
 954                         free(P->core->core_platform);
 955                 if (P->core->core_uts != NULL)
 956                         free(P->core->core_uts);
 957                 if (P->core->core_cred != NULL)
 958                         free(P->core->core_cred);
 959                 if (P->core->core_priv != NULL)
 960                         free(P->core->core_priv);
 961                 if (P->core->core_privinfo != NULL)
 962                         __priv_free_info(P->core->core_privinfo);
 963                 if (P->core->core_ppii != NULL)
 964                         free(P->core->core_ppii);
 965                 if (P->core->core_zonename != NULL)
 966                         free(P->core->core_zonename);
 967 #if defined(__i386) || defined(__amd64)
 968                 if (P->core->core_ldt != NULL)
 969                         free(P->core->core_ldt);
 970 #endif
 972                 free(P->core);
 973         }
 975         if (P->ucaddrs != NULL) {
 976                 free(P->ucaddrs);
 977                 P->ucaddrs = NULL;
 978                 P->ucnelems = 0;
 979         }
 981         (void) mutex_lock(&P->proc_lock);
 982         if (P->hashtab != NULL) {
 983                 struct ps_lwphandle *L;
 984                 for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) {
 985                         while ((L = P->hashtab[i]) != NULL)
 986                                 Lfree_internal(P, L);
 987                 }
 988                 free(P->hashtab);
 989         }
 991         while (P->num_fd > 0) {
 992                 fd_info_t *fip = list_next(&P->fd_head);
 993                 list_unlink(fip);
 994                 free(fip);
 995                 P->num_fd--;
 996         }
 997         (void) mutex_unlock(&P->proc_lock);
 998         (void) mutex_destroy(&P->proc_lock);
1000         if (P->agentctlfd >= 0)
1001                 (void) close(P->agentctlfd);
1002         if (P->agentstatfd >= 0)
1003                 (void) close(P->agentstatfd);
1004         if (P->ctlfd >= 0)
1005                 (void) close(P->ctlfd);
1006         if (P->asfd >= 0)
1007                 (void) close(P->asfd);
1008         if (P->statfd >= 0)
1009                 (void) close(P->statfd);
1010         Preset_maps(P);
1012         /* clear out the structure as a precaution against reuse */
1013         (void) memset(P, 0, sizeof (*P));
1014         P->ctlfd = -1;
1015         P->asfd = -1;
1016         P->statfd = -1;
1017         P->agentctlfd = -1;
1018         P->agentstatfd = -1;
1020         free(P);
1021 }
1023 /*
1024  * Return the state of the process, one of the PS_* values.
1025  */
1026 int
1027 Pstate(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1028 {
1029         return (P->state);
1030 }
1032 /*
1033  * Return the open address space file descriptor for the process.
1034  * Clients must not close this file descriptor, not use it
1035  * after the process is freed.
1036  */
1037 int
1038 Pasfd(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1039 {
1040         return (P->asfd);
1041 }
1043 /*
1044  * Return the open control file descriptor for the process.
1045  * Clients must not close this file descriptor, not use it
1046  * after the process is freed.
1047  */
1048 int
1049 Pctlfd(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1050 {
1051         return (P->ctlfd);
1052 }
1054 /*
1055  * Return a pointer to the process psinfo structure.
1056  * Clients should not hold on to this pointer indefinitely.
1057  * It will become invalid on Prelease().
1058  */
1059 const psinfo_t *
1060 Ppsinfo(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1061 {
1062         if (P->state == PS_IDLE) {
1063                 errno = ENODATA;
1064                 return (NULL);
1065         }
1067         if (P->state != PS_DEAD && proc_get_psinfo(P->pid, &P->psinfo) == -1)
1068                 return (NULL);
1070         return (&P->psinfo);
1071 }
1073 /*
1074  * Return a pointer to the process status structure.
1075  * Clients should not hold on to this pointer indefinitely.
1076  * It will become invalid on Prelease().
1077  */
1078 const pstatus_t *
1079 Pstatus(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1080 {
1081         return (&P->status);
1082 }
1084 /*
1085  * Fill in a pointer to a process credentials structure.  The ngroups parameter
1086  * is the number of supplementary group entries allocated in the caller's cred
1087  * structure.  It should equal zero or one unless extra space has been
1088  * allocated for the group list by the caller.
1089  */
1090 int
1091 Pcred(struct ps_prochandle *P, prcred_t *pcrp, int ngroups)
1092 {
1093         if (P->state == PS_IDLE) {
1094                 errno = ENODATA;
1095                 return (-1);
1096         }
1098         if (P->state != PS_DEAD)
1099                 return (proc_get_cred(P->pid, pcrp, ngroups));
1101         if (P->core->core_cred != NULL) {
1102                 /*
1103                  * Avoid returning more supplementary group data than the
1104                  * caller has allocated in their buffer.  We expect them to
1105                  * check pr_ngroups afterward and potentially call us again.
1106                  */
1107                 ngroups = MIN(ngroups, P->core->core_cred->pr_ngroups);
1109                 (void) memcpy(pcrp, P->core->core_cred,
1110                     sizeof (prcred_t) + (ngroups - 1) * sizeof (gid_t));
1112                 return (0);
1113         }
1115         errno = ENODATA;
1116         return (-1);
1117 }
1119 #if defined(__i386) || defined(__amd64)
1120 /*
1121  * Fill in a pointer to a process LDT structure.
1122  * The caller provides a buffer of size 'nldt * sizeof (struct ssd)';
1123  * If pldt == NULL or nldt == 0, we return the number of existing LDT entries.
1124  * Otherwise we return the actual number of LDT entries fetched (<= nldt).
1125  */
1126 int
1127 Pldt(struct ps_prochandle *P, struct ssd *pldt, int nldt)
1128 {
1129         if (P->state == PS_IDLE) {
1130                 errno = ENODATA;
1131                 return (-1);
1132         }
1134         if (P->state != PS_DEAD)
1135                 return (proc_get_ldt(P->pid, pldt, nldt));
1137         if (pldt == NULL || nldt == 0)
1138                 return (P->core->core_nldt);
1140         if (P->core->core_ldt != NULL) {
1141                 nldt = MIN(nldt, P->core->core_nldt);
1143                 (void) memcpy(pldt, P->core->core_ldt,
1144                     nldt * sizeof (struct ssd));
1146                 return (nldt);
1147         }
1149         errno = ENODATA;
1150         return (-1);
1151 }
1152 #endif  /* __i386 */
1154 /*
1155  * Fill in a pointer to a process privilege structure.
1156  */
1157 ssize_t
1158 Ppriv(struct ps_prochandle *P, prpriv_t *pprv, size_t size)
1159 {
1160         if (P->state != PS_DEAD) {
1161                 prpriv_t *pp = proc_get_priv(P->pid);
1162                 if (pp != NULL) {
1163                         size = MIN(size, PRIV_PRPRIV_SIZE(pp));
1164                         (void) memcpy(pprv, pp, size);
1165                         free(pp);
1166                         return (size);
1167                 }
1168                 return (-1);
1169         }
1171         if (P->core->core_priv != NULL) {
1172                 size = MIN(P->core->core_priv_size, size);
1173                 (void) memcpy(pprv, P->core->core_priv, size);
1174                 return (size);
1175         }
1176         errno = ENODATA;
1177         return (-1);
1178 }
1180 int
1181 Psetpriv(struct ps_prochandle *P, prpriv_t *pprv)
1182 {
1183         int rc;
1184         long *ctl;
1185         size_t sz;
1187         if (P->state == PS_DEAD) {
1188                 errno = EBADF;
1189                 return (-1);
1190         }
1192         sz = PRIV_PRPRIV_SIZE(pprv) + sizeof (long);
1194         sz = ((sz - 1) / sizeof (long) + 1) * sizeof (long);
1196         ctl = malloc(sz);
1197         if (ctl == NULL)
1198                 return (-1);
1200         ctl[0] = PCSPRIV;
1202         (void) memcpy(&ctl[1], pprv, PRIV_PRPRIV_SIZE(pprv));
1204         if (write(P->ctlfd, ctl, sz) != sz)
1205                 rc = -1;
1206         else
1207                 rc = 0;
1209         free(ctl);
1211         return (rc);
1212 }
1214 void *
1215 Pprivinfo(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1216 {
1217         /* Use default from libc */
1218         if (P->state != PS_DEAD)
1219                 return (NULL);
1221         return (P->core->core_privinfo);
1222 }
1224 /*
1225  * Ensure that all cached state is written to the process.
1226  * The cached state is the LWP's signal mask and registers
1227  * and the process's tracing flags.
1228  */
1229 void
1230 Psync(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1231 {
1232         int ctlfd = (P->agentctlfd >= 0)? P->agentctlfd : P->ctlfd;
1233         long cmd[6];
1234         iovec_t iov[12];
1235         int n = 0;
1237         if (P->flags & SETHOLD) {
1238                 cmd[0] = PCSHOLD;
1239                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[0];
1240                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1241                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_lwp.pr_lwphold;
1242                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_lwphold);
1243         }
1244         if (P->flags & SETREGS) {
1245                 cmd[1] = PCSREG;
1246 #ifdef __i386
1247                 /* XX64 we should probably restore REG_GS after this */
1248                 if (ctlfd == P->agentctlfd)
1249                         P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg[GS] = 0;
1250 #elif defined(__amd64)
1251                 /* XX64 */
1252 #endif
1253                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[1];
1254                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1255                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg[0];
1256                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg);
1257         }
1258         if (P->flags & SETSIG) {
1259                 cmd[2] = PCSTRACE;
1260                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[2];
1261                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1262                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_sigtrace;
1263                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_sigtrace);
1264         }
1265         if (P->flags & SETFAULT) {
1266                 cmd[3] = PCSFAULT;
1267                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[3];
1268                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1269                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_flttrace;
1270                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_flttrace);
1271         }
1272         if (P->flags & SETENTRY) {
1273                 cmd[4] = PCSENTRY;
1274                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[4];
1275                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1276                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_sysentry;
1277                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_sysentry);
1278         }
1279         if (P->flags & SETEXIT) {
1280                 cmd[5] = PCSEXIT;
1281                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[5];
1282                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1283                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_sysexit;
1284                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_sysexit);
1285         }
1287         if (n == 0 || writev(ctlfd, iov, n) < 0)
1288                 return;         /* nothing to do or write failed */
1291 }
1293 /*
1294  * Reopen the /proc file (after PS_LOST).
1295  */
1296 int
1297 Preopen(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1298 {
1299         int fd;
1300         char procname[PATH_MAX];
1301         char *fname;
1303         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_IDLE)
1304                 return (0);
1306         if (P->agentcnt > 0) {
1307                 P->agentcnt = 1;
1308                 Pdestroy_agent(P);
1309         }
1311         (void) snprintf(procname, sizeof (procname), "%s/%d/",
1312             procfs_path, (int)P->pid);
1313         fname = procname + strlen(procname);
1315         (void) strcpy(fname, "as");
1316         if ((fd = open(procname, O_RDWR)) < 0 ||
1317             close(P->asfd) < 0 ||
1318             (fd = dupfd(fd, P->asfd)) != P->asfd) {
1319                 dprintf("Preopen: failed to open %s: %s\n",
1320                     procname, strerror(errno));
1321                 if (fd >= 0)
1322                         (void) close(fd);
1323                 return (-1);
1324         }
1325         P->asfd = fd;
1327         (void) strcpy(fname, "status");
1328         if ((fd = open(procname, O_RDONLY)) < 0 ||
1329             close(P->statfd) < 0 ||
1330             (fd = dupfd(fd, P->statfd)) != P->statfd) {
1331                 dprintf("Preopen: failed to open %s: %s\n",
1332                     procname, strerror(errno));
1333                 if (fd >= 0)
1334                         (void) close(fd);
1335                 return (-1);
1336         }
1337         P->statfd = fd;
1339         (void) strcpy(fname, "ctl");
1340         if ((fd = open(procname, O_WRONLY)) < 0 ||
1341             close(P->ctlfd) < 0 ||
1342             (fd = dupfd(fd, P->ctlfd)) != P->ctlfd) {
1343                 dprintf("Preopen: failed to open %s: %s\n",
1344                     procname, strerror(errno));
1345                 if (fd >= 0)
1346                         (void) close(fd);
1347                 return (-1);
1348         }
1349         P->ctlfd = fd;
1351         /*
1352          * Set the state to PS_RUN and wait for the process to stop so that
1353          * we re-read the status from the new P->statfd.  If this fails, Pwait
1354          * will reset the state to PS_LOST and we fail the reopen.  Before
1355          * returning, we also forge a bit of P->status to allow the debugger to
1356          * see that we are PS_LOST following a successful exec.
1357          */
1358         P->state = PS_RUN;
1359         if (Pwait(P, 0) == -1) {
1360 #ifdef _ILP32
1361                 if (errno == EOVERFLOW)
1362                         P->status.pr_dmodel = PR_MODEL_LP64;
1363 #endif
1364                 P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why = PR_SYSEXIT;
1365                 P->status.pr_lwp.pr_what = SYS_execve;
1366                 P->status.pr_lwp.pr_errno = 0;
1367                 return (-1);
1368         }
1370         /*
1371          * The process should be stopped on exec (REQUESTED)
1372          * or else should be stopped on exit from exec() (SYSEXIT)
1373          */
1374         if (P->state == PS_STOP &&
1375             (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_REQUESTED ||
1376             (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_SYSEXIT &&
1377             P->status.pr_lwp.pr_what == SYS_execve))) {
1378                 /* fake up stop-on-exit-from-execve */
1379                 if (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_REQUESTED) {
1380                         P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why = PR_SYSEXIT;
1381                         P->status.pr_lwp.pr_what = SYS_execve;
1382                         P->status.pr_lwp.pr_errno = 0;
1383                 }
1384         } else {
1385                 dprintf("Preopen: expected REQUESTED or "
1386                     "SYSEXIT(SYS_execve) stop\n");
1387         }
1389         return (0);
1390 }
1392 /*
1393  * Define all settable flags other than the microstate accounting flags.
1394  */
1397 /*
1398  * Restore /proc tracing flags to their original values
1399  * in preparation for releasing the process.
1400  * Also called by Pcreate() to clear all tracing flags.
1401  */
1402 static void
1403 restore_tracing_flags(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1404 {
1405         long flags;
1406         long cmd[4];
1407         iovec_t iov[8];
1409         if (P->flags & CREATED) {
1410                 /* we created this process; clear all tracing flags */
1411                 premptyset(&P->status.pr_sigtrace);
1412                 premptyset(&P->status.pr_flttrace);
1413                 premptyset(&P->status.pr_sysentry);
1414                 premptyset(&P->status.pr_sysexit);
1415                 if ((P->status.pr_flags & ALL_SETTABLE_FLAGS) != 0)
1416                         (void) Punsetflags(P, ALL_SETTABLE_FLAGS);
1417         } else {
1418                 /* we grabbed the process; restore its tracing flags */
1419                 P->status.pr_sigtrace = P->orig_status.pr_sigtrace;
1420                 P->status.pr_flttrace = P->orig_status.pr_flttrace;
1421                 P->status.pr_sysentry = P->orig_status.pr_sysentry;
1422                 P->status.pr_sysexit  = P->orig_status.pr_sysexit;
1423                 if ((P->status.pr_flags & ALL_SETTABLE_FLAGS) !=
1424                     (flags = (P->orig_status.pr_flags & ALL_SETTABLE_FLAGS))) {
1425                         (void) Punsetflags(P, ALL_SETTABLE_FLAGS);
1426                         if (flags)
1427                                 (void) Psetflags(P, flags);
1428                 }
1429         }
1431         cmd[0] = PCSTRACE;
1432         iov[0].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[0];
1433         iov[0].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1434         iov[1].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_sigtrace;
1435         iov[1].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_sigtrace);
1437         cmd[1] = PCSFAULT;
1438         iov[2].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[1];
1439         iov[2].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1440         iov[3].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_flttrace;
1441         iov[3].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_flttrace);
1443         cmd[2] = PCSENTRY;
1444         iov[4].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[2];
1445         iov[4].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1446         iov[5].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_sysentry;
1447         iov[5].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_sysentry);
1449         cmd[3] = PCSEXIT;
1450         iov[6].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[3];
1451         iov[6].iov_len = sizeof (long);
1452         iov[7].iov_base = (caddr_t)&P->status.pr_sysexit;
1453         iov[7].iov_len = sizeof (P->status.pr_sysexit);
1455         (void) writev(P->ctlfd, iov, 8);
1457         P->flags &= ~(SETSIG|SETFAULT|SETENTRY|SETEXIT);
1458 }
1460 /*
1461  * Release the process.  Frees the process control structure.
1462  * flags:
1463  *      PRELEASE_CLEAR  Clear all tracing flags.
1464  *      PRELEASE_RETAIN Retain current tracing flags.
1465  *      PRELEASE_HANG   Leave the process stopped and abandoned.
1466  *      PRELEASE_KILL   Terminate the process with SIGKILL.
1467  */
1468 void
1469 Prelease(struct ps_prochandle *P, int flags)
1470 {
1471         if (P->state == PS_DEAD) {
1472                 dprintf("Prelease: releasing handle %p PS_DEAD of pid %d\n",
1473                     (void *)P, (int)P->pid);
1474                 Pfree(P);
1475                 return;
1476         }
1478         if (P->state == PS_IDLE) {
1479                 file_info_t *fptr = list_next(&P->file_head);
1480                 dprintf("Prelease: releasing handle %p PS_IDLE of file %s\n",
1481                     (void *)P, fptr->file_pname);
1482                 Pfree(P);
1483                 return;
1484         }
1486         dprintf("Prelease: releasing handle %p pid %d\n",
1487             (void *)P, (int)P->pid);
1489         if (P->ctlfd == -1) {
1490                 Pfree(P);
1491                 return;
1492         }
1494         if (P->agentcnt > 0) {
1495                 P->agentcnt = 1;
1496                 Pdestroy_agent(P);
1497         }
1499         /*
1500          * Attempt to stop the process.
1501          */
1502         P->state = PS_RUN;
1503         (void) Pstop(P, 1000);
1505         if (flags & PRELEASE_KILL) {
1506                 if (P->state == PS_STOP)
1507                         (void) Psetrun(P, SIGKILL, 0);
1508                 (void) kill(P->pid, SIGKILL);
1509                 Pfree(P);
1510                 return;
1511         }
1513         /*
1514          * If we lost control, all we can do now is close the files.
1515          * In this case, the last close sets the process running.
1516          */
1517         if (P->state != PS_STOP &&
1518             (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & (PR_ISTOP|PR_DSTOP)) == 0) {
1519                 Pfree(P);
1520                 return;
1521         }
1523         /*
1524          * We didn't lose control; we do more.
1525          */
1526         Psync(P);
1528         if (flags & PRELEASE_CLEAR)
1529                 P->flags |= CREATED;
1531         if (!(flags & PRELEASE_RETAIN))
1532                 restore_tracing_flags(P);
1534         if (flags & PRELEASE_HANG) {
1535                 /* Leave the process stopped and abandoned */
1536                 (void) Punsetflags(P, PR_RLC|PR_KLC);
1537                 Pfree(P);
1538                 return;
1539         }
1541         /*
1542          * Set the process running if we created it or if it was
1543          * not originally stopped or directed to stop via /proc
1544          * or if we were given the PRELEASE_CLEAR flag.
1545          */
1546         if ((P->flags & CREATED) ||
1547             (P->orig_status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & (PR_ISTOP|PR_DSTOP)) == 0) {
1548                 (void) Psetflags(P, PR_RLC);
1549                 /*
1550                  * We do this repeatedly because the process may have
1551                  * more than one LWP stopped on an event of interest.
1552                  * This makes sure all of them are set running.
1553                  */
1554                 do {
1555                         if (Psetrun(P, 0, 0) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
1556                                 break; /* Agent LWP may be stuck */
1557                 } while (Pstopstatus(P, PCNULL, 0) == 0 &&
1558                     P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & (PR_ISTOP|PR_DSTOP));
1560                 if (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & (PR_ISTOP|PR_DSTOP))
1561                         dprintf("Prelease: failed to set process running\n");
1562         }
1564         Pfree(P);
1565 }
1567 /* debugging */
1568 void
1569 prldump(const char *caller, lwpstatus_t *lsp)
1570 {
1571         char name[32];
1572         uint32_t bits;
1574         switch (lsp->pr_why) {
1575         case PR_REQUESTED:
1576                 dprintf("%s: REQUESTED\n", caller);
1577                 break;
1578         case PR_SIGNALLED:
1579                 dprintf("%s: SIGNALLED %s\n", caller,
1580                     proc_signame(lsp->pr_what, name, sizeof (name)));
1581                 break;
1582         case PR_FAULTED:
1583                 dprintf("%s: FAULTED %s\n", caller,
1584                     proc_fltname(lsp->pr_what, name, sizeof (name)));
1585                 break;
1586         case PR_SYSENTRY:
1587                 dprintf("%s: SYSENTRY %s\n", caller,
1588                     proc_sysname(lsp->pr_what, name, sizeof (name)));
1589                 break;
1590         case PR_SYSEXIT:
1591                 dprintf("%s: SYSEXIT %s\n", caller,
1592                     proc_sysname(lsp->pr_what, name, sizeof (name)));
1593                 break;
1594         case PR_JOBCONTROL:
1595                 dprintf("%s: JOBCONTROL %s\n", caller,
1596                     proc_signame(lsp->pr_what, name, sizeof (name)));
1597                 break;
1598         case PR_SUSPENDED:
1599                 dprintf("%s: SUSPENDED\n", caller);
1600                 break;
1601         default:
1602                 dprintf("%s: Unknown\n", caller);
1603                 break;
1604         }
1606         if (lsp->pr_cursig)
1607                 dprintf("%s: p_cursig  = %d\n", caller, lsp->pr_cursig);
1609         bits = *((uint32_t *)&lsp->pr_lwppend);
1610         if (bits)
1611                 dprintf("%s: pr_lwppend = 0x%.8X\n", caller, bits);
1612 }
1614 /* debugging */
1615 static void
1616 prdump(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1617 {
1618         uint32_t bits;
1620         prldump("Pstopstatus", &P->status.pr_lwp);
1622         bits = *((uint32_t *)&P->status.pr_sigpend);
1623         if (bits)
1624                 dprintf("Pstopstatus: pr_sigpend = 0x%.8X\n", bits);
1625 }
1627 /*
1628  * Wait for the specified process to stop or terminate.
1629  * Or, just get the current status (PCNULL).
1630  * Or, direct it to stop and get the current status (PCDSTOP).
1631  * If the agent LWP exists, do these things to the agent,
1632  * else do these things to the process as a whole.
1633  */
1634 int
1635 Pstopstatus(struct ps_prochandle *P,
1636         long request,           /* PCNULL, PCDSTOP, PCSTOP, PCWSTOP */
1637         uint_t msec)            /* if non-zero, timeout in milliseconds */
1638 {
1639         int ctlfd = (P->agentctlfd >= 0)? P->agentctlfd : P->ctlfd;
1640         long ctl[3];
1641         ssize_t rc;
1642         int err;
1643         int old_state = P->state;
1645         switch (P->state) {
1646         case PS_RUN:
1647                 break;
1648         case PS_STOP:
1649                 if (request != PCNULL && request != PCDSTOP)
1650                         return (0);
1651                 break;
1652         case PS_LOST:
1653                 if (request != PCNULL) {
1654                         errno = EAGAIN;
1655                         return (-1);
1656                 }
1657                 break;
1658         case PS_UNDEAD:
1659         case PS_DEAD:
1660         case PS_IDLE:
1661                 if (request != PCNULL) {
1662                         errno = ENOENT;
1663                         return (-1);
1664                 }
1665                 break;
1666         default:        /* corrupted state */
1667                 dprintf("Pstopstatus: corrupted state: %d\n", P->state);
1668                 errno = EINVAL;
1669                 return (-1);
1670         }
1672         ctl[0] = PCDSTOP;
1673         ctl[1] = PCTWSTOP;
1674         ctl[2] = (long)msec;
1675         rc = 0;
1676         switch (request) {
1677         case PCSTOP:
1678                 rc = write(ctlfd, &ctl[0], 3*sizeof (long));
1679                 break;
1680         case PCWSTOP:
1681                 rc = write(ctlfd, &ctl[1], 2*sizeof (long));
1682                 break;
1683         case PCDSTOP:
1684                 rc = write(ctlfd, &ctl[0], 1*sizeof (long));
1685                 break;
1686         case PCNULL:
1687                 if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_IDLE)
1688                         return (0);
1689                 break;
1690         default:        /* programming error */
1691                 errno = EINVAL;
1692                 return (-1);
1693         }
1694         err = (rc < 0)? errno : 0;
1695         Psync(P);
1697         if (P->agentstatfd < 0) {
1698                 if (pread(P->statfd, &P->status,
1699                     sizeof (P->status), (off_t)0) < 0)
1700                         err = errno;
1701         } else {
1702                 if (pread(P->agentstatfd, &P->status.pr_lwp,
1703                     sizeof (P->status.pr_lwp), (off_t)0) < 0)
1704                         err = errno;
1705                 P->status.pr_flags = P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags;
1706         }
1708         if (err) {
1709                 switch (err) {
1710                 case EINTR:             /* user typed ctl-C */
1711                 case ERESTART:
1712                         dprintf("Pstopstatus: EINTR\n");
1713                         break;
1714                 case EAGAIN:            /* we lost control of the the process */
1715                 case EOVERFLOW:
1716                         dprintf("Pstopstatus: PS_LOST, errno=%d\n", err);
1717                         P->state = PS_LOST;
1718                         break;
1719                 default:                /* check for dead process */
1720                         if (_libproc_debug) {
1721                                 const char *errstr;
1723                                 switch (request) {
1724                                 case PCNULL:
1725                                         errstr = "Pstopstatus PCNULL"; break;
1726                                 case PCSTOP:
1727                                         errstr = "Pstopstatus PCSTOP"; break;
1728                                 case PCDSTOP:
1729                                         errstr = "Pstopstatus PCDSTOP"; break;
1730                                 case PCWSTOP:
1731                                         errstr = "Pstopstatus PCWSTOP"; break;
1732                                 default:
1733                                         errstr = "Pstopstatus PC???"; break;
1734                                 }
1735                                 dprintf("%s: %s\n", errstr, strerror(err));
1736                         }
1737                         deadcheck(P);
1738                         break;
1739                 }
1740                 if (err != EINTR && err != ERESTART) {
1741                         errno = err;
1742                         return (-1);
1743                 }
1744         }
1746         if (!(P->status.pr_flags & PR_STOPPED)) {
1747                 P->state = PS_RUN;
1748                 if (request == PCNULL || request == PCDSTOP || msec != 0)
1749                         return (0);
1750                 dprintf("Pstopstatus: process is not stopped\n");
1751                 errno = EPROTO;
1752                 return (-1);
1753         }
1755         P->state = PS_STOP;
1757         if (_libproc_debug)     /* debugging */
1758                 prdump(P);
1760         /*
1761          * If the process was already stopped coming into Pstopstatus(),
1762          * then don't use its PC to set P->sysaddr since it may have been
1763          * changed since the time the process originally stopped.
1764          */
1765         if (old_state == PS_STOP)
1766                 return (0);
1768         switch (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why) {
1769         case PR_SYSENTRY:
1770         case PR_SYSEXIT:
1771                 if (Pissyscall_prev(P, P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg[R_PC],
1772                     &P->sysaddr) == 0)
1773                         P->sysaddr = P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg[R_PC];
1774                 break;
1775         case PR_REQUESTED:
1776         case PR_SIGNALLED:
1777         case PR_FAULTED:
1778         case PR_JOBCONTROL:
1779         case PR_SUSPENDED:
1780                 break;
1781         default:
1782                 errno = EPROTO;
1783                 return (-1);
1784         }
1786         return (0);
1787 }
1789 /*
1790  * Wait for the process to stop for any reason.
1791  */
1792 int
1793 Pwait(struct ps_prochandle *P, uint_t msec)
1794 {
1795         return (Pstopstatus(P, PCWSTOP, msec));
1796 }
1798 /*
1799  * Direct the process to stop; wait for it to stop.
1800  */
1801 int
1802 Pstop(struct ps_prochandle *P, uint_t msec)
1803 {
1804         return (Pstopstatus(P, PCSTOP, msec));
1805 }
1807 /*
1808  * Direct the process to stop; don't wait.
1809  */
1810 int
1811 Pdstop(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1812 {
1813         return (Pstopstatus(P, PCDSTOP, 0));
1814 }
1816 static void
1817 deadcheck(struct ps_prochandle *P)
1818 {
1819         int fd;
1820         void *buf;
1821         size_t size;
1823         if (P->statfd < 0)
1824                 P->state = PS_UNDEAD;
1825         else {
1826                 if (P->agentstatfd < 0) {
1827                         fd = P->statfd;
1828                         buf = &P->status;
1829                         size = sizeof (P->status);
1830                 } else {
1831                         fd = P->agentstatfd;
1832                         buf = &P->status.pr_lwp;
1833                         size = sizeof (P->status.pr_lwp);
1834                 }
1835                 while (pread(fd, buf, size, (off_t)0) != size) {
1836                         switch (errno) {
1837                         default:
1838                                 P->state = PS_UNDEAD;
1839                                 break;
1840                         case EINTR:
1841                         case ERESTART:
1842                                 continue;
1843                         case EAGAIN:
1844                                 P->state = PS_LOST;
1845                                 break;
1846                         }
1847                         break;
1848                 }
1849                 P->status.pr_flags = P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags;
1850         }
1851 }
1853 /*
1854  * Get the value of one register from stopped process.
1855  */
1856 int
1857 Pgetareg(struct ps_prochandle *P, int regno, prgreg_t *preg)
1858 {
1859         if (regno < 0 || regno >= NPRGREG) {
1860                 errno = EINVAL;
1861                 return (-1);
1862         }
1864         if (P->state == PS_IDLE) {
1865                 errno = ENODATA;
1866                 return (-1);
1867         }
1869         if (P->state != PS_STOP && P->state != PS_DEAD) {
1870                 errno = EBUSY;
1871                 return (-1);
1872         }
1874         *preg = P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg[regno];
1875         return (0);
1876 }
1878 /*
1879  * Put value of one register into stopped process.
1880  */
1881 int
1882 Pputareg(struct ps_prochandle *P, int regno, prgreg_t reg)
1883 {
1884         if (regno < 0 || regno >= NPRGREG) {
1885                 errno = EINVAL;
1886                 return (-1);
1887         }
1889         if (P->state != PS_STOP) {
1890                 errno = EBUSY;
1891                 return (-1);
1892         }
1894         P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg[regno] = reg;
1895         P->flags |= SETREGS; /* set registers before continuing */
1896         return (0);
1897 }
1899 int
1900 Psetrun(struct ps_prochandle *P,
1901         int sig,        /* signal to pass to process */
1902         int flags)      /* PRSTEP|PRSABORT|PRSTOP|PRCSIG|PRCFAULT */
1903 {
1904         int ctlfd = (P->agentctlfd >= 0) ? P->agentctlfd : P->ctlfd;
1905         int sbits = (PR_DSTOP | PR_ISTOP | PR_ASLEEP);
1907         long ctl[1 +                                    /* PCCFAULT     */
1908             1 + sizeof (siginfo_t)/sizeof (long) +      /* PCSSIG/PCCSIG */
1909             2 ];                                        /* PCRUN        */
1911         long *ctlp = ctl;
1912         size_t size;
1914         if (P->state != PS_STOP && (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags & sbits) == 0) {
1915                 errno = EBUSY;
1916                 return (-1);
1917         }
1919         Psync(P);       /* flush tracing flags and registers */
1921         if (flags & PRCFAULT) {             /* clear current fault */
1922                 *ctlp++ = PCCFAULT;
1923                 flags &= ~PRCFAULT;
1924         }
1926         if (flags & PRCSIG) {               /* clear current signal */
1927                 *ctlp++ = PCCSIG;
1928                 flags &= ~PRCSIG;
1929         } else if (sig && sig != P->status.pr_lwp.pr_cursig) {
1930                 /* make current signal */
1931                 siginfo_t *infop;
1933                 *ctlp++ = PCSSIG;
1934                 infop = (siginfo_t *)ctlp;
1935                 (void) memset(infop, 0, sizeof (*infop));
1936                 infop->si_signo = sig;
1937                 ctlp += sizeof (siginfo_t) / sizeof (long);
1938         }
1940         *ctlp++ = PCRUN;
1941         *ctlp++ = flags;
1942         size = (char *)ctlp - (char *)ctl;
1944         P->info_valid = 0;   /* will need to update map and file info */
1946         /*
1947          * If we've cached ucontext-list information while we were stopped,
1948          * free it now.
1949          */
1950         if (P->ucaddrs != NULL) {
1951                 free(P->ucaddrs);
1952                 P->ucaddrs = NULL;
1953                 P->ucnelems = 0;
1954         }
1956         if (write(ctlfd, ctl, size) != size) {
1957                 /* If it is dead or lost, return the real status, not PS_RUN */
1958                 if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EAGAIN) {
1959                         (void) Pstopstatus(P, PCNULL, 0);
1960                         return (0);
1961                 }
1962                 /* If it is not in a jobcontrol stop, issue an error message */
1963                 if (errno != EBUSY ||
1964                     P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why != PR_JOBCONTROL) {
1965                         dprintf("Psetrun: %s\n", strerror(errno));
1966                         return (-1);
1967                 }
1968                 /* Otherwise pretend that the job-stopped process is running */
1969         }
1971         P->state = PS_RUN;
1972         return (0);
1973 }
1975 ssize_t
1976 Pread(struct ps_prochandle *P,
1977         void *buf,              /* caller's buffer */
1978         size_t nbyte,           /* number of bytes to read */
1979         uintptr_t address)      /* address in process */
1980 {
1981         return (P->ops->p_pread(P, buf, nbyte, address));
1982 }
1984 ssize_t
1985 Pread_string(struct ps_prochandle *P,
1986         char *buf,              /* caller's buffer */
1987         size_t size,            /* upper limit on bytes to read */
1988         uintptr_t addr)         /* address in process */
1989 {
1990         enum { STRSZ = 40 };
1991         char string[STRSZ + 1];
1992         ssize_t leng = 0;
1993         int nbyte;
1995         if (size < 2) {
1996                 errno = EINVAL;
1997                 return (-1);
1998         }
2000         size--;                 /* ensure trailing null fits in buffer */
2002         *buf = '\0';
2003         string[STRSZ] = '\0';
2005         for (nbyte = STRSZ; nbyte == STRSZ && leng < size; addr += STRSZ) {
2006                 if ((nbyte = P->ops->p_pread(P, string, STRSZ, addr)) <= 0) {
2007                         buf[leng] = '\0';
2008                         return (leng ? leng : -1);
2009                 }
2010                 if ((nbyte = strlen(string)) > 0) {
2011                         if (leng + nbyte > size)
2012                                 nbyte = size - leng;
2013                         (void) strncpy(buf + leng, string, nbyte);
2014                         leng += nbyte;
2015                 }
2016         }
2017         buf[leng] = '\0';
2018         return (leng);
2019 }
2021 ssize_t
2022 Pwrite(struct ps_prochandle *P,
2023         const void *buf,        /* caller's buffer */
2024         size_t nbyte,           /* number of bytes to write */
2025         uintptr_t address)      /* address in process */
2026 {
2027         return (P->ops->p_pwrite(P, buf, nbyte, address));
2028 }
2030 int
2031 Pclearsig(struct ps_prochandle *P)
2032 {
2033         int ctlfd = (P->agentctlfd >= 0)? P->agentctlfd : P->ctlfd;
2034         long ctl = PCCSIG;
2036         if (write(ctlfd, &ctl, sizeof (ctl)) != sizeof (ctl))
2037                 return (-1);
2038         P->status.pr_lwp.pr_cursig = 0;
2039         return (0);
2040 }
2042 int
2043 Pclearfault(struct ps_prochandle *P)
2044 {
2045         int ctlfd = (P->agentctlfd >= 0)? P->agentctlfd : P->ctlfd;
2046         long ctl = PCCFAULT;
2048         if (write(ctlfd, &ctl, sizeof (ctl)) != sizeof (ctl))
2049                 return (-1);
2050         return (0);
2051 }
2053 /*
2054  * Set a breakpoint trap, return original instruction.
2055  */
2056 int
2057 Psetbkpt(struct ps_prochandle *P, uintptr_t address, ulong_t *saved)
2058 {
2059         long ctl[1 + sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long) +       /* PCREAD */
2060             1 + sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long)];    /* PCWRITE */
2061         long *ctlp = ctl;
2062         size_t size;
2063         priovec_t *iovp;
2064         instr_t bpt = BPT;
2065         instr_t old;
2067         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2068             P->state == PS_IDLE) {
2069                 errno = ENOENT;
2070                 return (-1);
2071         }
2073         /* fetch the old instruction */
2074         *ctlp++ = PCREAD;
2075         iovp = (priovec_t *)ctlp;
2076         iovp->pio_base = &old;
2077         iovp->pio_len = sizeof (old);
2078         iovp->pio_offset = address;
2079         ctlp += sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long);
2081         /* write the BPT instruction */
2082         *ctlp++ = PCWRITE;
2083         iovp = (priovec_t *)ctlp;
2084         iovp->pio_base = &bpt;
2085         iovp->pio_len = sizeof (bpt);
2086         iovp->pio_offset = address;
2087         ctlp += sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long);
2089         size = (char *)ctlp - (char *)ctl;
2090         if (write(P->ctlfd, ctl, size) != size)
2091                 return (-1);
2093         /*
2094          * Fail if there was already a breakpoint there from another debugger
2095          * or DTrace's user-level tracing on x86.
2096          */
2097         if (old == BPT) {
2098                 errno = EBUSY;
2099                 return (-1);
2100         }
2102         *saved = (ulong_t)old;
2103         return (0);
2104 }
2106 /*
2107  * Restore original instruction where a breakpoint was set.
2108  */
2109 int
2110 Pdelbkpt(struct ps_prochandle *P, uintptr_t address, ulong_t saved)
2111 {
2112         instr_t old = (instr_t)saved;
2113         instr_t cur;
2115         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2116             P->state == PS_IDLE) {
2117                 errno = ENOENT;
2118                 return (-1);
2119         }
2121         /*
2122          * If the breakpoint instruction we had placed has been overwritten
2123          * with a new instruction, then don't try to replace it with the
2124          * old instruction. Doing do can cause problems with self-modifying
2125          * code -- PLTs for example. If the Pread() fails, we assume that we
2126          * should proceed though most likely the Pwrite() will also fail.
2127          */
2128         if (Pread(P, &cur, sizeof (cur), address) == sizeof (cur) &&
2129             cur != BPT)
2130                 return (0);
2132         if (Pwrite(P, &old, sizeof (old), address) != sizeof (old))
2133                 return (-1);
2135         return (0);
2136 }
2138 /*
2139  * Common code for Pxecbkpt() and Lxecbkpt().
2140  * Develop the array of requests that will do the job, then
2141  * write them to the specified control file descriptor.
2142  * Return the non-zero errno if the write fails.
2143  */
2144 static int
2145 execute_bkpt(
2146         int ctlfd,              /* process or LWP control file descriptor */
2147         const fltset_t *faultset,       /* current set of traced faults */
2148         const sigset_t *sigmask,        /* current signal mask */
2149         uintptr_t address,              /* address of breakpint */
2150         ulong_t saved)                  /* the saved instruction */
2151 {
2152         long ctl[
2153             1 + sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long) +             /* PCSHOLD */
2154             1 + sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long) +             /* PCSFAULT */
2155             1 + sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long) +            /* PCWRITE */
2156             2 +                                                 /* PCRUN */
2157             1 +                                                 /* PCWSTOP */
2158             1 +                                                 /* PCCFAULT */
2159             1 + sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long) +            /* PCWRITE */
2160             1 + sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long) +             /* PCSFAULT */
2161             1 + sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long)];             /* PCSHOLD */
2162         long *ctlp = ctl;
2163         sigset_t unblock;
2164         size_t size;
2165         ssize_t ssize;
2166         priovec_t *iovp;
2167         sigset_t *holdp;
2168         fltset_t *faultp;
2169         instr_t old = (instr_t)saved;
2170         instr_t bpt = BPT;
2171         int error = 0;
2173         /* block our signals for the duration */
2174         (void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blockable_sigs, &unblock);
2176         /* hold posted signals */
2177         *ctlp++ = PCSHOLD;
2178         holdp = (sigset_t *)ctlp;
2179         prfillset(holdp);
2180         prdelset(holdp, SIGKILL);
2181         prdelset(holdp, SIGSTOP);
2182         ctlp += sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long);
2184         /* force tracing of FLTTRACE */
2185         if (!(prismember(faultset, FLTTRACE))) {
2186                 *ctlp++ = PCSFAULT;
2187                 faultp = (fltset_t *)ctlp;
2188                 *faultp = *faultset;
2189                 praddset(faultp, FLTTRACE);
2190                 ctlp += sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long);
2191         }
2193         /* restore the old instruction */
2194         *ctlp++ = PCWRITE;
2195         iovp = (priovec_t *)ctlp;
2196         iovp->pio_base = &old;
2197         iovp->pio_len = sizeof (old);
2198         iovp->pio_offset = address;
2199         ctlp += sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long);
2201         /* clear current signal and fault; set running w/ single-step */
2202         *ctlp++ = PCRUN;
2203         *ctlp++ = PRCSIG | PRCFAULT | PRSTEP;
2205         /* wait for stop, cancel the fault */
2206         *ctlp++ = PCWSTOP;
2207         *ctlp++ = PCCFAULT;
2209         /* restore the breakpoint trap */
2210         *ctlp++ = PCWRITE;
2211         iovp = (priovec_t *)ctlp;
2212         iovp->pio_base = &bpt;
2213         iovp->pio_len = sizeof (bpt);
2214         iovp->pio_offset = address;
2215         ctlp += sizeof (priovec_t) / sizeof (long);
2217         /* restore fault tracing set */
2218         if (!(prismember(faultset, FLTTRACE))) {
2219                 *ctlp++ = PCSFAULT;
2220                 *(fltset_t *)ctlp = *faultset;
2221                 ctlp += sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long);
2222         }
2224         /* restore the hold mask */
2225         *ctlp++ = PCSHOLD;
2226         *(sigset_t *)ctlp = *sigmask;
2227         ctlp += sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long);
2229         size = (char *)ctlp - (char *)ctl;
2230         if ((ssize = write(ctlfd, ctl, size)) != size)
2231                 error = (ssize == -1)? errno : EINTR;
2232         (void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &unblock, NULL);
2233         return (error);
2234 }
2236 /*
2237  * Step over a breakpoint, i.e., execute the instruction that
2238  * really belongs at the breakpoint location (the current %pc)
2239  * and leave the process stopped at the next instruction.
2240  */
2241 int
2242 Pxecbkpt(struct ps_prochandle *P, ulong_t saved)
2243 {
2244         int ctlfd = (P->agentctlfd >= 0)? P->agentctlfd : P->ctlfd;
2245         int rv, error;
2247         if (P->state != PS_STOP) {
2248                 errno = EBUSY;
2249                 return (-1);
2250         }
2252         Psync(P);
2254         error = execute_bkpt(ctlfd,
2255             &P->status.pr_flttrace, &P->status.pr_lwp.pr_lwphold,
2256             P->status.pr_lwp.pr_reg[R_PC], saved);
2257         rv = Pstopstatus(P, PCNULL, 0);
2259         if (error != 0) {
2260                 if (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_JOBCONTROL &&
2261                     error == EBUSY) {   /* jobcontrol stop -- back off */
2262                         P->state = PS_RUN;
2263                         return (0);
2264                 }
2265                 if (error == ENOENT)
2266                         return (0);
2267                 errno = error;
2268                 return (-1);
2269         }
2271         return (rv);
2272 }
2274 /*
2275  * Install the watchpoint described by wp.
2276  */
2277 int
2278 Psetwapt(struct ps_prochandle *P, const prwatch_t *wp)
2279 {
2280         long ctl[1 + sizeof (prwatch_t) / sizeof (long)];
2281         prwatch_t *cwp = (prwatch_t *)&ctl[1];
2283         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2284             P->state == PS_IDLE) {
2285                 errno = ENOENT;
2286                 return (-1);
2287         }
2289         ctl[0] = PCWATCH;
2290         cwp->pr_vaddr = wp->pr_vaddr;
2291         cwp->pr_size = wp->pr_size;
2292         cwp->pr_wflags = wp->pr_wflags;
2294         if (write(P->ctlfd, ctl, sizeof (ctl)) != sizeof (ctl))
2295                 return (-1);
2297         return (0);
2298 }
2300 /*
2301  * Remove the watchpoint described by wp.
2302  */
2303 int
2304 Pdelwapt(struct ps_prochandle *P, const prwatch_t *wp)
2305 {
2306         long ctl[1 + sizeof (prwatch_t) / sizeof (long)];
2307         prwatch_t *cwp = (prwatch_t *)&ctl[1];
2309         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2310             P->state == PS_IDLE) {
2311                 errno = ENOENT;
2312                 return (-1);
2313         }
2315         ctl[0] = PCWATCH;
2316         cwp->pr_vaddr = wp->pr_vaddr;
2317         cwp->pr_size = wp->pr_size;
2318         cwp->pr_wflags = 0;
2320         if (write(P->ctlfd, ctl, sizeof (ctl)) != sizeof (ctl))
2321                 return (-1);
2323         return (0);
2324 }
2326 /*
2327  * Common code for Pxecwapt() and Lxecwapt().  Develop the array of requests
2328  * that will do the job, then write them to the specified control file
2329  * descriptor.  Return the non-zero errno if the write fails.
2330  */
2331 static int
2332 execute_wapt(
2333         int ctlfd,              /* process or LWP control file descriptor */
2334         const fltset_t *faultset,       /* current set of traced faults */
2335         const sigset_t *sigmask,        /* current signal mask */
2336         const prwatch_t *wp)            /* watchpoint descriptor */
2337 {
2338         long ctl[
2339             1 + sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long) +             /* PCSHOLD */
2340             1 + sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long) +             /* PCSFAULT */
2341             1 + sizeof (prwatch_t) / sizeof (long) +            /* PCWATCH */
2342             2 +                                                 /* PCRUN */
2343             1 +                                                 /* PCWSTOP */
2344             1 +                                                 /* PCCFAULT */
2345             1 + sizeof (prwatch_t) / sizeof (long) +            /* PCWATCH */
2346             1 + sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long) +             /* PCSFAULT */
2347             1 + sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long)];             /* PCSHOLD */
2349         long *ctlp = ctl;
2350         int error = 0;
2352         sigset_t unblock;
2353         sigset_t *holdp;
2354         fltset_t *faultp;
2355         prwatch_t *prw;
2356         ssize_t ssize;
2357         size_t size;
2359         (void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blockable_sigs, &unblock);
2361         /*
2362          * Hold all posted signals in the victim process prior to stepping.
2363          */
2364         *ctlp++ = PCSHOLD;
2365         holdp = (sigset_t *)ctlp;
2366         prfillset(holdp);
2367         prdelset(holdp, SIGKILL);
2368         prdelset(holdp, SIGSTOP);
2369         ctlp += sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long);
2371         /*
2372          * Force tracing of FLTTRACE since we need to single step.
2373          */
2374         if (!(prismember(faultset, FLTTRACE))) {
2375                 *ctlp++ = PCSFAULT;
2376                 faultp = (fltset_t *)ctlp;
2377                 *faultp = *faultset;
2378                 praddset(faultp, FLTTRACE);
2379                 ctlp += sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long);
2380         }
2382         /*
2383          * Clear only the current watchpoint by setting pr_wflags to zero.
2384          */
2385         *ctlp++ = PCWATCH;
2386         prw = (prwatch_t *)ctlp;
2387         prw->pr_vaddr = wp->pr_vaddr;
2388         prw->pr_size = wp->pr_size;
2389         prw->pr_wflags = 0;
2390         ctlp += sizeof (prwatch_t) / sizeof (long);
2392         /*
2393          * Clear the current signal and fault; set running with single-step.
2394          * Then wait for the victim to stop and cancel the FLTTRACE.
2395          */
2396         *ctlp++ = PCRUN;
2397         *ctlp++ = PRCSIG | PRCFAULT | PRSTEP;
2398         *ctlp++ = PCWSTOP;
2399         *ctlp++ = PCCFAULT;
2401         /*
2402          * Restore the current watchpoint.
2403          */
2404         *ctlp++ = PCWATCH;
2405         (void) memcpy(ctlp, wp, sizeof (prwatch_t));
2406         ctlp += sizeof (prwatch_t) / sizeof (long);
2408         /*
2409          * Restore fault tracing set if we modified it.
2410          */
2411         if (!(prismember(faultset, FLTTRACE))) {
2412                 *ctlp++ = PCSFAULT;
2413                 *(fltset_t *)ctlp = *faultset;
2414                 ctlp += sizeof (fltset_t) / sizeof (long);
2415         }
2417         /*
2418          * Restore the hold mask to the current hold mask (i.e. the one
2419          * before we executed any of the previous operations).
2420          */
2421         *ctlp++ = PCSHOLD;
2422         *(sigset_t *)ctlp = *sigmask;
2423         ctlp += sizeof (sigset_t) / sizeof (long);
2425         size = (char *)ctlp - (char *)ctl;
2426         if ((ssize = write(ctlfd, ctl, size)) != size)
2427                 error = (ssize == -1)? errno : EINTR;
2428         (void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &unblock, NULL);
2429         return (error);
2430 }
2432 /*
2433  * Step over a watchpoint, i.e., execute the instruction that was stopped by
2434  * the watchpoint, and then leave the LWP stopped at the next instruction.
2435  */
2436 int
2437 Pxecwapt(struct ps_prochandle *P, const prwatch_t *wp)
2438 {
2439         int ctlfd = (P->agentctlfd >= 0)? P->agentctlfd : P->ctlfd;
2440         int rv, error;
2442         if (P->state != PS_STOP) {
2443                 errno = EBUSY;
2444                 return (-1);
2445         }
2447         Psync(P);
2448         error = execute_wapt(ctlfd,
2449             &P->status.pr_flttrace, &P->status.pr_lwp.pr_lwphold, wp);
2450         rv = Pstopstatus(P, PCNULL, 0);
2452         if (error != 0) {
2453                 if (P->status.pr_lwp.pr_why == PR_JOBCONTROL &&
2454                     error == EBUSY) {   /* jobcontrol stop -- back off */
2455                         P->state = PS_RUN;
2456                         return (0);
2457                 }
2458                 if (error == ENOENT)
2459                         return (0);
2460                 errno = error;
2461                 return (-1);
2462         }
2464         return (rv);
2465 }
2467 int
2468 Psetflags(struct ps_prochandle *P, long flags)
2469 {
2470         int rc;
2471         long ctl[2];
2473         ctl[0] = PCSET;
2474         ctl[1] = flags;
2476         if (write(P->ctlfd, ctl, 2*sizeof (long)) != 2*sizeof (long)) {
2477                 rc = -1;
2478         } else {
2479                 P->status.pr_flags |= flags;
2480                 P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags |= flags;
2481                 rc = 0;
2482         }
2484         return (rc);
2485 }
2487 int
2488 Punsetflags(struct ps_prochandle *P, long flags)
2489 {
2490         int rc;
2491         long ctl[2];
2493         ctl[0] = PCUNSET;
2494         ctl[1] = flags;
2496         if (write(P->ctlfd, ctl, 2*sizeof (long)) != 2*sizeof (long)) {
2497                 rc = -1;
2498         } else {
2499                 P->status.pr_flags &= ~flags;
2500                 P->status.pr_lwp.pr_flags &= ~flags;
2501                 rc = 0;
2502         }
2504         return (rc);
2505 }
2507 /*
2508  * Common function to allow clients to manipulate the action to be taken
2509  * on receipt of a signal, receipt of machine fault, entry to a system call,
2510  * or exit from a system call.  We make use of our private prset_* functions
2511  * in order to make this code be common.  The 'which' parameter identifies
2512  * the code for the event of interest (0 means change the entire set), and
2513  * the 'stop' parameter is a boolean indicating whether the process should
2514  * stop when the event of interest occurs.  The previous value is returned
2515  * to the caller; -1 is returned if an error occurred.
2516  */
2517 static int
2518 Psetaction(struct ps_prochandle *P, void *sp, size_t size,
2519     uint_t flag, int max, int which, int stop)
2520 {
2521         int oldval;
2523         if (which < 0 || which > max) {
2524                 errno = EINVAL;
2525                 return (-1);
2526         }
2528         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2529             P->state == PS_IDLE) {
2530                 errno = ENOENT;
2531                 return (-1);
2532         }
2534         oldval = prset_ismember(sp, size, which) ? TRUE : FALSE;
2536         if (stop) {
2537                 if (which == 0) {
2538                         prset_fill(sp, size);
2539                         P->flags |= flag;
2540                 } else if (!oldval) {
2541                         prset_add(sp, size, which);
2542                         P->flags |= flag;
2543                 }
2544         } else {
2545                 if (which == 0) {
2546                         prset_empty(sp, size);
2547                         P->flags |= flag;
2548                 } else if (oldval) {
2549                         prset_del(sp, size, which);
2550                         P->flags |= flag;
2551                 }
2552         }
2554         if (P->state == PS_RUN)
2555                 Psync(P);
2557         return (oldval);
2558 }
2560 /*
2561  * Set action on specified signal.
2562  */
2563 int
2564 Psignal(struct ps_prochandle *P, int which, int stop)
2565 {
2566         int oldval;
2568         if (which == SIGKILL && stop != 0) {
2569                 errno = EINVAL;
2570                 return (-1);
2571         }
2573         oldval = Psetaction(P, &P->status.pr_sigtrace, sizeof (sigset_t),
2574             SETSIG, PRMAXSIG, which, stop);
2576         if (oldval != -1 && which == 0 && stop != 0)
2577                 prdelset(&P->status.pr_sigtrace, SIGKILL);
2579         return (oldval);
2580 }
2582 /*
2583  * Set all signal tracing flags.
2584  */
2585 void
2586 Psetsignal(struct ps_prochandle *P, const sigset_t *set)
2587 {
2588         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2589             P->state == PS_IDLE)
2590                 return;
2592         P->status.pr_sigtrace = *set;
2593         P->flags |= SETSIG;
2595         if (P->state == PS_RUN)
2596                 Psync(P);
2597 }
2599 /*
2600  * Set action on specified fault.
2601  */
2602 int
2603 Pfault(struct ps_prochandle *P, int which, int stop)
2604 {
2605         return (Psetaction(P, &P->status.pr_flttrace, sizeof (fltset_t),
2606             SETFAULT, PRMAXFAULT, which, stop));
2607 }
2609 /*
2610  * Set all machine fault tracing flags.
2611  */
2612 void
2613 Psetfault(struct ps_prochandle *P, const fltset_t *set)
2614 {
2615         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2616             P->state == PS_IDLE)
2617                 return;
2619         P->status.pr_flttrace = *set;
2620         P->flags |= SETFAULT;
2622         if (P->state == PS_RUN)
2623                 Psync(P);
2624 }
2626 /*
2627  * Set action on specified system call entry.
2628  */
2629 int
2630 Psysentry(struct ps_prochandle *P, int which, int stop)
2631 {
2632         return (Psetaction(P, &P->status.pr_sysentry, sizeof (sysset_t),
2633             SETENTRY, PRMAXSYS, which, stop));
2634 }
2636 /*
2637  * Set all system call entry tracing flags.
2638  */
2639 void
2640 Psetsysentry(struct ps_prochandle *P, const sysset_t *set)
2641 {
2642         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2643             P->state == PS_IDLE)
2644                 return;
2646         P->status.pr_sysentry = *set;
2647         P->flags |= SETENTRY;
2649         if (P->state == PS_RUN)
2650                 Psync(P);
2651 }
2653 /*
2654  * Set action on specified system call exit.
2655  */
2656 int
2657 Psysexit(struct ps_prochandle *P, int which, int stop)
2658 {
2659         return (Psetaction(P, &P->status.pr_sysexit, sizeof (sysset_t),
2660             SETEXIT, PRMAXSYS, which, stop));
2661 }
2663 /*
2664  * Set all system call exit tracing flags.
2665  */
2666 void
2667 Psetsysexit(struct ps_prochandle *P, const sysset_t *set)
2668 {
2669         if (P->state == PS_DEAD || P->state == PS_UNDEAD ||
2670             P->state == PS_IDLE)
2671                 return;
2673         P->status.pr_sysexit = *set;
2674         P->flags |= SETEXIT;
2676         if (P->state == PS_RUN)
2677                 Psync(P);
2678 }
2680 /*
2681  * Utility function to read the contents of a file that contains a
2682  * prheader_t at the start (/proc/pid/lstatus or /proc/pid/lpsinfo).
2683  * Returns a malloc()d buffer or NULL on failure.
2684  */
2685 static prheader_t *
2686 read_lfile(struct ps_prochandle *P, const char *lname)
2687 {
2688         prheader_t *Lhp;
2689         char lpath[PATH_MAX];
2690         struct stat64 statb;
2691         int fd;
2692         size_t size;
2693         ssize_t rval;
2695         (void) snprintf(lpath, sizeof (lpath), "%s/%d/%s", procfs_path,
2696             (int)P->status.pr_pid, lname);
2697         if ((fd = open(lpath, O_RDONLY)) < 0 || fstat64(fd, &statb) != 0) {
2698                 if (fd >= 0)
2699                         (void) close(fd);
2700                 return (NULL);
2701         }
2703         /*
2704          * 'size' is just the initial guess at the buffer size.
2705          * It will have to grow if the number of lwps increases
2706          * while we are looking at the process.
2707          * 'size' must be larger than the actual file size.
2708          */
2709         size = statb.st_size + 32;
2711         for (;;) {
2712                 if ((Lhp = malloc(size)) == NULL)
2713                         break;
2714                 if ((rval = pread(fd, Lhp, size, 0)) < 0 ||
2715                     rval <= sizeof (prheader_t)) {
2716                         free(Lhp);
2717                         Lhp = NULL;
2718                         break;
2719                 }
2720                 if (rval < size)
2721                         break;
2722                 /* need a bigger buffer */
2723                 free(Lhp);
2724                 size *= 2;
2725         }
2727         (void) close(fd);
2728         return (Lhp);
2729 }
2731 /*
2732  * LWP iteration interface.
2733  */
2734 int
2735 Plwp_iter(struct ps_prochandle *P, proc_lwp_f *func, void *cd)
2736 {
2737         prheader_t *Lhp;
2738         lwpstatus_t *Lsp;
2739         long nlwp;
2740         int rv;
2742         switch (P->state) {
2743         case PS_RUN:
2744                 (void) Pstopstatus(P, PCNULL, 0);
2745                 break;
2747         case PS_STOP:
2748                 Psync(P);
2749                 break;
2751         case PS_IDLE:
2752                 errno = ENODATA;
2753                 return (-1);
2754         }
2756         /*
2757          * For either live processes or cores, the single LWP case is easy:
2758          * the pstatus_t contains the lwpstatus_t for the only LWP.
2759          */
2760         if (P->status.pr_nlwp <= 1)
2761                 return (func(cd, &P->status.pr_lwp));
2763         /*
2764          * For the core file multi-LWP case, we just iterate through the
2765          * list of LWP structs we read in from the core file.
2766          */
2767         if (P->state == PS_DEAD) {
2768                 lwp_info_t *lwp = list_prev(&P->core->core_lwp_head);
2769                 uint_t i;
2771                 for (i = 0; i < P->core->core_nlwp; i++, lwp = list_prev(lwp)) {
2772                         if (lwp->lwp_psinfo.pr_sname != 'Z' &&
2773                             (rv = func(cd, &lwp->lwp_status)) != 0)
2774                                 break;
2775                 }
2777                 return (rv);
2778         }
2780         /*
2781          * For the live process multi-LWP case, we have to work a little
2782          * harder: the /proc/pid/lstatus file has the array of LWP structs.
2783          */
2784         if ((Lhp = read_lfile(P, "lstatus")) == NULL)
2785                 return (-1);
2787         for (nlwp = Lhp->pr_nent, Lsp = (lwpstatus_t *)(uintptr_t)(Lhp + 1);
2788             nlwp > 0;
2789             nlwp--, Lsp = (lwpstatus_t *)((uintptr_t)Lsp + Lhp->pr_entsize)) {
2790                 if ((rv = func(cd, Lsp)) != 0)
2791                         break;
2792         }
2794         free(Lhp);
2795         return (rv);
2796 }
2798 /*
2799  * Extended LWP iteration interface.
2800  * Iterate over all LWPs, active and zombie.
2801  */
2802 int
2803 Plwp_iter_all(struct ps_prochandle *P, proc_lwp_all_f *func, void *cd)
2804 {
2805         prheader_t *Lhp = NULL;
2806         lwpstatus_t *Lsp;
2807         lwpstatus_t *sp;
2808         prheader_t *Lphp = NULL;
2809         lwpsinfo_t *Lpsp;
2810         long nstat;
2811         long ninfo;
2812         int rv;
2814 retry:
2815         if (Lhp != NULL)
2816                 free(Lhp);
2817         if (Lphp != NULL)
2818                 free(Lphp);
2819         if (P->state == PS_RUN)
2820                 (void) Pstopstatus(P, PCNULL, 0);
2821         (void) Ppsinfo(P);
2823         if (P->state == PS_STOP)
2824                 Psync(P);
2826         /*
2827          * For either live processes or cores, the single LWP case is easy:
2828          * the pstatus_t contains the lwpstatus_t for the only LWP and
2829          * the psinfo_t contains the lwpsinfo_t for the only LWP.
2830          */
2831         if (P->status.pr_nlwp + P->status.pr_nzomb <= 1)
2832                 return (func(cd, &P->status.pr_lwp, &P->psinfo.pr_lwp));
2834         /*
2835          * For the core file multi-LWP case, we just iterate through the
2836          * list of LWP structs we read in from the core file.
2837          */
2838         if (P->state == PS_DEAD) {
2839                 lwp_info_t *lwp = list_prev(&P->core->core_lwp_head);
2840                 uint_t i;
2842                 for (i = 0; i < P->core->core_nlwp; i++, lwp = list_prev(lwp)) {
2843                         sp = (lwp->lwp_psinfo.pr_sname == 'Z')? NULL :
2844                             &lwp->lwp_status;
2845                         if ((rv = func(cd, sp, &lwp->lwp_psinfo)) != 0)
2846                                 break;
2847                 }
2849                 return (rv);
2850         }
2852         /*
2853          * For the live process multi-LWP case, we have to work a little
2854          * harder: the /proc/pid/lstatus file has the array of lwpstatus_t's
2855          * and the /proc/pid/lpsinfo file has the array of lwpsinfo_t's.
2856          */
2857         if ((Lhp = read_lfile(P, "lstatus")) == NULL)
2858                 return (-1);
2859         if ((Lphp = read_lfile(P, "lpsinfo")) == NULL) {
2860                 free(Lhp);
2861                 return (-1);
2862         }
2864         /*
2865          * If we are looking at a running process, or one we do not control,
2866          * the active and zombie lwps in the process may have changed since
2867          * we read the process status structure.  If so, just start over.
2868          */
2869         if (Lhp->pr_nent != P->status.pr_nlwp ||
2870             Lphp->pr_nent != P->status.pr_nlwp + P->status.pr_nzomb)
2871                 goto retry;
2873         /*
2874          * To be perfectly safe, prescan the two arrays, checking consistency.
2875          * We rely on /proc giving us lwpstatus_t's and lwpsinfo_t's in the
2876          * same order (the lwp directory order) in their respective files.
2877          * We also rely on there being (possibly) more lwpsinfo_t's than
2878          * lwpstatus_t's (the extra lwpsinfo_t's are for zombie lwps).
2879          */
2880         Lsp = (lwpstatus_t *)(uintptr_t)(Lhp + 1);
2881         Lpsp = (lwpsinfo_t *)(uintptr_t)(Lphp + 1);
2882         nstat = Lhp->pr_nent;
2883         for (ninfo = Lphp->pr_nent; ninfo != 0; ninfo--) {
2884                 if (Lpsp->pr_sname != 'Z') {
2885                         /*
2886                          * Not a zombie lwp; check for matching lwpids.
2887                          */
2888                         if (nstat == 0 || Lsp->pr_lwpid != Lpsp->pr_lwpid)
2889                                 goto retry;
2890                         Lsp = (lwpstatus_t *)((uintptr_t)Lsp + Lhp->pr_entsize);
2891                         nstat--;
2892                 }
2893                 Lpsp = (lwpsinfo_t *)((uintptr_t)Lpsp + Lphp->pr_entsize);
2894         }
2895         if (nstat != 0)
2896                 goto retry;
2898         /*
2899          * Rescan, this time for real.
2900          */
2901         Lsp = (lwpstatus_t *)(uintptr_t)(Lhp + 1);
2902         Lpsp = (lwpsinfo_t *)(uintptr_t)(Lphp + 1);
2903         for (ninfo = Lphp->pr_nent; ninfo != 0; ninfo--) {
2904                 if (Lpsp->pr_sname != 'Z') {
2905                         sp = Lsp;
2906                         Lsp = (lwpstatus_t *)((uintptr_t)Lsp + Lhp->pr_entsize);
2907                 } else {
2908                         sp = NULL;
2909                 }
2910                 if ((rv = func(cd, sp, Lpsp)) != 0)
2911                         break;
2912                 Lpsp = (lwpsinfo_t *)((uintptr_t)Lpsp + Lphp->pr_entsize);
2913         }
2915         free(Lhp);
2916         free(Lphp);
2917         return (rv);
2918 }
2920 core_content_t
2921 Pcontent(struct ps_prochandle *P)
2922 {
2923         if (P->state == PS_DEAD)
2924                 return (P->core->core_content);
2925         if (P->state == PS_IDLE)
2926                 return (CC_CONTENT_TEXT | CC_CONTENT_DATA | CC_CONTENT_CTF);
2928         return (CC_CONTENT_ALL);
2929 }
2931 /*
2932  * =================================================================
2933  * The remainder of the functions in this file are for the
2934  * control of individual LWPs in the controlled process.
2935  * =================================================================
2936  */
2938 /*
2939  * Find an entry in the process hash table for the specified lwpid.
2940  * The entry will either point to an existing struct ps_lwphandle
2941  * or it will point to an empty slot for a new struct ps_lwphandle.
2942  */
2943 static struct ps_lwphandle **
2944 Lfind(struct ps_prochandle *P, lwpid_t lwpid)
2945 {
2946         struct ps_lwphandle **Lp;
2947         struct ps_lwphandle *L;
2949         for (Lp = &P->hashtab[lwpid % (HASHSIZE - 1)];
2950             (L = *Lp) != NULL; Lp = &L->lwp_hash)
2951                 if (L->lwp_id == lwpid)
2952                         break;
2953         return (Lp);
2954 }
2956 /*
2957  * Grab an LWP contained within the controlled process.
2958  * Return an opaque pointer to its LWP control structure.
2959  *      perr: pointer to error return code.
2960  */
2961 struct ps_lwphandle *
2962 Lgrab(struct ps_prochandle *P, lwpid_t lwpid, int *perr)
2963 {
2964         struct ps_lwphandle **Lp;
2965         struct ps_lwphandle *L;
2966         int fd;
2967         char procname[PATH_MAX];
2968         char *fname;
2969         int rc = 0;
2971         (void) mutex_lock(&P->proc_lock);
2973         if (P->state == PS_UNDEAD || P->state == PS_IDLE)
2974                 rc = G_NOPROC;
2975         else if (P->hashtab == NULL &&
2976             (P->hashtab = calloc(HASHSIZE, sizeof (struct ps_lwphandle *)))
2977             == NULL)
2978                 rc = G_STRANGE;
2979         else if (*(Lp = Lfind(P, lwpid)) != NULL)
2980                 rc = G_BUSY;
2981         else if ((L = malloc(sizeof (struct ps_lwphandle))) == NULL)
2982                 rc = G_STRANGE;
2983         if (rc) {
2984                 *perr = rc;
2985                 (void) mutex_unlock(&P->proc_lock);
2986                 return (NULL);
2987         }
2989         (void) memset(L, 0, sizeof (*L));
2990         L->lwp_ctlfd = -1;
2991         L->lwp_statfd = -1;
2992         L->lwp_proc = P;
2993         L->lwp_id = lwpid;
2994         *Lp = L;        /* insert into the hash table */
2996         if (P->state == PS_DEAD) {   /* core file */
2997                 if (getlwpstatus(P, lwpid, &L->lwp_status) == -1) {
2998                         rc = G_NOPROC;
2999                         goto err;
3000                 }
3001                 L->lwp_state = PS_DEAD;
3002                 *perr = 0;
3003                 (void) mutex_unlock(&P->proc_lock);
3004                 return (L);
3005         }
3007         /*
3008          * Open the /proc/<pid>/lwp/<lwpid> files
3009          */
3010         (void) snprintf(procname, sizeof (procname), "%s/%d/lwp/%d/",
3011             procfs_path, (int)P->pid, (int)lwpid);
3012         fname = procname + strlen(procname);
3013         (void) set_minfd();
3015         (void) strcpy(fname, "lwpstatus");
3016         if ((fd = open(procname, O_RDONLY)) < 0 ||
3017             (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
3018                 switch (errno) {
3019                 case ENOENT:
3020                         rc = G_NOPROC;
3021                         break;
3022                 default:
3023                         dprintf("Lgrab: failed to open %s: %s\n",
3024                             procname, strerror(errno));
3025                         rc = G_STRANGE;
3026                         break;
3027                 }
3028                 goto err;
3029         }
3030         L->lwp_statfd = fd;
3032         if (pread(fd, &L->lwp_status, sizeof (L->lwp_status), (off_t)0) < 0) {
3033                 switch (errno) {
3034                 case ENOENT:
3035                         rc = G_NOPROC;
3036                         break;
3037                 default:
3038                         dprintf("Lgrab: failed to read %s: %s\n",
3039                             procname, strerror(errno));
3040                         rc = G_STRANGE;
3041                         break;
3042                 }
3043                 goto err;
3044         }
3046         (void) strcpy(fname, "lwpctl");
3047         if ((fd = open(procname, O_WRONLY)) < 0 ||
3048             (fd = dupfd(fd, 0)) < 0) {
3049                 switch (errno) {
3050                 case ENOENT:
3051                         rc = G_NOPROC;
3052                         break;
3053                 default:
3054                         dprintf("Lgrab: failed to open %s: %s\n",
3055                             procname, strerror(errno));
3056                         rc = G_STRANGE;
3057                         break;
3058                 }
3059                 goto err;
3060         }
3061         L->lwp_ctlfd = fd;
3063         L->lwp_state =
3064             ((L->lwp_status.pr_flags & (PR_STOPPED|PR_ISTOP))
3065             == (PR_STOPPED|PR_ISTOP))?
3066             PS_STOP : PS_RUN;
3068         *perr = 0;
3069         (void) mutex_unlock(&P->proc_lock);
3070         return (L);
3072 err:
3073         Lfree_internal(P, L);
3074         *perr = rc;
3075         (void) mutex_unlock(&P->proc_lock);
3076         return (NULL);
3077 }
3079 /*
3080  * Return a printable string corresponding to an Lgrab() error return.
3081  */
3082 const char *
3083 Lgrab_error(int error)
3084 {
3085         const char *str;
3087         switch (error) {
3088         case G_NOPROC:
3089                 str = "no such LWP";
3090                 break;
3091         case G_BUSY:
3092                 str = "LWP already grabbed";
3093                 break;
3094         case G_STRANGE:
3095                 str = "unanticipated system error";
3096                 break;
3097         default:
3098                 str = "unknown error";
3099                 break;
3100         }
3102         return (str);
3103 }
3105 /*
3106  * Free an LWP control structure.
3107  */
3108 void
3109 Lfree(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3110 {
3111         struct ps_prochandle *P = L->lwp_proc;
3113         (void) mutex_lock(&P->proc_lock);
3114         Lfree_internal(P, L);
3115         (void) mutex_unlock(&P->proc_lock);
3116 }
3118 static void
3119 Lfree_internal(struct ps_prochandle *P, struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3120 {
3121         *Lfind(P, L->lwp_id) = L->lwp_hash;       /* delete from hash table */
3122         if (L->lwp_ctlfd >= 0)
3123                 (void) close(L->lwp_ctlfd);
3124         if (L->lwp_statfd >= 0)
3125                 (void) close(L->lwp_statfd);
3127         /* clear out the structure as a precaution against reuse */
3128         (void) memset(L, 0, sizeof (*L));
3129         L->lwp_ctlfd = -1;
3130         L->lwp_statfd = -1;
3132         free(L);
3133 }
3135 /*
3136  * Return the state of the process, one of the PS_* values.
3137  */
3138 int
3139 Lstate(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3140 {
3141         return (L->lwp_state);
3142 }
3144 /*
3145  * Return the open control file descriptor for the LWP.
3146  * Clients must not close this file descriptor, nor use it
3147  * after the LWP is freed.
3148  */
3149 int
3150 Lctlfd(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3151 {
3152         return (L->lwp_ctlfd);
3153 }
3155 /*
3156  * Return a pointer to the LWP lwpsinfo structure.
3157  * Clients should not hold on to this pointer indefinitely.
3158  * It will become invalid on Lfree().
3159  */
3160 const lwpsinfo_t *
3161 Lpsinfo(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3162 {
3163         if (Plwp_getpsinfo(L->lwp_proc, L->lwp_id, &L->lwp_psinfo) == -1)
3164                 return (NULL);
3166         return (&L->lwp_psinfo);
3167 }
3169 /*
3170  * Return a pointer to the LWP status structure.
3171  * Clients should not hold on to this pointer indefinitely.
3172  * It will become invalid on Lfree().
3173  */
3174 const lwpstatus_t *
3175 Lstatus(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3176 {
3177         return (&L->lwp_status);
3178 }
3180 /*
3181  * Given an LWP handle, return the process handle.
3182  */
3183 struct ps_prochandle *
3184 Lprochandle(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3185 {
3186         return (L->lwp_proc);
3187 }
3189 /*
3190  * Ensure that all cached state is written to the LWP.
3191  * The cached state is the LWP's signal mask and registers.
3192  */
3193 void
3194 Lsync(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3195 {
3196         int ctlfd = L->lwp_ctlfd;
3197         long cmd[2];
3198         iovec_t iov[4];
3199         int n = 0;
3201         if (L->lwp_flags & SETHOLD) {
3202                 cmd[0] = PCSHOLD;
3203                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[0];
3204                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
3205                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&L->lwp_status.pr_lwphold;
3206                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (L->lwp_status.pr_lwphold);
3207         }
3208         if (L->lwp_flags & SETREGS) {
3209                 cmd[1] = PCSREG;
3210                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&cmd[1];
3211                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (long);
3212                 iov[n].iov_base = (caddr_t)&L->lwp_status.pr_reg[0];
3213                 iov[n++].iov_len = sizeof (L->lwp_status.pr_reg);
3214         }
3216         if (n == 0 || writev(ctlfd, iov, n) < 0)
3217                 return;         /* nothing to do or write failed */
3219         L->lwp_flags &= ~(SETHOLD|SETREGS);
3220 }
3222 /*
3223  * Wait for the specified LWP to stop or terminate.
3224  * Or, just get the current status (PCNULL).
3225  * Or, direct it to stop and get the current status (PCDSTOP).
3226  */
3227 static int
3228 Lstopstatus(struct ps_lwphandle *L,
3229         long request,           /* PCNULL, PCDSTOP, PCSTOP, PCWSTOP */
3230         uint_t msec)            /* if non-zero, timeout in milliseconds */
3231 {
3232         int ctlfd = L->lwp_ctlfd;
3233         long ctl[3];
3234         ssize_t rc;
3235         int err;
3237         switch (L->lwp_state) {
3238         case PS_RUN:
3239                 break;
3240         case PS_STOP:
3241                 if (request != PCNULL && request != PCDSTOP)
3242                         return (0);
3243                 break;
3244         case PS_LOST:
3245                 if (request != PCNULL) {
3246                         errno = EAGAIN;
3247                         return (-1);
3248                 }
3249                 break;
3250         case PS_UNDEAD:
3251         case PS_DEAD:
3252                 if (request != PCNULL) {
3253                         errno = ENOENT;
3254                         return (-1);
3255                 }
3256                 break;
3257         default:        /* corrupted state */
3258                 dprintf("Lstopstatus: corrupted state: %d\n", L->lwp_state);
3259                 errno = EINVAL;
3260                 return (-1);
3261         }
3263         ctl[0] = PCDSTOP;
3264         ctl[1] = PCTWSTOP;
3265         ctl[2] = (long)msec;
3266         rc = 0;
3267         switch (request) {
3268         case PCSTOP:
3269                 rc = write(ctlfd, &ctl[0], 3*sizeof (long));
3270                 break;
3271         case PCWSTOP:
3272                 rc = write(ctlfd, &ctl[1], 2*sizeof (long));
3273                 break;
3274         case PCDSTOP:
3275                 rc = write(ctlfd, &ctl[0], 1*sizeof (long));
3276                 break;
3277         case PCNULL:
3278                 if (L->lwp_state == PS_DEAD)
3279                         return (0); /* Nothing else to do for cores */
3280                 break;
3281         default:        /* programming error */
3282                 errno = EINVAL;
3283                 return (-1);
3284         }
3285         err = (rc < 0)? errno : 0;
3286         Lsync(L);
3288         if (pread(L->lwp_statfd, &L->lwp_status,
3289             sizeof (L->lwp_status), (off_t)0) < 0)
3290                 err = errno;
3292         if (err) {
3293                 switch (err) {
3294                 case EINTR:             /* user typed ctl-C */
3295                 case ERESTART:
3296                         dprintf("Lstopstatus: EINTR\n");
3297                         break;
3298                 case EAGAIN:            /* we lost control of the the process */
3299                         dprintf("Lstopstatus: EAGAIN\n");
3300                         L->lwp_state = PS_LOST;
3301                         errno = err;
3302                         return (-1);
3303                 default:
3304                         if (_libproc_debug) {
3305                                 const char *errstr;
3307                                 switch (request) {
3308                                 case PCNULL:
3309                                         errstr = "Lstopstatus PCNULL"; break;
3310                                 case PCSTOP:
3311                                         errstr = "Lstopstatus PCSTOP"; break;
3312                                 case PCDSTOP:
3313                                         errstr = "Lstopstatus PCDSTOP"; break;
3314                                 case PCWSTOP:
3315                                         errstr = "Lstopstatus PCWSTOP"; break;
3316                                 default:
3317                                         errstr = "Lstopstatus PC???"; break;
3318                                 }
3319                                 dprintf("%s: %s\n", errstr, strerror(err));
3320                         }
3321                         L->lwp_state = PS_UNDEAD;
3322                         errno = err;
3323                         return (-1);
3324                 }
3325         }
3327         if ((L->lwp_status.pr_flags & (PR_STOPPED|PR_ISTOP))
3328             != (PR_STOPPED|PR_ISTOP)) {
3329                 L->lwp_state = PS_RUN;
3330                 if (request == PCNULL || request == PCDSTOP || msec != 0)
3331                         return (0);
3332                 dprintf("Lstopstatus: LWP is not stopped\n");
3333                 errno = EPROTO;
3334                 return (-1);
3335         }
3337         L->lwp_state = PS_STOP;
3339         if (_libproc_debug)     /* debugging */
3340                 prldump("Lstopstatus", &L->lwp_status);
3342         switch (L->lwp_status.pr_why) {
3343         case PR_SYSENTRY:
3344         case PR_SYSEXIT:
3345         case PR_REQUESTED:
3346         case PR_SIGNALLED:
3347         case PR_FAULTED:
3348         case PR_JOBCONTROL:
3349         case PR_SUSPENDED:
3350                 break;
3351         default:
3352                 errno = EPROTO;
3353                 return (-1);
3354         }
3356         return (0);
3357 }
3359 /*
3360  * Wait for the LWP to stop for any reason.
3361  */
3362 int
3363 Lwait(struct ps_lwphandle *L, uint_t msec)
3364 {
3365         return (Lstopstatus(L, PCWSTOP, msec));
3366 }
3368 /*
3369  * Direct the LWP to stop; wait for it to stop.
3370  */
3371 int
3372 Lstop(struct ps_lwphandle *L, uint_t msec)
3373 {
3374         return (Lstopstatus(L, PCSTOP, msec));
3375 }
3377 /*
3378  * Direct the LWP to stop; don't wait.
3379  */
3380 int
3381 Ldstop(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3382 {
3383         return (Lstopstatus(L, PCDSTOP, 0));
3384 }
3386 /*
3387  * Get the value of one register from stopped LWP.
3388  */
3389 int
3390 Lgetareg(struct ps_lwphandle *L, int regno, prgreg_t *preg)
3391 {
3392         if (regno < 0 || regno >= NPRGREG) {
3393                 errno = EINVAL;
3394                 return (-1);
3395         }
3397         if (L->lwp_state != PS_STOP) {
3398                 errno = EBUSY;
3399                 return (-1);
3400         }
3402         *preg = L->lwp_status.pr_reg[regno];
3403         return (0);
3404 }
3406 /*
3407  * Put value of one register into stopped LWP.
3408  */
3409 int
3410 Lputareg(struct ps_lwphandle *L, int regno, prgreg_t reg)
3411 {
3412         if (regno < 0 || regno >= NPRGREG) {
3413                 errno = EINVAL;
3414                 return (-1);
3415         }
3417         if (L->lwp_state != PS_STOP) {
3418                 errno = EBUSY;
3419                 return (-1);
3420         }
3422         L->lwp_status.pr_reg[regno] = reg;
3423         L->lwp_flags |= SETREGS;     /* set registers before continuing */
3424         return (0);
3425 }
3427 int
3428 Lsetrun(struct ps_lwphandle *L,
3429         int sig,        /* signal to pass to LWP */
3430         int flags)      /* PRSTEP|PRSABORT|PRSTOP|PRCSIG|PRCFAULT */
3431 {
3432         int ctlfd = L->lwp_ctlfd;
3433         int sbits = (PR_DSTOP | PR_ISTOP | PR_ASLEEP);
3435         long ctl[1 +                                    /* PCCFAULT     */
3436             1 + sizeof (siginfo_t)/sizeof (long) +      /* PCSSIG/PCCSIG */
3437             2 ];                                        /* PCRUN        */
3439         long *ctlp = ctl;
3440         size_t size;
3442         if (L->lwp_state != PS_STOP &&
3443             (L->lwp_status.pr_flags & sbits) == 0) {
3444                 errno = EBUSY;
3445                 return (-1);
3446         }
3448         Lsync(L);       /* flush registers */
3450         if (flags & PRCFAULT) {             /* clear current fault */
3451                 *ctlp++ = PCCFAULT;
3452                 flags &= ~PRCFAULT;
3453         }
3455         if (flags & PRCSIG) {               /* clear current signal */
3456                 *ctlp++ = PCCSIG;
3457                 flags &= ~PRCSIG;
3458         } else if (sig && sig != L->lwp_status.pr_cursig) {
3459                 /* make current signal */
3460                 siginfo_t *infop;
3462                 *ctlp++ = PCSSIG;
3463                 infop = (siginfo_t *)ctlp;
3464                 (void) memset(infop, 0, sizeof (*infop));
3465                 infop->si_signo = sig;
3466                 ctlp += sizeof (siginfo_t) / sizeof (long);
3467         }
3469         *ctlp++ = PCRUN;
3470         *ctlp++ = flags;
3471         size = (char *)ctlp - (char *)ctl;
3473         L->lwp_proc->info_valid = 0; /* will need to update map and file info */
3474         L->lwp_proc->state = PS_RUN;
3475         L->lwp_state = PS_RUN;
3477         if (write(ctlfd, ctl, size) != size) {
3478                 /* Pretend that a job-stopped LWP is running */
3479                 if (errno != EBUSY || L->lwp_status.pr_why != PR_JOBCONTROL)
3480                         return (Lstopstatus(L, PCNULL, 0));
3481         }
3483         return (0);
3484 }
3486 int
3487 Lclearsig(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3488 {
3489         int ctlfd = L->lwp_ctlfd;
3490         long ctl = PCCSIG;
3492         if (write(ctlfd, &ctl, sizeof (ctl)) != sizeof (ctl))
3493                 return (-1);
3494         L->lwp_status.pr_cursig = 0;
3495         return (0);
3496 }
3498 int
3499 Lclearfault(struct ps_lwphandle *L)
3500 {
3501         int ctlfd = L->lwp_ctlfd;
3502         long ctl = PCCFAULT;
3504         if (write(ctlfd, &ctl, sizeof (ctl)) != sizeof (ctl))
3505                 return (-1);
3506         return (0);
3507 }
3509 /*
3510  * Step over a breakpoint, i.e., execute the instruction that
3511  * really belongs at the breakpoint location (the current %pc)
3512  * and leave the LWP stopped at the next instruction.
3513  */
3514 int
3515 Lxecbkpt(struct ps_lwphandle *L, ulong_t saved)
3516 {
3517         struct ps_prochandle *P = L->lwp_proc;
3518         int rv, error;
3520         if (L->lwp_state != PS_STOP) {
3521                 errno = EBUSY;
3522                 return (-1);
3523         }
3525         Lsync(L);
3526         error = execute_bkpt(L->lwp_ctlfd,
3527             &P->status.pr_flttrace, &L->lwp_status.pr_lwphold,
3528             L->lwp_status.pr_reg[R_PC], saved);
3529         rv = Lstopstatus(L, PCNULL, 0);
3531         if (error != 0) {
3532                 if (L->lwp_status.pr_why == PR_JOBCONTROL &&
3533                     error == EBUSY) {   /* jobcontrol stop -- back off */
3534                         L->lwp_state = PS_RUN;
3535                         return (0);
3536                 }
3537                 if (error == ENOENT)
3538                         return (0);
3539                 errno = error;
3540                 return (-1);
3541         }
3543         return (rv);
3544 }
3546 /*
3547  * Step over a watchpoint, i.e., execute the instruction that was stopped by
3548  * the watchpoint, and then leave the LWP stopped at the next instruction.
3549  */
3550 int
3551 Lxecwapt(struct ps_lwphandle *L, const prwatch_t *wp)
3552 {
3553         struct ps_prochandle *P = L->lwp_proc;
3554         int rv, error;
3556         if (L->lwp_state != PS_STOP) {
3557                 errno = EBUSY;
3558                 return (-1);
3559         }
3561         Lsync(L);
3562         error = execute_wapt(L->lwp_ctlfd,
3563             &P->status.pr_flttrace, &L->lwp_status.pr_lwphold, wp);
3564         rv = Lstopstatus(L, PCNULL, 0);
3566         if (error != 0) {
3567                 if (L->lwp_status.pr_why == PR_JOBCONTROL &&
3568                     error == EBUSY) {   /* jobcontrol stop -- back off */
3569                         L->lwp_state = PS_RUN;
3570                         return (0);
3571                 }
3572                 if (error == ENOENT)
3573                         return (0);
3574                 errno = error;
3575                 return (-1);
3576         }
3578         return (rv);
3579 }
3581 int
3582 Lstack(struct ps_lwphandle *L, stack_t *stkp)
3583 {
3584         struct ps_prochandle *P = L->lwp_proc;
3585         uintptr_t addr = L->lwp_status.pr_ustack;
3587         if (P->status.pr_dmodel == PR_MODEL_NATIVE) {
3588                 if (Pread(P, stkp, sizeof (*stkp), addr) != sizeof (*stkp))
3589                         return (-1);
3590 #ifdef _LP64
3591         } else {
3592                 stack32_t stk32;
3594                 if (Pread(P, &stk32, sizeof (stk32), addr) != sizeof (stk32))
3595                         return (-1);
3597                 stack_32_to_n(&stk32, stkp);
3598 #endif
3599         }
3601         return (0);
3602 }
3604 int
3605 Lmain_stack(struct ps_lwphandle *L, stack_t *stkp)
3606 {
3607         struct ps_prochandle *P = L->lwp_proc;
3609         if (Lstack(L, stkp) != 0)
3610                 return (-1);
3612         /*
3613          * If the SS_ONSTACK flag is set then this LWP is operating on the
3614          * alternate signal stack. We can recover the original stack from
3615          * pr_oldcontext.
3616          */
3617         if (!(stkp->ss_flags & SS_ONSTACK))
3618                 return (0);
3620         if (P->status.pr_dmodel == PR_MODEL_NATIVE) {
3621                 ucontext_t *ctxp = (void *)L->lwp_status.pr_oldcontext;
3623                 if (Pread(P, stkp, sizeof (*stkp),
3624                     (uintptr_t)&ctxp->uc_stack) != sizeof (*stkp))
3625                         return (-1);
3626 #ifdef _LP64
3627         } else {
3628                 ucontext32_t *ctxp = (void *)L->lwp_status.pr_oldcontext;
3629                 stack32_t stk32;
3631                 if (Pread(P, &stk32, sizeof (stk32),
3632                     (uintptr_t)&ctxp->uc_stack) != sizeof (stk32))
3633                         return (-1);
3635                 stack_32_to_n(&stk32, stkp);
3636 #endif
3637         }
3639         return (0);
3640 }
3642 int
3643 Lalt_stack(struct ps_lwphandle *L, stack_t *stkp)
3644 {
3645         if (L->lwp_status.pr_altstack.ss_flags & SS_DISABLE) {
3646                 errno = ENODATA;
3647                 return (-1);
3648         }
3650         *stkp = L->lwp_status.pr_altstack;
3652         return (0);
3653 }
3655 /*
3656  * Add a mapping to the given proc handle.  Resizes the array as appropriate and
3657  * manages reference counts on the given file_info_t.
3658  *
3659  * The 'map_relocate' member is used to tell Psort_mappings() that the
3660  * associated file_map pointer needs to be relocated after the mappings have
3661  * been sorted.  It is only set for the first mapping, and has no meaning
3662  * outside these two functions.
3663  */
3664 int
3665 Padd_mapping(struct ps_prochandle *P, off64_t off, file_info_t *fp,
3666     prmap_t *pmap)
3667 {
3668         map_info_t *mp;
3670         if (P->map_count == P->map_alloc) {
3671                 size_t next = P->map_alloc ? P->map_alloc * 2 : 16;
3673                 if ((P->mappings = realloc(P->mappings,
3674                     next * sizeof (map_info_t))) == NULL)
3675                         return (-1);
3677                 P->map_alloc = next;
3678         }
3680         mp = &P->mappings[P->map_count++];
3682         mp->map_offset = off;
3683         mp->map_pmap = *pmap;
3684         mp->map_relocate = 0;
3685         if ((mp->map_file = fp) != NULL) {
3686                 if (fp->file_map == NULL) {
3687                         fp->file_map = mp;
3688                         mp->map_relocate = 1;
3689                 }
3690                 fp->file_ref++;
3691         }
3693         return (0);
3694 }
3696 static int
3697 map_sort(const void *a, const void *b)
3698 {
3699         const map_info_t *ap = a, *bp = b;
3701         if (ap->map_pmap.pr_vaddr < bp->map_pmap.pr_vaddr)
3702                 return (-1);
3703         else if (ap->map_pmap.pr_vaddr > bp->map_pmap.pr_vaddr)
3704                 return (1);
3705         else
3706                 return (0);
3707 }
3709 /*
3710  * Sort the current set of mappings.  Should be called during target
3711  * initialization after all calls to Padd_mapping() have been made.
3712  */
3713 void
3714 Psort_mappings(struct ps_prochandle *P)
3715 {
3716         int i;
3717         map_info_t *mp;
3719         qsort(P->mappings, P->map_count, sizeof (map_info_t), map_sort);
3721         /*
3722          * Update all the file_map pointers to refer to the new locations.
3723          */
3724         for (i = 0; i < P->map_count; i++) {
3725                 mp = &P->mappings[i];
3726                 if (mp->map_relocate)
3727                         mp->map_file->file_map = mp;
3728                 mp->map_relocate = 0;
3729         }
3730 }