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10553 ipadm.1m should document hostmodel property

 389                      POSSIBLE    The possible values for the property.
 391              -p,--prop
 392                      Specify which properties to display.  See the ipadm
 393                      set-addrprop subcommand for the list of property names.
 395      set-prop [-t] -p prop[+|-]=value[,value]... protocol
 396              Set a property's value(s) on the protocol.
 398              -p,--prop
 399                      Specify the property name and value(s).  The optional +|-
 400                      syntax can be used to add/remove values from the current
 401                      list of values on the property.  The property name can be
 402                      one of the following:
 403                      ecn                    Explicit congestion control
 404                                             (never/passive/active) (TCP).
 405                      extra_priv_ports       Additional privileged ports
 406                                             (SCTP/TCP/UDP).
 407                      forwarding             Packet forwarding (on/off).
 408                      hoplimit               The IPv6 hoplimit.

 409                      largest_anon_port      Largest ephemeral port
 410                                             (SCTP/TCP/UDP).
 411                      max_buf                Maximum receive or send buffer
 412                                             size (ICMP/SCTP/TCP/UDP).  This
 413                                             also sets the upper limit for the
 414                                             recv_buf and send_buf properties.
 415                      recv_buf               Default receive buffer size
 416                                             (ICMP/SCTP/TCP/UDP).  The maximum
 417                                             value for this property is
 418                                             controlled by the max_buf
 419                                             property.
 420                      sack                   Selective acknowledgement
 421                                             (active/passive/never) (TCP).
 422                      send_buf               Default send buffer size
 423                                             (ICMP/SCTP/TCP/UDP).  The maximum
 424                                             value for this property is
 425                                             controlled by the max_buf
 426                                             property.
 427                      smallest_anon_port     Smallest ephemeral port
 428                                             (SCTP/TCP/UDP).

 389                      POSSIBLE    The possible values for the property.
 391              -p,--prop
 392                      Specify which properties to display.  See the ipadm
 393                      set-addrprop subcommand for the list of property names.
 395      set-prop [-t] -p prop[+|-]=value[,value]... protocol
 396              Set a property's value(s) on the protocol.
 398              -p,--prop
 399                      Specify the property name and value(s).  The optional +|-
 400                      syntax can be used to add/remove values from the current
 401                      list of values on the property.  The property name can be
 402                      one of the following:
 403                      ecn                    Explicit congestion control
 404                                             (never/passive/active) (TCP).
 405                      extra_priv_ports       Additional privileged ports
 406                                             (SCTP/TCP/UDP).
 407                      forwarding             Packet forwarding (on/off).
 408                      hoplimit               The IPv6 hoplimit.
 409                      hostmodel              IP packet handling on multi-homed
 410                                             systems (weak/strong/src-priority)
 411                                             (IPv4/IPv6).  weak and strong
 412                                             correspond to the model
 413                                             definitions defined in RFC 1122.
 414                                             src-priority is a hybrid mode
 415                                             where outbound packets are sent
 416                                             from the interface with the
 417                                             packet's source address if
 418                                             possible.
 419                      largest_anon_port      Largest ephemeral port
 420                                             (SCTP/TCP/UDP).
 421                      max_buf                Maximum receive or send buffer
 422                                             size (ICMP/SCTP/TCP/UDP).  This
 423                                             also sets the upper limit for the
 424                                             recv_buf and send_buf properties.
 425                      recv_buf               Default receive buffer size
 426                                             (ICMP/SCTP/TCP/UDP).  The maximum
 427                                             value for this property is
 428                                             controlled by the max_buf
 429                                             property.
 430                      sack                   Selective acknowledgement
 431                                             (active/passive/never) (TCP).
 432                      send_buf               Default send buffer size
 433                                             (ICMP/SCTP/TCP/UDP).  The maximum
 434                                             value for this property is
 435                                             controlled by the max_buf
 436                                             property.
 437                      smallest_anon_port     Smallest ephemeral port
 438                                             (SCTP/TCP/UDP).