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XXX Rearchitect and replace interrupt distribution

  34 #if !defined(_ASM)
  35 #include <sys/types.h>
  36 #include <sys/cred.h>
  37 #endif
  39 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  40 extern "C" {
  41 #endif
  43 #define A_REBOOT        1
  44 #define A_SHUTDOWN      2
  45 #define A_FREEZE        3       /* For freeze and thaw */
  46 #define A_REMOUNT       4
  47 #define A_DUMP          5
  48 #define A_FTRACE        15
  49 #define A_SWAPCTL       16
  50 /*                      17-21      reserved for obsolete interface */
  51 #define A_SDTTEST       22      /* DTrace sdt:::test */
  52 #define A_CONFIG        23      /* For system configuration */

  54 #define AD_UNKNOWN      -1      /* no method */
  55 #define AD_HALT         0       /* halt the processor */
  56 #define AD_BOOT         1       /* multi-user reboot */
  57 #define AD_IBOOT        2       /* multi-user reboot, ask for name of file */
  58 #define AD_SBOOT        3       /* single-user reboot */
  59 #define AD_SIBOOT       4       /* single-user reboot, ask for name of file */
  60 #define AD_POWEROFF     6       /* software poweroff */
  61 #define AD_NOSYNC       7       /* do not sync filesystems on next A_DUMP */
  62 #define AD_FASTREBOOT   8       /* bypass firmware and boot loader */
  63 #define AD_FASTREBOOT_DRYRUN    9       /* Fast reboot Dry run */
  65 /*
  66  * Functions reserved for A_FREEZE (may not be available on all platforms)
  67  * Note:  AD_COMPRESS, AD_CHECK and AD_FORCE are now obsolete
  68  *      The first two are succeeded by AD_SUSPEND_TO_DISK and
  69  *              AD_CHECK_SUSPEND_TO_DISK respectively.
  70  *      AD_FORCE should not be used by any new application
  71  *
  72  *      We maintain compatibility with the earlier interfaces:

  34 #if !defined(_ASM)
  35 #include <sys/types.h>
  36 #include <sys/cred.h>
  37 #endif
  39 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  40 extern "C" {
  41 #endif
  43 #define A_REBOOT        1
  44 #define A_SHUTDOWN      2
  45 #define A_FREEZE        3       /* For freeze and thaw */
  46 #define A_REMOUNT       4
  47 #define A_DUMP          5
  48 #define A_FTRACE        15
  49 #define A_SWAPCTL       16
  50 /*                      17-21      reserved for obsolete interface */
  51 #define A_SDTTEST       22      /* DTrace sdt:::test */
  52 #define A_CONFIG        23      /* For system configuration */
  53 #define A_INTRD         24      /* Interrupt balancer */
  55 #define AD_UNKNOWN      -1      /* no method */
  56 #define AD_HALT         0       /* halt the processor */
  57 #define AD_BOOT         1       /* multi-user reboot */
  58 #define AD_IBOOT        2       /* multi-user reboot, ask for name of file */
  59 #define AD_SBOOT        3       /* single-user reboot */
  60 #define AD_SIBOOT       4       /* single-user reboot, ask for name of file */
  61 #define AD_POWEROFF     6       /* software poweroff */
  62 #define AD_NOSYNC       7       /* do not sync filesystems on next A_DUMP */
  63 #define AD_FASTREBOOT   8       /* bypass firmware and boot loader */
  64 #define AD_FASTREBOOT_DRYRUN    9       /* Fast reboot Dry run */
  66 /*
  67  * Functions reserved for A_FREEZE (may not be available on all platforms)
  68  * Note:  AD_COMPRESS, AD_CHECK and AD_FORCE are now obsolete
  69  *      The first two are succeeded by AD_SUSPEND_TO_DISK and
  70  *              AD_CHECK_SUSPEND_TO_DISK respectively.
  71  *      AD_FORCE should not be used by any new application
  72  *
  73  *      We maintain compatibility with the earlier interfaces: